Info and forum posts by 'issy'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 6th February 2005, 21:27, Last used: Thursday, 2nd June 2005, 20:11

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: I`m 42 years of age have 2girls an adopted son and a stepson for my sins. also have a 5year old gradndson and a 13 day old grandson who arrived on april fools day.

This user has posted a total of 16 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: see you all in a week


missing you already got the text and he only remembered because he over heard me talking to Carly xx tuned in to your text describe it when I see you luv Dimmy {issy} xx

RE: Armageddon: The New Breed is born


sorry I wasn`t around to challenge you when Armageddon : The New Breed is born Arrived but just had to get away for a few days but look foward to challenging you now I`m home with Dimmy



ok little niece this one is for u but i know i won`t stand a chance luv aunty issy xx

RE: Thankyou all


Holistic is good fun I talk from lots of experience she`s a real doll and i`m very lonely today as only u and holistic r the only people who want to play at the moment none of my other challenges have been accepted as yet thanks once again

Thankyou all



Thankyou to all those gremlins that fought with fools suprise I was sad to se my little grem leave as it was the first of my three to get anywhere in the league I shall miss many of u and hope u will all give my new baby sweeties return as much fun.

RE: So Why would a top 20 Grem challenge a baby ?

issy everyone at the bottom of the league always complains they don`t get challenged but i will try and remember in future that u r not one of them sorry for ofending u if i did issy

RE: why

Glad to hear i`m not the only one thought it was me.

RE: why

Hi 7 year friend just rang Anna to see how Dean got on at school he walked in to the class and said Quote:
hello my name is Dean Micheal Raymond fox
they all said hello she say`s carly coming home 2morro say`s she needs to start looking after them all now and she feels better luv issy xx

RE: why

i am but i still enjoy a good????????? challenge


why did bruce the bonus refuse my challenge???? i never refuse anybody who challenges me

RE: Challange Giveaway Part 2

my baby dimmy would like a challenge please. :(

RE: my gremlin

glad that aunty issy could be of a helping hand xxx although I think sweetie is licking the wounds.

RE: my gremlin

:o won`t tell mummy that u logged on in her name and aunty issy will try and lose to your next challenge. xxx

RE: my gremlin

sorry lol I will try and let u win next time as long as mummy isn`t playing xxxx

my gremlin

please challenge me.

RE: all comers welcome

would love to challenge u but i don`t have any left any way your turn to challenge me???/