Info and forum posts by 'UncUgly'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 13th December 2004, 21:48, Last used: Saturday, 15th December 2007, 08:48

Access Level: Competent

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 76 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.07 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: So when is the new scoring system coming in?

did it go live last night ?

would suggest not - won one round, only 3 xp won


one challenge waiting from the top grem

Available to any person who a) hasn`t been challenged today or b) hasn`t received a challange on any of their gremlins by this incarnation of UU

first who replies and convinces me of their eligability wins ;)


This item was edited on Tuesday, 20th September 2005, 13:48

RE: Two Challenges available today from the current Number 2 Grem

Wibble and Gelo have now got Challenges from UUX


RE: Two Challenges available today from the current Number 2 Grem

Pick one and they shall be challenged !

Slight revision to the above offer - only one challenge per real person ! - So those of you running two grems pick your fav !


RE: Blame the cat ..........

Did think it a bit strange as you challenged me back ;) - ne`er mind - you`ll get another challenge from me.

thanks for the apology tho


RE: Sorry Unc

No worries - twas a bit un-neccessary, but ne`er mind.


I`ll get my revenge, if not in this life, then in the next

i`ve challenged the top ten

and have one challange left - any takers ?


RE: lets see how many ppl read this

Three issued - one left

I`ll give it away to a random recepient if no-one takes it by 10 o clock


lets see how many ppl read this

FOUR challenges available to day - first come, first served


RE: Another lousy challenge to give away

One large slice of "ass woop" pie served up ;)



Another lousy challenge to give away

to the person who replies to this thread closest to 5:30pm as judged by the time on the post !

I`ll hopefully be in the car on the way home from work by then but ...


RE: Todays Challenge giveaway

Too late - the challenge is made

uu ;)

Todays Challenge giveaway

Again just the one - to the first to reply, who isn`t Phil or Basher !!

but then if noone has replied by around 10:30ish one of you two can have it


another challenge available today

first come, first served

before 10:30pm as I need another early night ;)


Measly single Challenge to give away

Phollowing Phil`s examphle

Here is a challenge available to the first who replies - offer stands till around 10:30 - 11:00 as i don`t want to waste one ;)


Away Tomorrow - Back Monday

Hi all.

Will be away tomorrow so probably no challenges issued then. But i`ll be back to a pc on Monday and will accept all challenges issued.

Good luck all


RE: New plan regarding dexterity issue

All this will do is move the advantage back to muscle bound snails.

but currently the advantage is with the speedy little gnats ! no-one challenges the snail, cos they would lose so only the speedy grems fight each other and go up the rankings. My current grem is `belly-dropping` and has had just over half the fights that the previous one had. I have issued no fewer challenges (max every day) therefor I must be receiving less.

You don`t want damage done to be based on difference between strengths ? Then the chance to hit should not be based on difference in Dex ! thus also negating the benefit of hi dex

Grems of a similar age (eg Danny Bogoff and Charli who are both a couple of days younger) have had approx 50 fights more than uu8. Why ? not cos my win ratio is anything to brag about - I have been challenging the top three grems every day for the last week or so and then all other challenges go to grems above me in the league. But uu8 gets less challenges every day cos he is `ard.

A win gives you 10 league points, and maybe 15 XP, but a low dex loss gives you 31XP, so few people challenge strong grems.

hmm - its a toughie - but in summary
More strong grems the better, says Clan UU !

RE: Grizzz03 is looking for fights.

and UU8 has challenged u !

RE: Danny Bogoff is looking for fights

UU8 reluctantly steps up - offering himself as a challenger, but knowing he had a heasd start, (and he needs the wins :( )


RE: charli vi

found under the gooseberry bush

is that what your mum has told you happens ? bless ;)

RE: Who does this?

oh what fun he must have - he`s just challenged uu8 !!

RE: The passing of Unc ugly

i`m touched - (thats been said before tho )

uu8 has been born - and is a bonny baby grem !