Info and forum posts by 'richy-dick'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 7th November 2003, 13:44, Last used: Friday, 7th November 2003, 13:44

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 12 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Argos Scart Switching Unit

I get the DVD image scrolling accross if I have the connections in a certain configuration. When I shift them about, the scrolling stops but I get the problem(s) mentioned above.

RE: Argos Scart Switching Unit

I think a session trying all permutations is called for. A bit tedious but hopefully it will reveal the correct set-up.

Thanks chaps.

RE: Audio Switching Unit

When I had the video plugged in to scart 2 and the DVD into the one labelled RGB, the audio output from each wasn`t from the same pair of output sockets.

When I removed the DVD from the one labelled RGB and placed it in scart 1 then this was OK and both units can be heard via the hi-fi.

This still leaves the RGB socket problem (see other thread). Maybe I just need to spend some time and test all permutations of input/output/buttons etc. in a logical manner (or maybe just spend more time in the pub).

I found an audio switching unit in Maplins yesterday for £16.99 but, if I can get the scart switching unit problem sorted I might not need one.

Thanks for your help guys.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 7th January 2004, 11:02

RE: Argos Scart Switching Unit

There are three inputs : Scart 1, Scart 2 and RGB/something

With the DVD (which does have RGB output) plugged in to the RGB socket, switching the RGB button on and off simply darkens and lightens the picture. Plugging it into S1 or 2 gives a good picture.

The DVD player is a JVC XV-N30BK (

Argos Scart Switching Unit

On the advice of posters here and another DVD site, I bought the Scart Switching Unit from Argos for under a tenner.

It works but one thing puzzles me:

If I plug the scart lead from the DVD player into the RGB socket in the switching unit, I get distortion of the picture - not clear and crisp as you would expect (sorry - as I expected). Plugging it in to one of the none RGB sockets gives a good picture.

Am I wrong in thinking that I should get a good picture using the RGB socket for the DVD player or am I doing something wrong?

Audio Switching Unit

I am looking for a switching unit which will accept the phono inputs from my DVD, Video and Satellite (plus room for expansion) and output a single phono which will then be input to my hi-fi amp. QED used to do an ugly one but is now discontinued. Anyone know of any others?

RE: Why is everything silver?

Maybe we should petition the manufacturers.

Any volunteers?

RE: Why is everything silver?

"At the end of the day its not what it looks like, its what It can do..."

This is OK if you`re a bloke. Try running this one past the Missus!

RE: Why is everything silver?

Still not been able to find one. I might have to buy a separate DVD player in black instead.

The silver units will look soooo dated in a very short time, I reckon. People will see them and say "that`s a bit turn of the century, isn`t it?"!

Why is everything silver?

I am trying to find a DVD/VCR combination unit but can only find them in Silver. As all my other units are black, a silver one would stand out like a sore thumb. Does anyone know of a black one?

RE: codes fo tv remote controls

For a bout a tenner you can buy another multi-use jobby. It will have a booklet with all the codes.

I have a booklet that came with mine so I can tell you the codes if you tell me the model (assuming the codes aren`t remote model specific).

RE: Do you need a perfect reception to use a freeview box?

You can get a Freeview box from the Index catalogue shop with something like 16 days home approval. Available either over the counter or at

They`ve got 4 or 5 models at the moment.