Info and forum posts by 'Richard JG'

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Joined on: Sunday, 5th October 2003, 17:07, Last used: Monday, 15th November 2010, 10:44

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This user has posted a total of 13 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Lenoxx Sound HT600 Fan Noise - is yours noisy??


Sorry, couldn`t hear you! Actually mine is quite noisy, but I`ve learned to live with it. The fan is certainly on at all times. The problem I had with the first one I tried was with clicks & pops on the AV ins, even without anything being connected. Some of these were incredibly loud, like pistol shots! I`ve swapped it for another one and this seems a great deal better, but now I`ve plugged it into a Maplin mains filter, which may be removing spikes anyway.

Meanwhile, I have had two other problems, both of which were solved by unplugging the unit, waiting for a few moments and then switching on again :

a) Everything locking up - no response from either the handset or controls on the front of the unit. The sound is interrupted too. This happened on the first unit too - looks like a software fault.
b) When using the FM tuner and switching to another (preset) station using the numbered buttons, suddenly got continous white noise at horrendous volume. Switching to other stations made no difference, although the RDS display was showing the correct station names.

I would be interested to hear if anyone has experienced the same problems. Another point which isn`t made completely clear from the manual is that the video IN on AV1 appears to be inoperative, so that you can`t (for example) send VCR input via AV1, then monitor via AV1 output to the TV. Has anyone tried to do this? The AV1 audio IN/OUT channels are definitely connected OK through the SCART. This is not really a major problem, it just means switching to VCR video input directly. Apart from this, everything seems to work fine and seems good value for 100 pounds. It would be nice to be able to change the eq settings and use the rear speakers for radio, though....


This item was edited on Tuesday, 14th October 2003, 14:45

RE: Please help :( How do you get the Tevion HT95 to output Tv`s sound????

Uncle Buck is correct. I bought the Tevion HT95 a couple of weeks ago as it clearly states on the box "AV in/out". However, after much correspondence on this site, it became clear that NEITHER works. The audio out MAY work, but it is not a true line-out as it is controlled by the volume control, which has to be turned up to max. to get anything out - not a great deal of use. The AV `in` is missing altogether.

I have taken mine back to ALDI for a refund (they didn`t quibble) and bought a Lenoxx HT600 from Safeway instead which has effectively 2 and a half AV ins and an AV out. However, this was not without its problems too - I`m now on my second one!


RE: Tevion HT95 Audio Issues (Customers considering to return it)

I suspect a bit of over-hasty circuit design. We may well see a Tevion HT96 in the near future with these problems fixed. But for now, my Tevion is going back to Aldi today, too! I managed to get a Lenoxx machine from my local Safeway, so I can tell you that there are plenty in Leighton Buzzard - but that`s not much use to you, I`m afraid!

I wish you better luck than I had when I emailed Safeway yesterday regarding availablity. They sent me this, less than helpful reply :

Thank you for your e-mail.
Unfortunately we do not hold product
availability at this department. Please contact your local store for
availability. I am unable to advise you of future promotions as we are not
privileged to this information.

I am sorry I am unable to help you further.

Kind regards

Safeway Customer Services Department

It does seem strange that Andrea felt the need to tell me that she was unable to help me with future promotions when I had not asked her about them. However, when I went along to my local store, on spec, they were extremely helpful there.

If you want to see my comments on the Lenoxx compared to the Tevion, I have posted them on the `hack` thread, as some other people have done so too. Overall, I think the Lenoxx is more use, but it`s not completely black and white.

Good luck,


PS If you manage to get one, listen for clicks and pops when using the AV inputs (whether or not anything is connected to them) I had been wondering whether it was a problem specific to my unit, but someone else seems to have got them too. I am wondering if I should just learn to live with them or if I should swap it (yet another trip to the store!)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 8th October 2003, 12:05

RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95

I realise that this is not the best place for this information to appear, but since someone has asked, I would like to add my opinion of the Safeway Lenoxx HT600 system, which I set up last night side-by-side with the Tevion HT95. In general I agree with Stuart B`s findings, however to comment on his points :

First point : Yes, excellent connectivity - I hooked AV1 to a VCR and the audio out to my conventional hi-fi. Going through the VCR I can send any signal from tape-deck, minidisc etc.

Second & third : Yes, easy to set up & useful standby from the remote.

Fourth : You can do this with the Tevion too, actually (set individual speaker volumes)

Fifth : Subjectively, I couldn`t tell much difference in real output power. If anything, the Tevion seemed louder.

However - I didn`t feel the build quality of the Lenoxx was quite as good as the Tevion. For example the HT95 speakers are a little heavier & have nice rubber feet! More importantly, I didn`t feel the sound quality was quite as good, either, although the audio out permits me to supplement the stereo image using my Sugden amp & Bose speakers. The FM radio RDS display is useful, but the tuner sensitivity didn`t seem as good (even with an external aerial) Also I haven`t found a way of using the tuner in surround-sound mode, which you can do with the Tevion. DVD picture quality seemed about the same to me, but then my eyes aren`t all that good!

I have also experienced two problems with the HT600. Firstly, whilst setting FM stations, somehow the whole thing locked up - sound disappeared and it refused to respond to either the handset or to buttons on the unit itself! I cured this by turning the power off at the wall & switching on again. Secondly, in any of the AV modes (whether anything is connected or not) I am getting loud clicks - sometimes VERY loud clicks - which could be RF interference.

Overall, for a free-standing system, if you`re not bothered about the lack of AV in & out, I`d still go for the Tevion. Otherwise it has to be the Lenoxx...but I am concerned about those clicks... ah well, we`ll see


RE: Tevion HT95 Audio Issues (Customers considering to return it)

No, sorry. No joy here either. I had the master volume down fairly low, so in the light of your information, it could be that it was actually working to some degree, but so low that I couldn`t hear it! If this is the case, then it is pretty useless for my purposes too - I wanted the facility to record from FM radio if necessary, or to boost the stereo o/p with my existing Bose speakers.

Maybe back to Aldi then - that Safeway unit looks like the better bet. Thanks for your help with this one, maybe it`s just a lost cause. Shame.


RE: Tevion HT95 Audio Issues (Customers considering to return it)

Thanks, that makes it clear. I must admit I thought I had already tried this, but I`ll certainly have another go..

Many thanks again,



Tuesday morning...
Tried it - couldn`t get it to do anything. Am I missing something? I must admit I am on the verge of giving up on it. Any ideas?


This item was edited on Tuesday, 7th October 2003, 09:41

RE: Tevion HT95 Audio Issues (Customers considering to return it)


Thanks for the info - I will try it as soon as I get home tonight - let`s hope it works! One thing though, I`m not sure about doing it "from the menu and NOT from the handset", because I have been making all menu selections from the handset, as I didn`t know there was another way. Maybe it will become clear when I sit down in front of the thing...



RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95

Thanks Tom,

I have re-posted my audio-output problem on the NEW AUDIO THREAD you have started in the hardware forum, listed above. As you suggest, could everyone`s A/V related problems/solutions be directed there from now on please?



This item was edited on Monday, 6th October 2003, 14:39

RE: Tevion HT95 Audio Issues (Customers considering to return it)

Thanks Tom,

This is just a summary of the problem I have with the Tevion HT95 :

Firstly I have no problem at all with the supplied speakers - everything is wired OK and works fine, checked out with the test-tone and sounds very good overall.

The problem is that although the manual states that the unit can be connected to outboard audio equipment (even depicting diagrams with it connected to a tape deck and a TV) and supplying a phono-phono lead for the purpose, I get no audio output from either the phono sockets or the SCART socket on the rear of the unit.

I have tried all possible menu options in a vain attempt to enable it. I have even taken it back to Aldi for a replacement unit, but it functions in exactly the same way.

I`m afraid I`m coming to the conclusion that they printed the manual before the unit was delivered from the manufacturers in China and that someone omitted to finish this part of the circuit design! I know that there is no A/V in, as stated on the packaging and it looks like they forgot the audio out as well! I am hoping that it may just be a software problem and there could possibly be a way of enabling output by way of a hack of some sort. Of course, it could be a faulty batch.

I should very much like to hear if anyone has successfully connected the audio output to a tape deck/separate amplifier/TV audio input. Also, has anyone connected the optical audio output to anything - I can`t do this, as I don`t have the facility.

I am intending to ring them up when I get a moment & threaten taking it back for a refund, although this would be shame as in all other respects, it is a very nice piece of kit.

Over to you...

This item was edited on Monday, 6th October 2003, 14:49

RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95

HI Tom, Paul etc.

Sorry, I seem to have instigated the deviation from the main topic. I am interested in the hacks - honest - but I do want it do `exactly what it says on the tin` as they say, first. I am new to this game, and a bit wary about starting a new thread, in case I do something wrong! Perhaps someone bolder than I am could start up the suggested `Tevion HT95 audio problems` and tell us here where it is (presumably hardware) then we could transfer future discussions there.

PS I think that we may have been at slight cross-purposes re sound, it is lack of output from the rear sockets that is my problem, and others too, it would appear. I might take the top off and see if anything is actually connected here. Ultimately, I might also take mine back to Aldi for a refund, although it`s a shame, as the sound quality is excellent for the price. They certainly didn`t object when I took the first one back to swap it because of the same audio problem. Mind you, they weren`t the slightest bit interested in what the actual problem was, so when it gets back to the warehouse, they won`t have the faintest idea what was wrong with it!

Apologies again,


PPS, I haven`t rung them up yet, but intend to. Presumably the number printed (several pages above) is the one to use. Aldi in Milton Keynes weren`t very helpful on this point and unable to come up with anything. Their comment was "we just put them out and sell them". Ho-hum....

This item was edited on Monday, 6th October 2003, 13:10

RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95

Hi Paul

Thanks once again for the advice. I`ve just had a go at this and, although the centre and rear speakers both have all three options, the front speaker only offers large and small, of which "large" is highlighted.

Neither centre nor rear has the "off" highlighted - "small" is highlighted in both cases.

I`ve now tried highlighting "small" on the front speaker but this doesn`t appear to have made any difference.

I`ve checked that all the speakers are wired up correctly.

Perhaps Aldi are supplying two slightly different versions here, which might explain some of the other inconsistencies mentioned on this thread. Just a thought.


RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95

Hi, maxred

Thanks for your prompt response.

However - when I go to "speaker set-up", the only opportunity to switch anything on or off seems to be in "speaker test tone". This does what it says, and allows me to test all the bits. They all work.

The only other options are:

down mix [set to "5.1"]
front speaker [set to "large"]
centre and rear speakers [set to "small"]

I do not have a "speaker on/off" option


Richard JG

RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95

I`m afraid I`m not going to be much help with your query, but I have found the same problem. I am unable to get any audio output from either the scart or the phono sockets. I have tried all the menu options, but no luck. The digital optical output seems to light up when a DVD is playing, but as I have nothing to connect this to, I can`t tell if it`s working either. This is the second player I have tried, having exchanged the first one at Aldi for the same problem. Is this a faulty batch, as it clearly states in the manual that this should be working.

If anybody can shed any light on this, at least two of us would be grateful.

The hacks are also of interest, but I haven`t any use for this at the moment, since we only own four DVDs so far.


Richard JG