Page 1 of PDVD BUSH Hack still required URGENTLY!!!

Hack Help Forum

PDVD BUSH Hack still required URGENTLY!!!

llloyd (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 6th December 2003, 14:15

Has any one got a hack for this system yet?

RE: PDVD BUSH Hack still required URGENTLY!!!

nice1 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 7th December 2003, 11:38

Why is it required so URGENTLY!!! ?
Is your dvd player going to blow up without it, or something?

RE: PDVD BUSH Hack still required URGENTLY!!!

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 7th December 2003, 13:01

To save your town exploding, there is a dirty hack which gives you limited playback:

load in non-R2 disc
just keep pressing 1 on the remote as the disc is loading
disc should play but you`ll probably get WRONG REGION CODE stuck on your screen - you can get rid of it by cycling through NTSC/PAL/MULTI if your remote lets you do that, but then you may find you`re stuck with a STOP symbol.

You won`t be able to access the disc menu, sadly.

The second alternative is to SETUP, highlight preferences, key in 1379 - if a region code comes up on screen try changing it with the left, right, up, down cursor keys

The third alternative is to try 8421 as the disc is loading, then 1, then PLAY

No guarantees, and highly probable the first hack only will work - at least you get playback of sort, but I`ve heard complaints that the volume out of the unit reduces (but is okay if using headphones or amplifier)

DVD Reviewer

Webmaster of Area 450 - independent Sampo DVD site

RE: PDVD BUSH Hack still required URGENTLY!!!

smasher (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 7th December 2003, 14:04

Hi lloyd , still can`t find out a permanent hack .

Clayts , Hi m8 . Like Lloyd I am also desperate to find the hack . i take the player to work and whilst continually pressing 1 works not being able to pause the film is a right pain . My boss doesn`t mind me watching a film but obviously when a customer comes in I have to serve them . It`s always at a good bit of the film .

So if there is anything else that I can try or u find out please let me know . Cheers

Steve 003rednaxela.s[at]moc.dlrowltn

RE: PDVD BUSH Hack still required URGENTLY!!!

llloyd (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 9th December 2003, 19:06

if you have nothing constructive to say then keep it shut.

And why so urgent because i have had enough of waiting to get it sorted surely you can understand that the other 2 replies seem to think so

RE: PDVD BUSH Hack still required URGENTLY!!!

steve n (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 14th December 2003, 10:20

I`m still working on it too. No luck yet. Let me know if you get anywhere.

RE: PDVD BUSH Hack still required URGENTLY!!!

llloyd (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 24th December 2003, 19:56

well lets hope we crack it in the new year thanks

RE: PDVD BUSH Hack still required URGENTLY!!!

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 24th December 2003, 20:52

Try the SETUP, highlight PREFERENCES, 13791100 that works for the Crown CDV1500 - this may be the breakthrough we`ve been looking for :)

DVD Reviewer

Webmaster of Area 450 - independent Sampo DVD site

RE: PDVD BUSH Hack still required URGENTLY!!!

steve n (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 26th December 2003, 10:36

Thanks Clayts. I tried that but nothing came up on the screen. However, I don`t have a region 1 DVD at the moment to see if it works. Any luck Lloyd?

steve n

RE: PDVD BUSH Hack still required URGENTLY!!!

chapatti (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 25th February 2004, 18:40

Anyone cracked this one yet? I would still be trying but my remote has packed up and I am waiting for another one. They are on long delivery!!!!. This machine is virtually the same as the goodmans version. This may give us another lead.
when I get my remote I will get back at it. In the meantime good luck.
By the way the method suggested by Clayts doesn`t work for me.

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