Info and forum posts by 'Magical Mau'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 2nd January 2005, 20:39, Last used: Tuesday, 23rd September 2008, 21:26

Access Level: Competent

About this user: Hi, I have two children, two cats, a husband and numerous spiders in the downstairs loo. I am a Complimentary Therapist (mainly Aromatherapy `cause I love mixing potions), but also get volunteered to sew costumes for my daughters dance school, oh and a 17th centuary gown for a friends wedding dress! (completed on 11th June 2005 at 01:00 am for the wedding on 11th June 2005 at 12:30 pm)

This user has posted a total of 165 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.02 messages a day, or 0.16 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

Pioneer Imp

was born on
away on

Born in honour of Canada Day she did so much better than Maple Leaf Imp last year. Perhaps it was the pioneering spirit - or perhaps the promise of a mini Laura Secord egg for breakfast in the morning :D

Thank you .........

......... to all who fought Pioneer Imp. I would especialy like to thank all the new gremlins who accepted my challenges despite the fact that they would get squashed in one blow.

Happy Canada Day ........... again

Happy Canada Day.

Born today in honour of Canada is Pioneer Imp. Please take time to wish her a happy birthday.

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

Sadley Mark IV Imp died in the night - I forgot to fill him with fuel.

Mark IV Imp
was born on
away on

However after 25 days at number 1 I do think he deserved a well earned rest (and you can all now sigh with relief that there is someone else at the top!)

Thank you for all the challenges given and accepted - I`m only slightly sorry we managed to beat you all so often :D But I`m sure the tables will be turned with my next Imp in a few days time.

RE: Sorry Recordbreaker

And scared him so much he has never been back !

RE: POLL: Where have all the gremlins gone

Well I might come and visit but Nettenoo has decided she is leaving because she didn`t get a mention.

Simone Flinkstickle ... sorry

Babysitting while Nettenoo is in Holland ... I didn`t mean to squash you flat :D

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

Blue Imp sadly died in the night and although she didn`t get to #1 she did achive her ambition of beating Robocop several times :D

There will be no more Imps till the end of May now.

RE: Terminated Gremlins...?

Sorry Real Ale but about 4 or 5 were terminated, SHL Basher, VH?, MTV? and whatever his other one/ones were.

And cheeky monkeys too as he explained.

RE: Gruntfuttock`s back

OK. Blue Imp sadly had no Chocolate Easter Eggs so will happily beat you senseless in revenge. :D

RE: Sorry again.....

No it was Eye Ball in the Sky :¦

Sorry again.....

I can`t even remember which Gremlin it was ..... :( but whoever it was sorry, I really didn`t intend to squish you flat.

Sorry Sminty...

... I think I clicked as I was scrolling. Didn`t realise what I had done until the fight came up :( Sorry.

RE: Soz goes out to the Imp master...

Well I was going to turn you into a ten legged spider for my Imp`s evening snack but she found a three legged caterpillar and is playing with that at the moment so you are safe for now. I think we will just casually mention can openers and magnets when we fight Robocop from now on.

RE: Apology/Explanation

I just don`t want to get rid of them to not get anywhere again...

You did not need to have multiple Gremlins to get anywhere, nor did you have to buy lots of extra days. The eggman - with Smelkus the Hedgehog Rotater and my Ceylon Imp got into the top 10 of the all time league with no extra days bought and no `extra` gremlin helpers. Awf`ly Wee Willy Bigchin owned by FV102~Striker and Mister Spoon the cartoon loon! owned by PhilPhrenzy had days bought but they only played one gremlin at a time and they both did very well. Grunfuttock the Good did very well and he lost 3-4 days fighting! Keg Beer`s two gremlins did very well too - I think with some days bought.
As far as I can remember up until very recently the top 10 grems were owned by 7 different people - now they are owed by 2. Can you see why some people are a tiny bit miffed?

RE: Multiple Gremlins

:D Not exactly checking back - I`m gremlin-sitting for a friend.

RE: Multiple Gremlins

However it makes for a very boring game for the rest of us and is one reason why I don`t have a new Imp.

RE: is there a trick i am missing

Ceylon Imp
was born on
away on

I do not know why Ceylon Imp did so well, sometimes you are just fortunate and generate a good gremlin. If you look at the rest of my Imps you will see not all have been as successful. A good choice of abilities when I generated her, careful challenges and using suitable tactics (none, hit harder, stamina, dexterity) helped I guess. Points were harder to come by in her last four/five days as challenges got less.

RE: is there a trick i am missing

I would like to point out that you do NOT need to buy extra days to get to the top nor do you need more than one Gremlin. I think I am correct in saying Ceylon Imp is the only Gremlin in the top 10 who had no extra days bought.

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

Ceylon Imp
Born on 27/1/2006 Passing away on 25/2/2006

The hours of meditation at Dambulla served her well during her fighting career.

Thank you to all who gave and accepted challenges.


I`ve got a really bad throat infection and I`ve been struggling to get up to fight Ceylon Imp for the past three days.She`ll die tonight anyway So I`m just killing her early.

thanks for all the fights, she is proof that you don`t have to buy extra days and have a whole harem of grems to get far in the all time league.

RE: Huge increase in strength by Gruntfuttock

Ah, so thats what you were doing last weekend then, you were preparing him for imortality NOT taking your wife away for the weekend as mentioned in the forum!

RE: Huge increase in strength by Gruntfuttock

At this rate Ceylon Imp will die on Thursday/Friday and Gruntfuttock will STILL be alive !

RE: To announce the imminent demise of Gruntfuttock the Good

I hope you have a lovely weekend :)

Are you sure Gruntfuttock the Good didn`t fall off top spot, after all he has been around for a long time and is rather old.

RE: To announce the imminent demise of Gruntfuttock the Good

Ceylon Imp will be so sad to see you go. Hope you have a good weekend. :)

Cheeky Monka ....... sorry..

Hi, hope you read the threads.
Sorry about the fight. I was trying to accept 15 fight between three gremlins in less than 5 minuets, not all of them mine I hasten to add, and I got a bit confused. Oh, and I was on the phone too.
If you would like a return challenge (and I promise to look before I press any buttons) please let me know.

RE: Sorry Ceylon Imp*

Thank you kind sir ...

RE: Sorry Ceylon Imp*

:D That`s OK.
Although I hesitate to point out that you did get more points from doing that.