Info and forum posts by 'steve n'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 10th October 2003, 19:15, Last used: Saturday, 17th September 2005, 13:45

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 9 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: PDVD BUSH Hack still required URGENTLY!!!


Sorry, still seem to be having trouble with this - could you expand a bit?

- Are you turning the player on with the remote or the main-body switch?
- Do you wait for "loading" to finish before pressing "setup"?
- After you press "setup", I assume that you are then on the general setup page as you press next & previous?
- Did you buy your model from Aldi in the UK?

Many thanks

steve n

RE: PDVD BUSH Hack still required URGENTLY!!!

I can`t get it to work either! Didgy2 - Confirm this is for the Bush pdvd 2000 model? Is the next button >> or >>I ?

Many thanks.

steve n

RE: PDVD BUSH Hack still required URGENTLY!!!

Still trying Chapatti, but no luck yet. Even the "pay for it" hack sites don`t seem to have anything.

steve n

RE: PDVD BUSH Hack still required URGENTLY!!!

Thanks Clayts. I tried that but nothing came up on the screen. However, I don`t have a region 1 DVD at the moment to see if it works. Any luck Lloyd?

steve n

RE: PDVD BUSH Hack still required URGENTLY!!!

I`m still working on it too. No luck yet. Let me know if you get anywhere.

RE: Bush pdvd 2000

Sorry smasher, I don`t have a hack - just trying to keep the thread alive. If you manage to find a hack I`m very keen to use it!

steve n

RE: Bush PDVD2000

How did you get it to work? Which method? Think my French must not be up to scratch!

steve n

RE: Bush PDVD2000

Thanks Paris - tried this but unfortunately no luck!

steve n

RE: Aldi Portable DVD Player £200

I found this hack on another site for the PDVD 1000. Thought it might help someone to find the hack for my PDVD 2000. Needless to say, I couldn`t get this to work on the 2000.

1/ power on
2/ open the tray and insert a region 1 disk but do not close
3/ press 0,1,2,3,4 one at a time
4/ press play, close will appear on the screen
5/ close the tray and the machine is multi region, vcd and svcd able and can play all dvds.

steve n