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Hardware Forum

Give me your best shot!

stevej (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 29th November 2000, 21:18

I am looking for a DVD player under £200. Recommendations please!

RE: Give me your best shot!

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 29th November 2000, 21:54

Aiwa 370!


If ya wanna get one, mail me (dcmm1J[at]moc.loa) I know of a supplier £189 plus £10 delivery.

Wanna see the player?

Go here:

And just try hitting my name in this reply to see how many times I posted to Aiwa related questions!!!

AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!!!

RE: Give me your best shot!

Wibble (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 29th November 2000, 22:16

No way Dude...

Sony S336 Rocks and Burns the Competition clean away !!!!!!!!!!!!

Impressive Picture smooth but punchy Sound....

Multiregion Magic Rocks !!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Take no prisoners...

Sony (Undoubtedly) Rocks !!!!!!!!!!!

Forget the rest get the best

RE: Give me your best shot!

lievn (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 30th November 2000, 05:31

Hey Wibble,

we`re all happy for u.
I won`t say that the Sony isn`t a good piece of equipment, but it`s also 80£ over the maximum budget.
And it won`t play CD-R, CD-RW or MP3`s.

BTW have u ever compared the Aiwa next to the Sony?


RE: Give me your best shot!

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 30th November 2000, 11:38

Because I have compared `em...SIDE BY SIDE!!!

And what did I buy?
What is my job?
What is my speciality field?

Answers in order:

Aiwa XD-DV370KN
Deputy Manager in Electrical Superstore
TV/VCR/DVD/PC`s and anything of a technical nature!

Use the above as many times you bought something from a store when the salesperson knew what they were talking about, and then complained about it?

It has to be said agian....

AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!!
Click here:

RE: Give me your best shot!

Kevo (Competent) posted this on Friday, 1st December 2000, 12:42

There`s only one DVD player you will ever need....

Pioneer 717.....nuff said

RE: Give me your best shot!

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st December 2000, 15:43

No I would sooner have the 737:P


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