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Toshiba SD220 multiregion @ Richer Sounds / RCE ?

Colin Wilson (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 15th August 2002, 20:59

I bought one of these last night but don`t have any RCE discs to try on it.

Can anyone confirm if this machine will play them ?

The only thing the muppet in the shop would say was "it should be on the net".

Thanks :-)

RE: Toshiba SD220 multiregion @ Richer Sounds / RCE ?

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th August 2002, 21:31

According to one reviewers post on the SD220E can play RCE discs with no problem. HTH

RE: Toshiba SD220 multiregion @ Richer Sounds / RCE ?

Colin Wilson (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 15th August 2002, 21:41

According to the website (they make a hardware hack) for the SD220:

"This player can play RCE titles, but may require Preliminary Checks"

- it gives no indication what these checks may be as far as I can tell.

I have a feeling it may be dependent on the hardware hack used, which is why I was asking if the hacked Richer Sounds model is selling does `em :-}

RE: Toshiba SD220 multiregion @ Richer Sounds / RCE ?

Greg WW (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th August 2002, 08:23


I spoke to someone at Richer Sounds last week about this same thing, he assured me that although they had problems with the old SD210, the SD220 mod they use has overcome the problem. Besides even if it couldn`t you can always use a workaround (been doin that on my 2109 for the last year or so!!!)...anyway, hope that answers your question.

RE: Toshiba SD220 multiregion @ Richer Sounds / RCE ?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Friday, 16th August 2002, 08:37

I think/guess Richer use Tridek for their multiregion fixes (they are certainly mentioned in the catalogue) - see their site - their listing of the 220 says RCE is OK, so it may be you`re OK.

RE: Toshiba SD220 multiregion @ Richer Sounds / RCE ?

rommel (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th August 2002, 09:41

I only encountered one major problem with the Tridek modded Toshiba SD120/220 - They wouldn`t play branching discs properly, skipping chapters and constantly pausing before going into a scene loop. Not a problem if you don`t have any but annoying if, say, you want to watch the branched extended cut of The Abyss etc..

Neither Richer Sounds or Tridek had an explanation for the problem. Maybe it`s endemic to the Toshiba chipset which, I`ve been told, achieves it excellent performance by stretching the DVD standards to their limits... fine in theory but may cause problems with a few discs.

I`ve posted this problem on this forum before but nobody has confirmed or corroborated this yet. Any takers??? It would help a great deal as I may possibly have had a bad batch of players.

RE: Toshiba SD220 multiregion @ Richer Sounds / RCE ?

Greg WW (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th August 2002, 11:18

Ah-ha!, I knew my knowledge and wisdom on this subject would come in useful at some point in my life. The Branching problem on the 220 was indeed an inherant problem with the Tosh chip-set, Toshiba acknowledged this and have corrected the problem, but only in Players manufactured since April/May. Ask your dealer for a replacement.

RE: Toshiba SD220 multiregion @ Richer Sounds / RCE ?

rommel (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th August 2002, 15:21

Greg WW,

That`s great to know - thanks! You`re the first person I`ve come across to confirm or corroborate that this has been a problem with the Toshiba SD120/220.

So I guess that as long as you buy from the very latest production batch, then this player can be very highly recommended. Only gripes are the cheap looks and build but the picture performance is good enough to forgive it anything (just...).

RE: Toshiba SD220 multiregion @ Richer Sounds / RCE ?

Colin Wilson (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 17th August 2002, 12:19

"Toshiba acknowledged this and have corrected the problem, but only in Players manufactured since April/May. Ask your dealer for a replacement."

Do you know if there are any ways to tell which is from a newer batch, short of trying a disc with a known problem ? (serial number perhaps)

If it`s any use my ser. no. is 25SLB25551

RE: Toshiba SD220 multiregion @ Richer Sounds / RCE ?

Steve Eldredge (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 19th August 2002, 02:19

My mate bought this player from Richer Sounds two weeks ago. He has had no problems playing RCE discs.

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