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Viewing distances

stephen harris (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 31st December 2006, 09:55

Can anyone tell me if there`s a formula to work out a minimum viewing distance for a LCD screen ?
I`m thinking of upgrading from a 26 inch WS to something larger (I`m thinking 37 inch), but want to be sure that I can sit far enough away so that I don`t strain the eyes or see minor imperfections.
A friend has a 37 inch, but only uses it for Xbox gaming (!), and only sits about 4 feet away !! I`ve tried DVD`s on it and can see movement smearing on it from his normal position, but a bit further away, the smearing seems to disappear. I can`t get too far from the screen as he has it in a narrow part of his house.



RE: Viewing distances

bytemaster (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 31st December 2006, 13:15

Try this or this.

RE: Viewing distances

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Monday, 1st January 2007, 02:17

I sit about 11 feet away from my 32" CRT, which is just about right. However, I recently borrowed a 37" LCD and placed it around 10 feet away, which isn`t far enough. I reckon about 13 or 14 feet is right for a 37" LCD. Actually that reminds me, I still haven`t sorted out the timings for the Dolby/DTS receiver.

RE: Viewing distances

chewie (Elite) posted this on Monday, 1st January 2007, 14:19

I sit about 8-9ft away from my 32" LCD, and use it for both DVDs and Xbox 360, and have no problems with either. The the 360, I can sit with my face on the screen and still see clear detail, but 9ft seems fine for DVDs.

RE: Viewing distances

sj (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 2nd January 2007, 12:59

Actually that reminds me, I still haven`t sorted out the timings for the Dolby/DTS receiver.
What do you mean? Didn`t think there were any timings to touch with discrete channel soundtracks? Appreciate there are for Pro Logic etc. because it does the delay itself.?.


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: Viewing distances

Mikeonfreeserve (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 7th January 2007, 09:11

Am I missing something?

Are we saying we need to sit further away from larger screened LCD screens?

If so, doesn`t that defeat the object? :/

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