Page 1 of see you all in a week

Gremlins Forum

see you all in a week

sarah k (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 28th May 2005, 04:54

right we`re packed and ready. not sure wales is ready for us all though!

we will be back next sunday so new gremlins will be sorted out monday morning.

that will give you a week mr yabba dabba to get strong before i get back and batter you senseless.

beth think you need to stand at the door and run the questionaire as newbies sign up. it will be a laugh if nothing else.

*sarah k and charli 2005 wave goodbye*

RE: see you all in a week

yabba dabba (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 28th May 2005, 10:38

Have a great time and see you soon


RE: see you all in a week

Julesuk (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 28th May 2005, 22:32

Have a great holiday and look forward to fighting your new gremlin when you get back

RE: see you all in a week

Michael J (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 29th May 2005, 06:47

ditto from me, just back from NI and hope you get better weather than I had.


"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Martin Luther King Jnr.

RE: see you all in a week

issy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 30th May 2005, 18:17


missing you already got the text and he only remembered because he over heard me talking to Carly xx tuned in to your text describe it when I see you luv Dimmy {issy} xx

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