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Why is everything silver?

richy-dick (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 7th November 2003, 14:02

I am trying to find a DVD/VCR combination unit but can only find them in Silver. As all my other units are black, a silver one would stand out like a sore thumb. Does anyone know of a black one?

RE: Why is everything silver?

wkdandyly (Competent) posted this on Friday, 7th November 2003, 14:15

Do what i did, just go out and replace the whole lot, then face the wrath of the missus. ;)

RE: Why is everything silver?

sput2001 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 7th November 2003, 14:36

It gets me down too. I reckon silver looks tacky and cheap - give me black anytime!

RE: Why is everything silver?

0A1B2C (Elite) posted this on Friday, 7th November 2003, 14:41

I agree... silver is bad!

RE: Why is everything silver?

kamin (Competent) posted this on Friday, 7th November 2003, 15:45

I like silver - my amp is silver, as is my DVD deck and digibox. One advantage is that it needs less dusting!! :)

RE: Why is everything silver?

0A1B2C (Elite) posted this on Friday, 7th November 2003, 16:39

Thats very true. All my equipment is black and just loves dust!

RE: Why is everything silver?

pat-w (Elite) posted this on Friday, 7th November 2003, 19:01

saw a black JVC DVD player & a black JVC TV in Debenhams yesterday so they must be about cos i don`t think these were old stock.
Get on the phone & see it they have what you are looking for.

RE: Why is everything silver?

nice1 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 7th November 2003, 23:14

What really annoys me is when you ask the shop assistants in the shops that you`re looking for a new TV / dvd / video or whatever in black they tell you theyre not available - because nobody wants black anymore, everyone wants silver.
Well I want black (and I want to buy an IDTV that`s not the size of an artic` truck too - ie smaller than 28" !!!)

So much for consumer choice. !!

RE: Why is everything silver?

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 7th November 2003, 23:19

Black is so passe

J Mark Oates

Not exactly disgruntled, but far from gruntled

RE: Why is everything silver?

gilesme (Competent) posted this on Friday, 7th November 2003, 23:41

Au contraire...

I think you`ll find black is the new, erm, black. :/

Could always do what I did - get some nice furniture to hide away the messy bits (silver video, netgem, PS1 that don`t coordinate) and put the telly on top (Loewe Aconda in Piano Black in our case). Also went for Bose speakers too.

Looks good and keeps "she who must be obeyed" happy - so is worth spending on for that alone !

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