Info and forum posts by 'mostlyharmless'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 2nd October 2000, 09:38, Last used: Monday, 2nd October 2000, 09:38

Access Level: Competent

About this user: Real name Steve.

This user has posted a total of 83 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.07 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Company Car Choice - Opinions Welcome!

A Celica isn`t a girls car is it?

Well mine isn`t !

Seriously, getting the Celica is the best decision I`ve made in ages. Like you, I looked at the TT, but the extra cost is way too much, and the Celica does actually allow you to get poeple in the back seats ! I went for the Premium pack (leather and climate control + sunroof) as well as the real spoiler. V nice :)

RE: What game or games are you waiting for?

Rome: Total War (if they ever get round to releasing it !).

RE: Company Car Choice - Opinions Welcome!

I`ve just changed my Company car to a Toyota Celica. I`m absolutely delighted with it. Looks great, and handles like a go-cart compared to my last car :) I don`t know what you budget is, but if you take the basic model, I think it`s similar to the Honda type-R. (I got the leather/aircon extras ).

RE: pop ups taking the whole screen and no close button!!

Or get the new google toolbar ... it stops pop-ups as well now :)

RE: Dreamcast - It wasn`t that bad, was it ?

I`ve seen Samba Da Amiga advertised on e-bay, but it`s often the US or Jap version. Can these be played on a UK dreamcast ?

RE: LOTR 4 Disk - Which one to get ?

Thanks for the help and the link. I think I`ll be getting the standard 4-disk edition.

RE: LOTR 4 Disk - Which one to get ?

It looks like I`ll be sticking to Region 2, but I still can`t decide whether to get the collectors edition or not. I`m not really interested in getting the book-ends, but I`m worried that I`ll be missing out on other goodies. Does anybody know if the collectors edition has anything else extra ?

LOTR 4 Disk - Which one to get ?

It`s gettting near that time, and I want to get my pre-order in.

Does anybody know if the collectors edition has anything extra apart from the book-ends ? Surely there must be more to justify the extra £10 ?

Also, are there any differences between the R1 and R2 versions ?

This item was edited on Monday, 21st October 2002, 16:18

RE: There must be more to life than this!!!

"If you wake up at a different time
and in a different place, could you
wake up as a different person?"

"Our generation has had no Great Depression, no Great War.
Our war is spiritual. Our depression is our lives."

"We were raised on television to believe
that we`d all be millionares, movie gods,
rock stars, but we won`t. And we`re
starting to figure that out."

Guess my favourite film at the moment !

RE: 32

This may or may not be relevent, but my rented 32 inch widescreen Phillips has just gone belly up. The service engineer didn`t even try to repair it as he thinks it`s probably the tube. He did say that he`d had a reasonable number of broken Phillips tubes.... The telly is about 4 or 5 years old ...

RE: 81 DVD`s & Still Nothing To Watch !!

I just don`t understand it either. I`ve never bought a video in my life, always being happy to rent, or wait for a film to turn on on TV somtime. Now I`ve got a DVD player, I want to buy a complete back catalogue of films ... and I`ve made a pretty good start (60 odd).

My wife always moans at my choices as well ... perhaps I`d better buy a few chick flicks ....

RE: Star Wars Episode 2 - first review!

There is the official trailer on the star wars web site (also mirrored lots of other places). It`s a pretty good trailer. My son and myself can`t wait to go and see it. My son (aged 5) watched the trailer 10 times in a row, pausing it at almost every frame !

RE: One liners that ruin the film

It`s got to be any line delivered by Quentin Tattentino. No matter how good the line, he ALWAYS manages to ruin it !

RE: Whats your favourite movie quote?

On the subject of Ghostbusters ...

VENKMAN: Back off man. I`m a scientist


RAY: Everything was fine with our system until the power grid was shut off by dickless here.
WALTER PECK They caused an explosion!
MAYOR: Is this true?
VENKMAN: Yes, it`s true. This man has no dick.


DANA: (possessed by gate keeper) Do you want this body?
VENKMAN: Is this a trick question?


DANA: That`s the bedroom, but nothing ever happened in there.
VENKMAN: What a crime.

But my favourite quotes is the entire script of `Pulp Fiction`...

RE: Manual for Lecson 900

You can switch the Lecson to NTSC or PAL or PAL60 (or auto) in the setup menus. If I play a R1 DVD, my Lecson can play it in either mode, but if you try PAL, you get jerky playback. I use NTSC for R1 as my TV can handle NTSC or PAL.

I don`t know what happens if you try to play a R2 DVD using NTSC.

RE: Moving PSTN master socket for ADSL

If your broadband gives you a network connection (as opposed to USB), you could get a wireless router. I got a Netgear broadband wireless router, which plugs into my cable modem. The router has a basic firewall, and allows all my PC`s to use the connection at the same time. I can also surf using my laptop anyway in the house (or the garden !).

Netgear wireless router and pcmcia card cost about £220.

RE: EB SALE - Sale (Blue Cross) on website now

Woking EB and Game both have DVD`s on offer. I just picked up Magnificent 7 box set for £8.75 !

There were several others in the sale, some at 75% off (102 dalmations, Farscape box sets ..).

Game also had lots of software reduced by upto 75%.

RE: Macrovision Removal on Lecson DVD-900

I`m pretty sure that there isn`t a macrovision hack I`m afraid. I`ve read that there are macrovision remover hardware devices available though ....

Try a search on the hardware forum.

RE: OneForAll 6 - Guaranteed to Work - I Don`t think so......

Well, I like having an all-in-one control. With small kids around, controllers are always going missing. This way, I only have to keep my eye on one controller. There`s no messing about with `where did I put the video contoller` because I put it out of reach of the kids last time I used it.

It is a pain that the all-in-one doesn`t do the DVD player. As for £40, I don`t think it cost that much (more like £25). Definitely a good gadget. Would be even better if it did what it said on the tin.....

RE: OneForAll 6 - Guaranteed to Work - I Don`t think so......

I`ve tried to get the One4All6 to work with my Lecson DVD900 with no joy. I did get it to learn a few functions, but the up/down/left/right was a bit flakey, like it hadn`t learnt all the code. It would work after pressing a button twice !

Gave up in the end. It worked well with TV/video/NTL.

I would like a new one, but £80 sounds a bit steep. Any other suggestions for replacements ?

RE: Marge or Lois?

Neither. It`s got to be Betty Rubble..... although Wilma rates quite highly as well.

RE: Burning MP3 audio

> can u help i burnt about 20 mp3`s onto a disc using Adaptec Easy CD
> Creator, i burnt it as data but it does not work when i play them on my
> DVD player which states it can play them all i get is the screaching
> sound of data, can u please help

I had something similar, untill I found out that my DVD player didn`t like variable bit rate. I re-recorded using constant bitrate, and all was OK.

This item was edited on Friday, 18th January 2002, 11:20

RE: Lecson 900 Firmware Update

Sorry, I don`t know I decided not to bother with the update when it came out as I hadn`t found any problem disks.

What disk did you have problems with ?
Where did you get the Firmware update disk ?

Cheap DVD players on richer sounds ...

Richer sounds have a few cheap DVD players at the moment, but I can`t find enough information about them on the net....

Limit DVHT2080
LG DVD4210

Does anybody have one of these players..... and if so, what are they like ? MP3 playback ... CDR ? macrovision etc.

RE: Where is this going to end?

"There are thousands of young people who look forward to death. "

Whilst there may be thousands of volunteers to die killing Americans, in practice a successfull suicide raid requires detailed planning, resources and money. How would one of these young people get hold of biological weapons for instance ?

In practice, if America smash the terrorist organisations, the would-be martyrs will not have the tools, money or opportunity to vent their anger on the American population.

America is not making any friends in the middle east, but I do think their policy will eventually effectively stop major world terrorism ...

RE: ntl. good? or bad? whats the cost

If you`re getting NTL, you`ve got to consider getting cable modem access. I pay £20.00 a month (over the base NTL pack cost) and get a 512K always on connection. I think they do a cheeper option giving you a 64K always on line.


When I cancelled, they were very quick to come and pick up the box. Good riddance to the C£&ppy piece of #$%& !

Long live Cable TV with cable modem !


I only connect mine via SCART, so I can`t help much on the picture issue. As regards multi-region verus region 1 only, I haven`t noticed any difference. I`ve left mine on multi-region and have had no problems. The only other issue to watch out for is if your TV supports NTSC properly. Do you get poor picture quality for both R1 and R2 DVD`s ?

BTW. there is no need to shout ;-)