Info and forum posts by 'Julesuk'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 12th December 2004, 13:37, Last used: Monday, 11th September 2006, 20:12

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 50 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.05 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Bye Bye from Matty Perry

Off to disneyland paris on Monday so had to terminate Matty Perry all challenges accepted though and I see you all in a week.


RE: What`s going on ???

I have had alot off lapsed challenges and less challenges than usual I was feeling a bit left out of the party so it must be a common theme.

It has been really quiet around here lately.


This item was edited on Friday, 4th November 2005, 10:54

is it really quiet ?

Is it me or it really quiet around here at moment? Is every recovering from Halloween parties or what? ;)


Sorry Gamblor

Sorry had a itchy trigger finger and hit hit harder by mistake


RE: Sorry Matty....

No probs You can issue one tomorrow if I live that long

RE: Another group of close grems near the top :)

Bring on some close fights I`m jumpingup and down with excitement

RE: I`m back - did you miss me??

Good to see some old friends to give us a good fight

RE: What is the point

yep and mr freeze as well


What is the point

of picking hit harder if you have double the strength of your opponent.


apology to sir humps alot

Sorry I didint mean to hit hit harder the morning.

Matty Patty

RE: What I hate

Still not getting any better win after 20 rounds I get 24XP opponent got 71XP GO FIGURE the fairness in that >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

What I hate

is when I win a fight and my opponent still manages to get more Xp than me. >:(

Its not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry from Matty Phew

Matty Phew died and I apologise to whoever`s challenge I did not accept.

Iwill be creating a new gremlin on Friday when I come back from York. Look forward to fighting you all again with my new creation.


This item was edited on Monday, 27th June 2005, 00:36

RE: 5 challenges available today

One round only i got slammed with a really really big punch Mike tyson eat your heart out :/

RE: 5 challenges available today

Yes please Matty Phewjust loves to get beaten up.

RE: i`m back :)

Glad you had a good holiday and a challenge is winging its way to you from Matty Phew


RE: Melvyn the puffin tickler is back and would like a fight

Duly challenged Bring it on may the best gremlin win

to the best gremlin I ever had

To the best gremlin I ever had (so far) Matty P I salute your passing and give you a big thankyou for all your fighting

May Matty Phew fight bravely in your honor


RE: see you all in a week

Have a great holiday and look forward to fighting your new gremlin when you get back

RE: advance warning of terminations and free for all challenge issue :)

Sarah matty P accepts your offer and would like to thank you and charli for many good fights and lots of Xp the nameless one just thrashed me but maybe in the next gremlins lifetime we will beat you.
Thank you charli for all the challenges that have come Matty P way and he really is happy having broken the 21 day curse.

Have a great holiday and looking forward to your return.


RE: Demise of Mooch

bye bye mooch I will miss our fights you nearly always beat Matty P but I did get good XP from it

Looking forwaed to fighting MoochII



aaaaargbagle refused me on 22/05 guess he was scared

RE: congratulations to matty p and julesuk

Horeay I`m glad for once . Matty P is happy to see how far he will go. :D :D :D :D



I`ll challenge you tomorrow


RE: the nameless one is looking for a fight

See you again same time same place tomorrow

RE: the nameless one is looking for a fight

Whoo hoo Matty P actually one a fight Thanks for a good on ;)

RE: the nameless one is looking for a fight

i wish! you battered 7 bells out of me TWICE today

Yea but 54DD trounced everyday twice for the last week of his short life :(
