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Gremlins Forum


RJS (undefined) posted this on Thursday, 30th June 2005, 11:06

What do people think about fights effecting gremlin stats?

I`m toying with the idea of heavy hits having a permanent effect on the receiver`s dexterity, currently being dubbed the "brain damage effect"


"The Green Belt policy is a Labour Policy, and we intend to Build on it"
John Prescott

RE: Changes

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 30th June 2005, 11:48

perhaps we could `spend` some stats on curing broken limbs, or indeed nerve cells, if this occurs :-)

My collection

RE: Changes

sarah k (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 30th June 2005, 12:26


just worried it will lead to fights being refused when the gremlin challenging has a high strength stat.

RE: Changes

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th June 2005, 12:40

Anything to add to the variety. I had an idea a while ago:

For one battle a day you can choose to invoke "Gremlin rage" - which allows you to boost one stat by a percentage - say 40% - for 5 rounds, starting in (say) the second. This boost would not be at the expense of another stat. You have to decide when accepting (or challenging) whether to use the "rage" attack.
This would allow a better chance of winning against highly ranked grems and add to the unpredictability.

Maybe you can also have a second rage attack in a day, but it permanently drops your Stamina by a number of points - i.e. it costs you XPs (albeit ones you`ve already allocated).

RE: Changes

UncUgly (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 30th June 2005, 13:31

just worried it will lead to fights being refused when the gremlin challenging has a high strength stat.

TBH whilst the refusal option is still in there then thats still a valid `tactic` although one that has little benefit for all concerned. I think the refusal option should be removed. Thus if you want to bottle out of a fight you have blocked one of your challenge slots for three (?) days. Agreed its tough on the challenger but I can`t see a way round that.

the change RJS is suggesting will not help the inbalance caused by Grems with low strength taking battles to the full 20 rounds and picking up 31 XP, and strong grems taking out opponents in round 6 or 7 and only getting 11 or 12 xp but getting 10 bonus points for the league. This means a low str gem can lose long fights and still go higher up the table than a low dex grem who knocks seven shades out of all and sundry ! But if a high Str grem does permanent damage to those pathetic weaklings (uu7, your excused ;) ) then long live the tough nuts !

So, in summary,

1) Remove the refuse fight option
2) either let high Str Grems permanently damage other grems , or give bonus XP for finishing fights quickly !!


edit: oh and people don`t challenge high Str grems - with their low Str grems - not worth their while - they will lose quickly and not collect the 31+ xp`s they can get by challenging another low Str grem ! Don`t know how to fix that either !!

This item was edited on Thursday, 30th June 2005, 14:37

RE: Changes

Devil_child (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 30th June 2005, 17:50

I dont know if i like the idea, you fight gremlins to earn more xps not to lose them!

Learn from the mistakes of others. You can`t live long enough to make them all yourself.

RE: Changes

gdamn (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 30th June 2005, 19:51

Here`s an idea that might tackle all those problems in one fell swoop... Remove the ability to view other gremlins stats. Dont` show em on the Leage Page or the fight page or anywhere. Just show their name, win/loss record and current rank. If you take away the ability for people to view others stats, it becomes more of a name game then a numbers game.

As it is now I don`t refuse any fights, but i very rarely issue a challenge to a grem that has more than 1/3 of my grems Stam in Strength. Gremlins that take the strength road are put at a disadvantage because their high strength results in quick fights that give low xp rewards. Perhaps a formula that compares the two gremlins strength levels and then if they are far enough apart awards extra bonus points for quick knockouts (to the higher strength gremlin) or long fights (to the lower strength gremlin) in order to encourage more fights between the two build types. You could call it a david & goliath fight if yah want.

RE: Changes

Real Ale Monster (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 2nd July 2005, 08:37


I`m toying with the idea of heavy hits having a permanent effect on the receiver`s dexterity, currently being dubbed the "brain damage effect"

Not if the amount of damage done still factors in the difference in strength between the Gremlins.

Damage done should simply reflect the strength of the puncher, not have extra damage due to strength difference.

That would give the stronger Gremlins a double advantage over weaker ones

1) Their damage is disproportionately high when fighting lower strength Gremlins
2) The other Gremlins will be repeatedly taking "brain damage"

Baldric: What is your name?
Blackadder: Wibble.
Baldric: How old are you?
Blackadder: Wibble.
Baldric: Where were you born?
Blackadder: London. A small town on Mars, close to the capital city of Wibble.

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