Page 1 of News Regarding Athena 2nd

Gremlins Forum

News Regarding Athena 2nd

Andiroo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 27th July 2005, 20:29

Greetings fellow gremlin owners.
Just to let you all know that although Athena 2nd is registered under Andiroo, due to work and leisure commitments she will be looked after by both Magical Mau and Andiroo. Unfortunatly neither of us is able to commit to separate Gremlins and we thought this would be a good compromise and fun to do as well.

Happy fighting
Magical Mau

*Andiroo has done all the challenges up to now.

`Warning to theives, you taste crunchy and good with ketchup!

RE: News Regarding Athena 2nd

backspin (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 27th July 2005, 22:26

When Athena dies, set the next one up under Magical Mau, so we don`t forget about you - memories like goldfish, most of us!

*edit* memories like goldfish is too flippin` right - I forgot to log out of backspin and sign in as my `usual` self!! Time to confess I suppose - I`m bethyblue too :D

This item was edited on Wednesday, 27th July 2005, 23:31

RE: News Regarding Athena 2nd

Michael J (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 28th July 2005, 01:44

I forgot to log out of backspin and sign in as my `usual` self



"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: News Regarding Athena 2nd

Magical Mau (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 28th July 2005, 08:00

set the next one up under Magical Mau

When Athena 2nd dies we will both be able to have our own Gremlins so I`m sure no-one will forget about either of us.

RE: News Regarding Athena 2nd

Keg beer sucks (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 28th July 2005, 09:39

Who said that :p

Fat Bottomed Girls are fine for Queen to sing about.
Fat Arsed Yanks are a pain.

RE: News Regarding Athena 2nd

Magical Mau (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 28th July 2005, 11:28

;) Me

*edit* If it`s any help I will never post on the forum under Andiroos name and he can`t post under mine.

This item was edited on Thursday, 28th July 2005, 12:41

RE: News Regarding Athena 2nd

Magical Mau (Competent) posted this on Monday, 8th August 2005, 09:27

Just to remind you all that Andiroo and I are fighting this gremlin between us. We had loosly agreed tactics beforehand but recently (due to the fact we haven`t seen or spoken to each other :) ) we have been experimenting - or at least I have, I`m getting a tiny bit bored of always seeing the hit harder button pressed.
Have fun.

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