Page 1 of One challenge left - first to challenge me after 10am gets it!

Gremlins Forum

One challenge left - first to challenge me after 10am gets it!

PhilPhrenzy (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 28th July 2005, 23:51

Yep, it`s yet another challenge giveaway, but with a slightly chavvy twist.

Simply issue a challenge to Moo Hammered Our Lee on or after 10am tomorrow. The gremlin who`s closest to 10am (but not before) will get the challenge returned (assuming I haven`t already challenged them today, of course). The time will be judged based on GMT time quoted just under the top row of buttons. Hopefully I won`t be busy at that time too.

It`s kinda like the Price is Right, but it isn`t...

Good luck one and all...


RE: One challenge left - first to challenge me after 10am gets it!

UncUgly (Competent) posted this on Friday, 29th July 2005, 09:20


am I here first ?


RE: One challenge left - first to challenge me after 10am gets it!

PhilPhrenzy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 29th July 2005, 10:20

Ah, there`s a slight twist to the rules this time... Instead of the first to reply, you`d need to be the first to challenge me after 10am.

I think I`ve already challenged you today, so it wouldn`t have counted anyway - it`s beyond my control I`m afraid... :)

Noone`s come forward as of yet, so the offer`s still on for those with spare challenges!


RE: One challenge left - first to challenge me after 10am gets it!

PhilPhrenzy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 29th July 2005, 13:10

We have a winner! Jaws-3D was the first challenger after 10am, and is now a proud owner of a challenge from Moo Hammered Our Lee. Congratulations, hope your put it to good use. :)


RE: One challenge left - first to challenge me after 10am gets it!

recordbreaker (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 29th July 2005, 15:00


Good match up but I`m thinking I`ll be a little sore for the rest of the day! :o

;) :)

RE: One challenge left - first to challenge me after 10am gets it!

Michael J (Competent) posted this on Friday, 29th July 2005, 20:45

Simply issue a challenge to Moo Hammered Our Lee on or after 10am tomorrow.

I might have got this wrong and I have no axe to grind but isn`t 10am tomorrow not here yet as I make that Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

This item was edited on Friday, 29th July 2005, 21:48

RE: One challenge left - first to challenge me after 10am gets it!

PhilPhrenzy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 29th July 2005, 23:20

Yes, you have a point there... In that case, first challenge after 12pm today (saturday lunchtime) will also get a challenge... Having said that, I`ve been drinking heavily tonight, so it will depend on how busy my grem is, and what time I wake up. Should be about by midday though, tis lunchtime and all... :)

Good luck one and all etc...


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