Page 1 of Casing buzz on hitachi 28" widescreen telly - grounds for exchange ?

Hardware Forum

Casing buzz on hitachi 28" widescreen telly - grounds for exchange ?

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 10:36

6 month old Hitachi 28 widescreen pro logic telly ( without external speakers ). Bass has to be turned down pretty low to avoid it. Some low pitched voices especially send the thing daft and thunder scene in one film I watched on DVD recently ( forget which film ) sent the thing into a fit !
Is this grounds for me to ask for an exchange ?
Might be a way of me getting the Philips 28" widescreen telly that is so highly praised on home cinema choice website.
If consensus is I should ask for an exchange I`ll try it.
If consensus is I`m being overly fussy then I`ll live with it.

RE: Casing buzz on hitachi 28

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 10:39

I certainly don`t think you`re being overfussy - it sounds like an element of one of the speakers has come away, or there is a fault or loose fitting on the case of chassis of the set.

In any of these, I would certainly get back to your supplier if it`s less than 12 months old.

However, as for your chances of getting an upgrade - you`re going to have to get lucky. Depending on the retailer, I would think they`d be more intererested in repairing your set, or replacing it like-for-like.


RE: Casing buzz on hitachi 28

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 12:28

Don`t suppose you anything about consumer rights do you ?
Am I entitled to insist on a replacement rather than the hassle of having them take it away for repair ?
I really can`t be bothered with that.

RE: Casing buzz on hitachi 28

Justin (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 12:39

Check this out, its a bit of a read but very interesting nevertheless.

RE: Casing buzz on hitachi 28

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 12:44

Funny you should ask that, bearing in mind I am the one and only member of the Reviewer legal team ;-)

If you are certain the TV has developed a fault, then you can insist on a new replacement rather than a repair.

Your strict legal rights should allow you to get a refund (which would allow you to put the money to a new set) but that would most likely take a bit of argument with the retailer, and you would certainly be required to prove a problem with the set.

Hope that helps.


RE: Casing buzz on hitachi 28

Maxknight007 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 21:12

Ahh Contract law. Many arguements here, none right, none wrong.

There have been many changes to the sale of goods act. Not just Acts of Parliament but also Court Decisions.

When you handed your money over and the bloke took it you created a contract. Any idea on the terms of it?! Makes sense to read those little notices now!! Although he can`t rip you off he may have said in the contract that he is at liberty to repair the unit. As long as it is done (as the act states) in `a reasonable time`. Therefore he can not be forced to repair it!

Everyone remember this:
"Caveat Emptor" - Buyer Beware!!!!!


Max Knight

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