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Recordable dvd players coming out?

Frogmanirs (Competent) posted this on Friday, 26th January 2001, 16:42

Anyone know when new recordable dvd players coming out?(One that will record from T.V!)

This item was edited on Sunday, 28th January 2001, 09:40

RE: Recordable dvd players coming out?

astreau (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 26th January 2001, 21:28

According to a Philips advertisment I read recently they will have one by the 3rd quarter of 2001......Get saving!

RE: Recordable dvd players coming out?

PN (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 27th January 2001, 10:12

I heard a similar date. The technology is there already, they just want to launch in the 3 months before Xmas.

Price range 1100-1400 apparently, and about £700 for a drive and software for the PC.

I`ve not seen any pricing info on the blank discs though, or whether they`ll be DVD-R or DVD-RW.

RE: Recordable dvd players coming out?

EdQuilty (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 27th January 2001, 13:26

According to an article in the U.K. mag DVD review pioneer have a dvdr1000 which is a DVD-RW and should be available in April. It is on release in japan already. It says a single DVDR disc can hold upto 6 hours of recordings! if you like I will scan the article and mail it to you.


RE: Recordable dvd players coming out?

bear (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 27th January 2001, 13:38

Dont know when the recorders will hit Dixons ect..but you can find the blank discs ie DVD-R and DVD-RAM at .

RE: Recordable dvd players coming out?

parky (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 28th January 2001, 03:44


RE: Recordable dvd players coming out?

kuat (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 28th January 2001, 12:20

Why not buy a TiVo - available now, £400 , records 40 hours - a perfect addtion to your existing A/V set up surely?

anybody got one - I AM intrigued by them. How is the quality etc.

This item was edited on Sunday, 28th January 2001, 12:24

RE: Recordable dvd players coming out?

himmelblau (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 28th January 2001, 13:25

Know that this may not be relevant, but the Packard Bell ixtreme PC comes with dvd, tv card and tv out. You can record a tv programme to the hard drive and then watch it via the computer monitor, or your tv, you can also pause live tv programmes.

I read an article in a DVD magazine, which said people maybe reluctent about buying a recordable dvd player, when some computers already come with this capability.

RE: Recordable dvd players coming out?

astreau (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 28th January 2001, 13:55

Current DVDram drives cannot record TV in real time and as far as I know the discs wont play in standalone DVD players.

RE: Recordable dvd players coming out?

tors (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 28th January 2001, 21:56

hi kuat
hi got a TiVo when first come out and its great. you never have to miss a programe again. just book a season pass for exp. friends channel 4 you book in eason pass and it will record and change channel for you.
it also works with Sky digital and does the same thing as above. its cool any question just ask


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