Page 1 of My Scan SC-2000 Problems

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My Scan SC-2000 Problems

IanF (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 18th October 2000, 14:08

Well, I`ve followed the adventures of fellow Scan sufferers for a while now and thought I`d add my own problem list.... I`m currently on my 3rd player, having returned two (only one at my own expense), the latest of which arrived this morning....

The problems I`ve encountered are as follows....

Player 1 : -
Very low frame rate on Mallrats (R1)
Blocky images on Sixth Sense (R2) and Sleepy Hollow (R1)
Lip syncing on Mallrats (R1) and Clerks (R1)

I had problems with other films as well, but these are the main offenders.

Player 2 : -
Much better picture-wise, although Sixth Sense is still blocky
Drive sounded terrible, it periodically made a grinding noise, causing the picture to stutter when it did so.

Player 3 : -
Sixth Sense STILL blocky
TV-OUT Scart connector isn`t fitted properly, although does work.

I`ve used Scan many times in the past for PC bits and have never had any problems before now. I am now at a stage where I`m not wanting to try another Scan player and am just wanting a full refund, I think I`ll try a Pioneer 535 or maybe the Hitachi 505, one thing`s for certain, I`ll be trying out several disks on these players before spending my cash.

If Nelley has any comments I gladly await them, but I doubt my mind will be changed.



RE: My Scan SC-2000 Problems

nelley (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 18th October 2000, 14:31

The new batch with new mpeg card and cd upgradeable firmware is
due on 26th october.You can either wait till then or i will pick it up for a full refund.I can do you a good deal on the pioneer 535 but im waiting to see if it works with THE PATRIOT.The new mpeg card eliminates
pixellation on dark scenes.Let me know what you want to do and i will
sort it out.Also i will refund the delivery charge on the player you sent
back whiich you paid the delivery for.

RE: My Scan SC-2000 Problems

IanF (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 18th October 2000, 15:25

Thanks for the speedy and constructive response, please see my e-mail.

RE: My Scan SC-2000 Problems

pegasus (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 19th October 2000, 00:24

well I`m only on my 2nd Scan player as after several attempts to get the firmware update I finnally got a Pick&drop. (BTW the leads and free DVD were much appreciated after all the hussle, though not my choice of title)

Now the subtitles are removed and the Scart works properly but the pixelisation is still there :-(.

You say that the new batch will have a new MPEG card but that doesn`t help me does it since have already got it exchanged?
Will it be possible to change the MPEG card on its own and if so would it be possible to get it without having to make 10 phone calls :-)

RE: My Scan SC-2000 Problems

KiLeAk (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 19th October 2000, 22:52

I`m glad I`ve just read this !

I`ve currently got an X-Wave DVD player which, after the firmware upgrade, I`ve been happy with. A couple of nights ago though the digital output failed and after being on the phone today with Jon (Nelly, take note, this guy has got GOOD customer service skills !) he agreed that it sounds bad I should return it. He then said you (Nelly) will ring me back, which of course you didn`t ;-)

I`m assuming you`ll offer me a replacement ? And that will be the Scan player, which is less than I paid for the X-Wave. I need the MP3 playback, so the Scan is my only option, except a full cash refund. I wanted the Scan player, but after reading this post I`m not sure. If you can guarantee that on the 26th I can have a NEW Scan player with the new MPEG card I`ll be happy with that, other than that, I`m sure we`ll discuss it on the phone tommorow (Friday)

When it comes to PC stuff, Scan are excellent and I`ve reccomended them to anyone asks about PC equipment (I`m in IT, so that`s a LOT of times !) but this DVD player problems are getting out of hand.

I hope to hear from you tommorow

RE: My Scan SC-2000 Problems

Neil Harman (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 20th October 2000, 20:34

Good luck with a reply mate - I`ve phoned for nelley 3 times this week (every time busy) and emailed him twice and he still hasn`t contacted me!!

I am on my 2nd Scan player with the same faults as the previous one (faulty RGB, blocky picture, corrupt menu screens).

I spoke to some guy at Scan who ASSURED me that the new players were out early and that my replacement would be one of them. He refused to pass my call onto nelley saying that he knew he was correct - yeah right...

As you say I have MANY PC components from Scan without problems but this kind of customer services is extremely disappointing...

RE: My Scan SC-2000 Problems

Andy Pickering (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 27th October 2000, 23:19

I received the new firmware uprade from scan for the SC2000 a few weeks ago and although it does let you turn off macrovision (hurrah!) It won`t let me program Audio CDs anymore (damn!)

p.s. Picture Quality is still poor on most of my R2 films and R1 Austin Powers 2 is still Jerky!!!

Does this qualify me for a new MPEG card and CD Firmware too!!??

This item was edited on Friday, 27th October 2000, 23:20

RE: My Scan SC-2000 Problems

DaveyG (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 25th November 2000, 01:06

What version of Scan SC-2000 player do you own ?

The one with the new MPEG card ?

Did you get Firmware version 191 ?

RE: My Scan SC-2000 Problems

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 25th November 2000, 02:31

Guys? Take a reality check please!

You are asking for the DIRECTOR of a company to ring you back during the Retail peak season!

I know this can get you frustrated, but give the guy a chance!
He`s responded many times on this forum, and I`m assuming, during his "off" hours.

Give him a break, if he has problems with the players, then he has the double problem of getting the new ones right and trying to keep up with yourselves for upgrades/replacements as well as the Peak rush!

Trust me, this time of year may be when Retail makes most of it`s money, but it`s definitely no fun to work in! :o(

AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!!

RE: My Scan SC-2000 Problems

nelley (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th November 2000, 10:28

We will get a new batch on december 1st.Any replacements/refunds
you can email yelsew[at]eH.ku.oc.nacs will sort it out.
The new batch has an even newer firmware version.

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