Info and forum posts by 'Michael J'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 10th January 2005, 07:52, Last used: Tuesday, 26th July 2011, 09:33

Access Level: Competent

About this user: Was introduced to this site in January by some friends who have now fallen by the wayside, shame on them. At the time of writing am on the third generation of Gremlin who is going to die in the next few days but I must admit to enjoying trying to best previous members of the family.
Work for two charities part time that pay me, which fills up the week, and two that don`t, which takes up a chunk of the rest of the time.
Definitly in the top half of the age range who are on this site, if not top quarter. Married with two boys, one of whom is married with three daughters of his own, who are fantastic.
Enjoy the site and some of the forum threads, but not the childish or insulting ones.
Enjoy reading thrillers and watching good TV do not enjoy rollercoasters, unlike my wife who loves them, and liver, which again my wife loves. We must have something in common as we have been married for nearly 30 years!!!!!

This user has posted a total of 181 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.03 messages a day, or 0.18 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: lets see how many ppl read this

I read it, but am not fighting at the moment.

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: Solution To Perfect "New Type" Gremlin Revealed!!!

I am still here just not fighting at the moment.


"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: Gremlin Graveyard....The Grem Reaper strikes again

Raven V is Dead.

The Family would like to thank all of those whose fights enabled him to get, and hold on to, the number one slot.

He now sits next to his relative in the top ten of all time great gremlins. A fitting place to be.

As a period of mourning will now take place before the next family member is given life, but we will be watching with interest the site.

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: Current Grems at bottom of the table

or the bar being a reflection on the fights fought the day before and not an average of your whole life.

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: One challenge left - first to challenge me after 10am gets it!

Simply issue a challenge to Moo Hammered Our Lee on or after 10am tomorrow.

I might have got this wrong and I have no axe to grind but isn`t 10am tomorrow not here yet as I make that Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

This item was edited on Friday, 29th July 2005, 21:48

RE: News Regarding Athena 2nd

I forgot to log out of backspin and sign in as my `usual` self



"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: Help regards experience points

He`s gone and the points are lost. That is one lesson you learnt yourself for others to learn from.

The one good thing is it might not have made much of a difference in the standings.


"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

The Green Bar

RJS, could the calculations for the green bar be done differently? At the moment I assume that your number of fights is divided by the number of days you have lived and if that number is greater than 10 you get a full bar. the proplem with this is that if you you have been fighting a lot and then stop your bar still shows full. Both Sarah K and charli 2005 were going to terminate their gremlins before they went away on holiday but have been unable to do so. As I fight them regularly and know they are away I am not challenging them even though the bar shows them as active. If the calculation could be done on the last days fights then this situation would not arrise anyone going away for a weekend or holiday would show an empty bar.
They were showing 7 challenges outstanding so no more could be wasted. But as challenges lapse other people are challenging them and wasting their challenges.

Just a thought to tweek the game.

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: Would love some Challenges

What is your secret?

Talk to sarah and she will tell you that I bribe RJS, which isn`t really true!!!!

But in essence fight a lot and try to win as many as you can. You can not get there unless others challenge you so be gracious in victory and magnaimous in defeat.

Enjoy Gremlins, it is fun especally when you get regular rivalsand have some "friendly" challenges.

BTW, Sarah and Charli, where are you. I know you are off on holiday soon and have a good one, but do remember to clear your challenges if you can. I would hatefor you to get flack from some other players.

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: Yah! Number one for once!!!!

Yes but you did get to number one, and to miss quote Michael Cain, not a lot of people do that.

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: Would love some Challenges

The Raven family are mine, just click on an owners name and you can see their profile + their current gremlin.

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: Would love some Challenges

would love to but I have used up my challenges for today, but I will try to remember tomorrow. Good to see another who checks the site at an unearthly hour, I think.


"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: mmmm i wonder if michael j quaking in his boots?

Tomorrow is here MM so do your worst.

Don`t worry Sarah I have kept a challenge back for you to get as soonas you clear your existing ones.

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: When gremlins die

i think you have far to much time on your hands eggman to think of things like that

They might have but I do like it though, :D

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

This item was edited on Saturday, 16th July 2005, 04:35

RE: mmmm i wonder if michael j quaking in his boots?


when the next Raven knocked Black Imp down a peg in the all time league.

well I have got to get my fun where I can.

If I remember MM I will give you another fight tomorrow and disapoint someone else, but not you Sarah, I get to much fun trying to win two in a row.

Till tomorrow

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: mmmm i wonder if michael j quaking in his boots?

why are we both up at such an unearthly hour

I have been waking up at 2 or 3 which is why I was not fully awake the other day, so it is either stay in bed with thoughts running through my head or go off and see what the state of play is. That usually settles me down so I can go back to sleep.

This morning was late for me but as I was up thought to look in. I am usually up at six any way so that I can beat the traffic into work, where I am at the moment. the best bit on that is I get away early as well.

I forgot you were off again, with a bit of luck I will stay alive for most of the time you are away so will not have to long to wait for the next series of battles.

Have a good one.

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: mmmm i wonder if michael j quaking in his boots?

i was going to post to say that i id not forget youtoday when I saw you had allready taken up my challenge.
One win each seems a fair result, ;)

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

ps your gremlin does seem to be aging very quickly though,

RE: mmmm i wonder if michael j quaking in his boots?

ok I admit it I am getting forgetfull in my old age, or was it I wasn`t quite awake when issuing my challenges. Sorry that I did not get a chance for you lose a fight but it was early in the morning when I did my challenges.

Tomorrow however I will remember to fight you, it isn`t the same without two fights you Sarah.

Now what was I saying !!!!!!

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: Hey micheal J

HI Wezbo, nice to see you back.

No one else you know is around, they have all fallen by the weyside.

Do listen to Sarah, she is just a bit put out that I am beating her so far this round of fights. That and the fact she is aging quicker than me ;)

As you can see it is easier to get higher quickly when you get the fights, and others seem to like beating the members of the Raven family, I don`t know why?

To quote BethyBlue "All the Best" 8)

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

ps i am now 19th, sorry Sarah.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 12th July 2005, 02:19

RE: BONUS has started baby bashing again

how did you get 18 points as she actually accepted his challenge yesterday and only got 4?

I got lucky, it took him two hits to knock me out and I dodged a lot. Tell your mum not to be jealous though, I heard that Hooch only got 4xp`s as well.

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: BONUS has started baby bashing again

He is playing a different game to the rest of us, Still I was happy to get 18 xp`s off him for the beating.

Any time you want tot give me xp`s Bonus I will take them, especially as Sarah and I seem to be locked together at the moment.

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

btw Bonus went down 3 places yesterday Raven went up 2 ! That says it all really.


RE: see you all in a week

ditto from me, just back from NI and hope you get better weather than I had.


"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

It is with sadness that I anounce the demise of Raven IV (The Reble). Even though he disliked Eric Clapton he went on to be the most successful of the Raven family. Not only did he reach the top of the league, which Raven III also did, but managed to stay there, which Raven III didn`t. Although Raven didn`t go out to achieve any revenge against Black Imp it was with a certain amount of satisfaction that he displaced Black Imp from the number 6 slot in the all time leaque.

Farwell Raven IV we will not see your like again, until perhaps Raven V.

As I am off to do a few days work in Northern Ireland Raven V will not appear until July as I am off on holiday at the end of the month and would not want to cut his life off short.

Farewell and thanks for all the fights

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

Apology? to Magical Mau and Thank you to everyone else and MM.

Raven IV will most likely die tonight or tomorrow and I would like to thank all those who enabled him to get to the top slot and stay there. Even if he has been a bit of a rebel the family are proud.

Magical Mau knocked his predecesor off number one so it seems only fair that Raven managed to knock him down one place in the all time league. Sorry MM but gremlins is gremlins and I hope no hard feelings. Look forward to your nexr creation and some interesting fights.

When Raven dies the next member of the family will not be created until after the bank holiday as I am away in Northern Ireland until then.

One last thing, thanks RJS.............................for a great game.


"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: Challenge Give Away

Sorry bethy all used up. There is always tomorrow though, if i do not die tonight.

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

So long Hop III you will be missed. you are forgiven the lapsed challenge as I know that it isn`t your usual practice.


"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: Challenge Give Away

Seems appropriate that you should get a challenge Phil. I think I will see you next week though?

Last challenge is going to bethyblue so that is it for now.

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: Challenge Give Away

Thanks for the fight it is good to know that beating you helps to make you happy!


"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: Challenge Give Away

Three down 2 more to go. Who wants them?

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: Challenge Give Away

Oh that is not nice, however Raven does have a ;) few friends and I am glad to say that a Pink Imp fix has been found and is waiting to do clear up your infection.

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr. ;)