Page 1 of Regional Code Enhancement - What machines will work

Hardware Forum

Regional Code Enhancement - What machines will work

Sharc (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 9th October 2000, 13:38

Please, Please, Please setup a list of machines that are suspected to still work when the Evil Warner Bros release this plauge.

P.S Mainly will the Wharfdale 750?

RE: Regional Code Enhancement - What machines will work

johnrm (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 9th October 2000, 13:40

What plague?

RE: Regional Code Enhancement - What machines will work

Adam Brunt (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 9th October 2000, 13:44

The `plague` that means that some films (such as `The Patriot`) will NOT being playable on certain modified players due to extra protection.

Nilesh, is the news page on this site correct when it says the Scan SC-200 can cope with this new stuff ? I read somehwere that Scan have tested the Patriot on some of their chipped players and found it didn`t work. Did you test the Patriot on a SC-2000 ?

RE: Regional Code Enhancement - What machines will work

nelley (Elite) posted this on Monday, 9th October 2000, 13:59

The patriot isnt even bieng released until november.Where did you see
that we have tested "the patriot".When it comes in we will test it like
everyone else.Until then we have to sit tight.reading the forums it seems
that it is going to affect autodetecting machines.Machines that have both
like the sc-2000 may work.Until we have tested with a disc we wont know till then

RE: Regional Code Enhancement - What machines will work

RJS (undefined) posted this on Monday, 9th October 2000, 14:51

Read the post from Conrad:

Although I couldn`t find it on Debate so I guess either a) this is a work of fiction made up by an evil mind, or b) debate posted bollocks and have taken it down

RE: Regional Code Enhancement - What machines will work

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 9th October 2000, 19:38

if they did post bollox they have started a damned war on their forum pages ! Were you looking in the right place - it`s under News for Region 1 ?

If you haven`t found it go to General Forum - some bloke has copied it over so we can decide whether it`s bollox or not - personally I don`t think it is because it`s the sort of thing big buck McBusinesses tend to do when the little man gets the upper hand.
Money grabbing bastartds....

RE: Regional Code Enhancement - What machines will work

Jason Scott (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 16th October 2000, 16:23

The new code will only affect player`s which are `region free`. Hence you set your Scan or other player into Bypass mode it won`t play the new RCE discs. Those discs do the following:

Disc: Machine are you region 1?
Machine: Yep
Disc: Machine are you region 2?
Machine Yep
Disc: Well then bugger off! :)

The disc`s trick the machine into revealing its true setting by asking if its both regions. Well you get the point. =d

Anyway if your player supports unlimited region setting (like the Scan and so I`ve been told the Wharfdale) then you are safe - just set your player to Region 1 and not Bypass or region free and the disc will run.

RE: Regional Code Enhancement - What machines will work

RJS (undefined) posted this on Monday, 16th October 2000, 16:25

Thats not exactly how it works, try this instead:

But your right in the fact that any manual region selection mod or player shouldn`t be affected at all.

RE: Regional Code Enhancement - What machines will work

Jason Scott (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 16th October 2000, 20:39

Ah thanks for the clarification - thats some good background knowledge into how the system operates!

RE: Regional Code Enhancement - What machines will work

home_bas (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 16th October 2000, 22:36

So is my wharfy 750 screwed?

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