Page 1 of Cyberhome AD-L528 - Anyone recommend this for a budget player?

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Cyberhome AD-L528 - Anyone recommend this for a budget player?

close to the edge (Elite) posted this on Monday, 15th October 2001, 23:55

I have seen the review on What Video and TV it seems very impressive for £130-00.
Can anyone recommend this player.
Where is best place to buy it.
With regard to Dolby digital decoder do I need a sepearate amp or will speakers plug straight in.
All comments welcome.

RE: Cyberhome AD-L528 - Anyone recommend this for a budget player?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 16th October 2001, 09:24

I have the 512 and have been pleased with it. However, I have a feeling that the 528 has a few teething problems - new firmware may have sorted this.
Re DD converter - this is only converting the signal at line level - there is no amplification. You would therefore need an amp as well as speakers. It is only really useful if you have an amp that doesn`t decode, but does amplify all channels. A cheap option is to go for something like the Bush system (£90) on
which has amplification built in. also do something similar. These would make use of the DD decoder on the Cyberhome (or other player with built in decoder).
Otherwise, you need to buy an amp as well as speakers, or there are various out of the box solutions that are well though of, like the Yamaha VS10 (£300 ish). These amps/systems will tend to have DD decoders built in, nless you get an old PRologic one, but with DD/DTS amps so reasonable now, it`s not worth buying a prologic one.
Hope that helps!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 16th October 2001, 09:29

RE: Cyberhome AD-L528 - Anyone recommend this for a budget player?

close to the edge (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 16th October 2001, 22:44

Thanks for the info.
I have a Scan which I am thinking of passing onto my daughter so I can get Cyberhome instead due to Dolby Digital decoder.

RE: Cyberhome AD-L528 - Anyone recommend this for a budget player?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 17th October 2001, 07:52

RE: Cyberhome AD-L528 - Anyone recommend this for a budget player?

mosstimothy (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 18th October 2001, 15:52

hi mate,

CYBERHOME DVD AD--L528 £99.99 from WH-Smith

Buy it there !!

RE: Cyberhome AD-L528 - Anyone recommend this for a budget player?

Tris (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 18th October 2001, 15:56

I`ve just brought an AD-L528 from Richer sounds for £100, a bargain. It`s my first player, and the sound and picture are impressive. It does seem very noisy though, making a constant high pitch whine that is off-putting during quiet bits of the films. Is this normal for DVD players, or is the cyberhome particually bad? Can anything be done about it (other than wrapping the thing in a duvet)?

RE: Cyberhome AD-L528 - Anyone recommend this for a budget player?

Bluenose (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 18th October 2001, 20:33

I have had a yello player 2 scan 2000 players and they all went back. I boutht the cyberhome adm512 when it was £130 at smiths and have found it to be the bees knees. I have even used the firmware from the net to make it multiregion and macrovision free. my only slight critism is that it hums on the menu screen. Go for it.

RE: Cyberhome AD-L528 - Anyone recommend this for a budget player?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Friday, 19th October 2001, 03:03

Tris - high pitched whine - my 512 doesn`t - I`d take it back and try another one.

RE: Cyberhome AD-L528 - Anyone recommend this for a budget player?

spin (Competent) posted this on Friday, 19th October 2001, 14:48

This item was edited on Friday, 19th October 2001, 15:14

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