Page 1 of Just an idea...

Hack Help Forum

Just an idea...

Mark Field (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 31st December 2000, 13:03

There are lots of questions floating about (including from me!) regarding RCE and which disks include it, and which players can cope with it, etc.

Would it be good to have a web page dedicated to listing the RCE encoded DVDs, and which Multi-region players play them? Is there one already. Quite a simple thing to do I would think.

Just a thought.


RE: Just an idea...

Wedge G (Elite) posted this on Monday, 1st January 2001, 23:40


As far as I know, The R1 version of The Patriot is the only RCE coded disc at present (although I have heard that Disney are to RCE code all future releases).

With regard to players, the Region Hack pages on dvd.reviewer already tell if a player will not play RCE discs. Those that do not say anything will beat the RCE system!

Hope this helps

RE: Just an idea...

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 2nd January 2001, 01:01

Christmas in southpark is RCE!
and quite a few are popping up!

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