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need hack for Pacific p-dvd 1000

Sorcerer (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 9th January 2002, 13:51

this might be a difficult 1 to get. Any help will be greatly received

RE: need hack for Pacific p-dvd 1000

Rob Jenkins (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 9th January 2002, 20:08

My advice is return it to ASDA with some excuse and exchange for the Pacific 750. A better machine at the same price. 750 model can also be hacked.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 9th January 2002, 20:09

RE: need hack for Pacific p-dvd 1000

biteman (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 9th January 2002, 23:27

I followed ftmftm`s advice(posted jan 7th) i.e .open tray press 8421 etc.
and it worked a treat!!!
and I only paid £89 pounds for it !!! An absolute bargain
Advise you to keep the machine
PS it also plays CD-R`s and MP3`s

RE: need hack for Pacific p-dvd 1000

baldeagle (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 10th January 2002, 21:24

biteman:- did your hack you tried make the pacific multi region or just region 1 and 2

RE: need hack for Pacific p-dvd 1000

biteman (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 10th January 2002, 21:41

I used the hack posted by ftmftm posted on jan 7th and having pressed
8421(with the tray open) you get 2 on the screen.You then keep pressing enter till you get to 9 and he says this is multiregional.
It works with all my reg 1`s AND Final fantasy(RCE) and Hollow Man(RCE
You must change the set up to Pal 60 or Pal M to get the right speed
Regards Biteman

RE: need hack for Pacific p-dvd 1000

baldeagle (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 12th January 2002, 13:39

thanx for the info on pacific 1000 and made it multi region. I tried changing settings to pal 60 and pal m but it played in black and white any suggestions please?

RE: need hack for Pacific p-dvd 1000

daviewilk (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 12th January 2002, 15:46

It may have played in black and white because your television is not NTSC compatible. If the tele is over 5 years old this is probably what the problem is. You will either need a converter or a new TV. I would invest in a decent widescreen if i were you

RE: need hack for Pacific p-dvd 1000

David J.W. (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 12th January 2002, 20:54

Yes 9 is multi region. This is not a bad player at all i have it hooked up to my Hitachi 28" widescreen which is a Natura flat screen model and the picture looks very good.

Anyone know a macrovision hack for this player ?

RE: need hack for Pacific p-dvd 1000

baldeagle (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 13th January 2002, 14:46

thanx for the info it looks like a new tv is in order. Oh well wanted a good excuss to get a new tv anyway

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