Page 1 of 81 DVD`s & Still Nothing To Watch !!

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81 DVD`s & Still Nothing To Watch !!

JtR (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 26th March 2002, 12:40

Spent about 30 minutes last night going through all my DVD`s and still couldnt decide on what to watch so I counted them, then arranged them in alphabetical order - how sad am I , worst is still to come as today I have ordered 10 more DVD`s !!!!

Oh well, bet it will be 91 DVD`s & nothing to watch

Lee :0)

RE: 81 DVD`s & Still Nothing To Watch !!

ian turner (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 26th March 2002, 12:51

perhaps you should buy Hi fidelity and start ordering the DVDs by date of release/purchase or thematically. Get a DVD burner and start making compilations of greatest scenes for friends. :)

RE: 81 DVD`s & Still Nothing To Watch !!

sonylover (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 26th March 2002, 14:21

Phew...... glad to hear you have the same problem!!!! Thought it was just me.

RE: 81 DVD`s & Still Nothing To Watch !!

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 26th March 2002, 14:22

Sounds like a good idea, sorted by theme, hmmm...

I spent 45 minutes on Saturday night trying to figure out what to watch, and ended up with American Beauty. Random finger pointing doesn`t help, and sometimes I wish DVD Profiler had a randomizer to help me...It doesn`t get any easier with more films, I know.... :-(

RE: 81 DVD`s & Still Nothing To Watch !!

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 26th March 2002, 15:33

I know exactly what you mean. The speed of buying is greated than that of watching and so I`m leaving myself behind, as it were. Eventually I plan to stop and take stock, but 5 of the buggers turned up at work yesterday, two of which I`d forgotten I ordered (as they were from Splash and things have slowed down considerably with that lot).

RE: 81 DVD`s & Still Nothing To Watch !!

ian turner (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 26th March 2002, 16:44

what you need is Doctor Nicks DVD buying addiction cure, available for $15 on DVD or video :)

RE: 81 DVD`s & Still Nothing To Watch !!

clayts (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 26th March 2002, 16:56

Lee, I think we`ve all been there mate. I`m in the same boat : too many to watch, not enough hours in the day, but still tempted to buy shedloads more.

Man, I am hooked :-)

RE: 81 DVD`s & Still Nothing To Watch !!

harry66 (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 27th March 2002, 09:43

I have the perfect cure to that addiction - a wife!

Mine make`s sure that my buying is well under control..What are you a Mouse or a Man - shut up!

RE: 81 DVD`s & Still Nothing To Watch !!

Mintguy (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 27th March 2002, 10:09

Why is it that buying a DVDs is just so much more addictive than buying VHS ever was. I have my own theories but perhaps others might like to comment.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 27th March 2002, 10:09

RE: 81 DVD`s & Still Nothing To Watch !!

mostlyharmless (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 27th March 2002, 10:22

I just don`t understand it either. I`ve never bought a video in my life, always being happy to rent, or wait for a film to turn on on TV somtime. Now I`ve got a DVD player, I want to buy a complete back catalogue of films ... and I`ve made a pretty good start (60 odd).

My wife always moans at my choices as well ... perhaps I`d better buy a few chick flicks ....

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