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The "Why I hate Big Brother 3" Thread

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 26th May 2002, 11:05

To save the Big Brother 3 thread turning into a public slanging match this thread has been created for opponents of the programme.

I personally think it`s nothing more than an exercise in voyeurism at its worse. Quite why huge chunks of the country feel it necessary to embellish their lives with those of 12 complete strangers for the next month or so escapes me.

I get more enjoyment from people-watching in their natural environment rather than the "subjects" being cooped up in some complex : hardly natural (they have to "earn" the right to read a book for goodness sake), and all 12 can see stars in their eyes and a cheque for £50,000 at the end of the rainbow.

Sorry, it just doesn`t appeal to me : thank goodness the World Cup starts on Friday !

Feel free to slate me : that`s what this thread is for !

RE: The "Why I hate Big Brother 3" Thread

alfie noakes (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 26th May 2002, 12:17

When BB1 first came out I would have totally agreed with you. I used to think that anyone who watched it was obviously a cretin - who would want to sit watching the crappy ramblings of a bunch of self-absorbed egotists?

Last year, however, for some reason I watched the odd bit of BB2 (E4 helped a lot here) and gradually became hooked. I am now an absolute BB fan and I could easily watch it night and day.

I still think the `contestants` are a bunch of self-absorbed egotists, and I probably am a cretin for watching them, but I think it`s human nature to be voyeuristic. I have given in to my dark side and I rather like it.

RE: The "Why I hate Big Brother 3" Thread

Gaz Kitch (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 26th May 2002, 18:52

It`s a pile of steaming poo! My wife insists on watching it ............ i just go to bed in disgust!!!

RE: The "Why I hate Big Brother 3" Thread

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 26th May 2002, 20:30

I detest BB. Hasn`t anybody got better things to do with their time then to watch this stuff? Do people feel the need to see it so they`ll have something to talk about at work?

I just think life must be pretty empty if Big Brother is what someone actually enjoys.

RE: The

top_cat_38 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 26th May 2002, 23:32

I couldn`t agree more.

It`s just crap. People who watch it are SAD and should get out more.

And to think C4 would rather waste money on BB than show The Ashes or World Cup cricket this Winter.

As a previous person wrote, thank-God the World Cup starts next week.

Hopefully if England do well it`ll push BB off the front pages.

For all our sakes, let`s pray Beckham`s foot gets better !!!

This item was edited on Sunday, 26th May 2002, 23:33

RE: The

r8sso (Elite) posted this on Monday, 27th May 2002, 00:18

hmmm lets think? Watching Cricket or watching someone make a cup of tea. It`s a tough one but I`ll have to go for the cup of tea! Cricket is dull as f*** and you`d have to be "SAD" to watch that!

This item was edited on Monday, 27th May 2002, 00:55

RE: The

top_cat_38 (Competent) posted this on Monday, 27th May 2002, 00:53

If you can`t express yourself without swearing why bother??

I hate Big brother

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 27th May 2002, 00:58

Agreed. No need for it at all.

And I happen to think watching cricket is more exciting than dribbling over 12 attention-seeking wannabes - anyone who watched the last day of the Oval test last year when Mark Butcher single-handedly destroyed the Ozzies and won the match for us will know that cricket isn`t all about cups of tea and cucumber sandwiches !.

RE: I hate Big brother

James Cook (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 27th May 2002, 11:30

BB is the most awful excuse for cheap TV ever. I`ve never seen so many trainee kids TV presenters in one room before! Exterminate the lot of them!

RE: I hate Big brother

roar349 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 27th May 2002, 11:37

The girlfriend insists on watching it, had to put up with hours of those bad videos of hopefuls getting naked, then on Saturday, after being subjected to Eurovision, she proceeded to put E4 on, needless to say much beer and vodka had been consumed, I left her on the sofa at about 1:30am, cats woke me up at about 5:30, surprise surprise I had the bed to myself, went downstairs, BB still on (watching people sleep), gf was asleep and when I woke her had to put up with drunken ramblings on why she wouldn`t be evicted. Still next day was amusing when she spent most of it throwing up.

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