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is there a trick i am missing

wezbo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 7th March 2006, 18:25

i know i am rubbish so you don`t have to rub it in but is there a trick to get stacks of points in one day? some fights i get over 130 points but other times i get bugger all. how do you make sure you get lots every day! and what with the extra day thing, how much difference does that make and how many days are poeple getting as extra?

i love this game but there seems to be a lot more tactically better players out there and i get frustrated.


RE: is there a trick i am missing

PhilPhrenzy (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 8th March 2006, 19:08

I`ll reveal a few general tactics I try to use - maybe some will help you (although it would depend on the nature of your gremlin`s XP distribution)...

I try and buy extra days during the first 4-5 days of my grem`s life. This is because a day is much cheaper at the beginning, and by the time you get to "In Your Prime", you should hopefully earn profit from XP.

Also as a new grem, don`t underestimate the points you could receive from some top gremlins - usually those with next-to-no strength. Eggman for example, usually has a strengh of 60-odd. If you can withstand the first five/six punches (probably need more strength than that grem, and about 300 stamina) then you can normally get 8XP or more. May be a lot for some young grems. These grems are a dying breed however...

I spend points on strength, only based on the grems around me of a similar age. Unlike a few months ago when strength didn`t mean much, strength can bring in a fair amount of XP. However, too much will shorten the fights and not get you the max XP, and too little won`t give you XP from the strength of punches. Spending too much may result in not receiving many challenges from others too (ask Keg Beer - having said that I only receive 4 challenges nowadays - 3 of which have higher strength than me. I`m the same, during earlier days, I`d only challenge those with lower or same strength). Strength is probably the most important attribute to get right at the moment.

The fight strategy is important to understand. If your opponent has high strength (and reasonable/high stamina) then hit harder will probably work best. Alternatively, if your opponent isn`t up to much, then Conserve Energy usually makes the fight last longer.

Building a rapport between rivals is a good thing too. Consistently challenging gremlins that give you close match results can result in consistently recieving challenges from those grems. If you wipe the floor with a grem, it`s very nearly always only good for the short term.

Another thing worth noting is the lack of challenges if and when you get to the top. I`ve tried some "pension fund" tactics with my last few grems, where if I`m in the lead compared to other grems in my age group, I`d stop spending XP and spend the lot just before it dies. It`s basically keeping your grem competitive, a tactic worth noting due to the smaller number of grems in the league of late.

Hope some of that helps, and good luck with the next one.


RE: is there a trick i am missing

Real Ale Monster (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 8th March 2006, 20:53

Strength is probably the most important attribute to get right at the moment.

And it`s something I completely disagree with.

The damage you do is related to the difference in strength between grems.

That`s crap.

Damage should be related to strength, with some randomising factor to make it more realistic.

Having someone do more damage against a weak opponent than a strong one is stupid.

I`ve raised this over and over but nothing ever gets done.

It also takes away a lot of the strategy that could be in the game as it simply boils down to HIT HARDER against stronger opponents.

This is the only way to limit the damage you take each punch.

RE: is there a trick i am missing

wezbo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 9th March 2006, 17:05

many thanks Phil, will give that a go next time. I am addicted to it, my last gremlin got to 4th and thats without buying extra days!!! I get nowhere near the amount of points the top guys are getting though!!!! I see you have also been playing this game for a long time too!!



RE: is there a trick i am missing

Onionboy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 10th March 2006, 08:23

is that gremlin owners use the tell a friend 10x and make fsake gremlins to get 500xp

RE: is there a trick i am missing

wezbo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 10th March 2006, 10:41

so is that what this game is all about - cheating. my my that sounds like great fun!!!! why can`t people play nice?

RE: is there a trick i am missing

Keg beer sucks (Competent) posted this on Friday, 10th March 2006, 11:43


is that gremlin owners use the tell a friend 10x and make fsake gremlins to get 500xp

As in the grems from 4th -14th place currently.

Only challenge each other, all have 1000 Strength.

Bit of a give away that.

Fat Bottomed Girls are fine for Queen to sing about.
Fat Arsed Yanks are a pain.

RE: is there a trick i am missing

Magical Mau (Competent) posted this on Friday, 10th March 2006, 12:48

I would like to point out that you do NOT need to buy extra days to get to the top nor do you need more than one Gremlin. I think I am correct in saying Ceylon Imp is the only Gremlin in the top 10 who had no extra days bought.

RE: is there a trick i am missing

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Friday, 10th March 2006, 14:33

I would like to point out that you do NOT need to buy extra days to get to the top nor do you need more than one Gremlin. I think I am correct in saying Ceylon Imp is the only Gremlin in the top 10 who had no extra days bought.

I Didn`t buy extra days for my previous gremlin Smelkus the hedgehog rotater either and he made it into the top 10 but he`s been knocked down now

RE: is there a trick i am missing

wezbo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 10th March 2006, 18:20

so if you did not buy any days, how on earth did you accumulate so many points just from fighting, i find it quite impossible to believe you did not buy days and even ended up with so many points. I did get into the top 5 at one stage with Vomitor but had about a third of the total points than those above me. i fought well and challenged lots but the points did not rack up like Cylon imps did!!


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