Info and forum posts by 'Andiroo'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 3rd January 2005, 23:38, Last used: Saturday, 5th July 2008, 18:14

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 36 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

Thud!! was born on 29/5/2006
passing away on 20/6/2006

Will be missed by me :(

Hopefull on Sunday evening I`ll have another baby grem ready to start training.

Complecators were invented so incompitent people have somthing to
blame for there cockup.

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

Rob Anybody born on 26/12/2005 :)
passing away on 25/1/2006 :(

Sadly not one of my best performing Grem`s, but will be missed all the same.........
Well, till the next one in a couple of days time.

Addictions can be expensive....especially when it`s chocolate!

RE: Hello and welcome to Earth, teh l33t haxx0r

P.S. Well done to Andiroo, who finally got a victory today after 50-odd fights.

Thanks, its hard work being at the bottom getting only 3 points at a time :(
Seems my gremlin was too tough for `Andy`s Butt The Grandson` :)

Addictions can be expensive....especially when it`s chocolate!

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

Password was born on 25/11/2005 :)
Passed away on 18/12/2005 :(

So far Password has been my best gremlin beating my last best gremlin Deep Thought in the all time best.

A new, nastyer, more evel gremlin is in the boiling pot right now and should be ready to challange allcomers in a few days ;)

`Warning to theives, you taste crunchy and good with ketchup*

A `Bit of a fright` !!!!!!!

And this is when UncUgly isn`t angry, whats he like when he is?

UncUgly the 13th crawls towards Password, delivering a bit of a fright
(Damage 9974)

`Warning to theives, you taste crunchy and good with ketchup*

Have you all gone on Christmas holiyday early?

Or are you all Christmas shopping?
Today is the quietest I`ve ever had with a gramlin. 2 fights all day, and not one of my challanges accepted :(
I still have one 2 left if there is anyone out there willing to accept.

`Warning to theives, you taste crunchy and good with ketchup*

RE: Challenges

I would but I don`t have a gremlin at the moment :( Sorry.

`Warning to theives, you taste crunchy and good with ketchup!

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

:( RIP - Deep Thought - 24 September2005 - 18 October 2005 :(

Its with sadness I report the lost of yet another fine gremlin - Deep Thought.
My best gremlin so far, though she started out looking like she would neaver get far
she made it to number 1 for 5 days and made it to number 5 in the all time leage.
She started out loseing all the fight she had but with intensive training and currage
she got to the top and was winning almost every fight she had.
Thankyou all for accepting her challanges and returning the same.
She was a truly remakable gremlin (to me anyway).

619 fights, lost 376, won 243.
Score 30069

New gremlin up and running soon :D

`The best way to forget your troubles is to wear tight shoes...

RE: Do what the name says --- BASH BONUS

Wow..... To my amazment, Deep Thought had a chalange waiting for him at lunch time from Bonus. We accepted on the priciple that I`m not going to refuse unless by accedent so bonus got a masive 3 points.........

If its got Boobs or wheels it will only give you problems.

RE: And to make matters worse the last 3 to be started were almost immediately terminated

So far I`ve neaver pressed the refuse button, so have no idea what screen comes up next, would it not be a good idea to have a confermation screen with the option on going back so accidents don`t happen. Just a thought.

`Need` costs a lot of money.
`Help` is at least double the cost of need.
`I NEED your HELP, I`m in the s%*t` - well, thats just pricless,
no one can afford the `In the s%*t` type of help.

RE: Do what the name says --- BASH BONUS

Oppps didn`t mean to take you out in 1 round ;)

What folks want now days is less work to do and more time to
do it in - and more pay for not getting it done.

RE: We have a Chicken in the ranks

I try and pick on Grems both above mine and below. You could say I should not
chalange any above mine as its most likely to lose. Not a good way to get up the leage table. So each grem owner is now in a dilema - chalange grems above you and you get pasted or chalange grems below you and be accused of picking on a weeker grem.
Visfix - its the refusal that niggles me, I realy don`t care if my grem wins or loses, gains 3 points or 30. As for seriously, I`ve yet ot take anything seriously.

The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that
cannot posibly go wrong, is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong
goes wrong it turns out to be impossible to get at or repair.

We have a Chicken in the ranks


26/9/2005 Mr Flibble visfix a baby 114 107 114 18 3 15 Refused

OK, so its most lickly you`d have lost - but not garenteed. I would not be where I am now if I`d refused all the chalanges that were above me, some of which were more than 5 places I am above you.

Save a cow, eat a vegiterian.

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

Its with sadness (for me anyway) I report the dimise of Athena 2nd.
She is sofar the best Gremlin I`ve had the pleasure to look after having got to number 1 spot with a little help from Magical Mau.

Athena 2nd was born on 25/7/2005
passing away on 19/8/2005
Strength Stamina Dexterity Fights Won Lost
3450 3364 4500 495 233 262

Andiroo. :(
`Warning to theives, you taste crunchy and good with ketchup! :(

RE: A couple of challenges to give away

Mmmmmm who`s Gremlin is this, mine or yours? And anyway, Athena can look after herself quite well. :p
How was your trip to nodnoL ?

Andiroo. 8)
Save the earth. It`s the only planet with chocolate.

RE: A couple of challenges to give away

3 challenges duly set :)

Andiroo. 8)
`Warning to theives, you taste crunchy and good with ketchup!

A couple of challenges to give away

to the first 2 to reply, or maybe three as thats how meny I have at the moment :)

Andiroo. 8)
`Warning to theives, you taste crunchy and good with ketchup!

RE: Murfitt terminated

Life is not meant to be fair.
Those of us than can adapt to the ups and downs and changes will survive.
Those that can't or wont adapt die. Its as simple as that.
Good luck for you future

`Warning to theives, you taste crunchy and good with ketchup!

News Regarding Athena 2nd

Greetings fellow gremlin owners.
Just to let you all know that although Athena 2nd is registered under Andiroo, due to work and leisure commitments she will be looked after by both Magical Mau and Andiroo. Unfortunatly neither of us is able to commit to separate Gremlins and we thought this would be a good compromise and fun to do as well.

Happy fighting
Magical Mau

*Andiroo has done all the challenges up to now.

`Warning to theives, you taste crunchy and good with ketchup!

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

:( Tabasco the Third :- ) died this morning.

Strength: 148
Stamina: 10150
Dexterity: 7068

My best Gremlin so far, though she didn`t win many fights. Only 250 out of 595.
Manged 4th place.
Neaver to be forgoton RIP. 5th June - 2nd July.

New Gremlin towards the end of July :)

`Warning to theives, you taste crunchy and good with ketchup!

RE: Who does this?

> Picks on my new Gremlin, picks hit harder, and loses ....

LOL, serves him right. 8)

Few things are more satisfying than seeing your children have teenagers of their own.

RE: 2 challenges remaining

Both challendes made, good luck.

`Warning to theives, you taste crunchy and good with ketchup!

2 challenges remaining

Tabasco the Third has 2 challenges remaining if you fancy your chances 8)

`Warning to theives, you taste crunchy and good with ketchup!

RE: Are you hard enough to take on the gremlin with the most stamina?

Good job Tabasco the Third : ) took you on earlyer :D

`Warning to theives, you taste crunchy and good with ketchup!

I bet non of you noticed I`d gone

8) Just a quick Thankyou to Magical Mau for looking after Tabasco the Third over
the weekend while I was away.
Tabasco seems to have had lots of fun fighting you all and managed to go
up a few places in the league table :D

The mathematics of time are quite simple. When you don`t have
time, there is no time. When there is no time, you have all
the time in the world.

RE: what a surprise..... bruce the bonus refused a fight.

Your not the only one who has been refused :(
The misserible individual refused Tabasco the Third :-)
Must be to scared of my grem :D

10/6/2005 BRUCE THE BONUS 2 - Refused

`Warning to theives, you taste crunchy and good with ketchup!

RE: Who’s behind the gremlin?

When my Gremlin hits your gremlin, this is what he uses 8)

Few things are more satisfying than seeing your children have teenagers of their own.

This item was edited on Saturday, 30th April 2005, 22:40

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

Tabasco II died this morning :(

My best ever grem yet. Got to number 3 but fell to 4th place. Must have worked her too hard. She had 518 fights in her short life

Strength: 2260
Stamina: 3775
Dexterity: 3900

Thanks for all that challanged her and all that accepted her challanges.
I`m having a rest for about 3 weeks as I`ll be too buisy to look after a grem.
See you all soon.

Tabasco II born on 28/3/2005, passing away on 24/4/2005 R.I.P.

`Warning to theives, you taste crunchy and good with ketchup!

RE: What I`d like to know...........

>> I did feel very guilty about jumping Raven III

Guilty!! Don`t beleve a word of it. You don`t now how to feel guilty :D

Save the earth. It`s the only planet with chocolate.

What I`d like to know...........

........... is whats my `dear` little sister bribing you all with to chalange her? I was a bit
peeved this morning to see she`s passed my grem and jumped to number 1 :(

`Warning to theives, you taste crunchy and good with ketchup!