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Has anyone been having problems connecting to Morpheus?

r8sso (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 27th February 2002, 15:31

Is anyone else getting a pop up message when they start Morpheus telling them they cant connect to the server as the version of morpheus is too old?! I`ve tried downloading it again but I can only find v1.3 which is what I`m using now!

Help!!! I`m lost without morpheus.


RE: Has anyone been having problems connecting to Morpheus?

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 27th February 2002, 15:34

sorry can`t help with your prob but i had kazaa on my last pc and i just got this one on sat. is morphues the better of the two

RE: Has anyone been having problems connecting to Morpheus?

r8sso (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 27th February 2002, 15:38

There exactly the same, they share the same users.

RE: Has anyone been having problems connecting to Morpheus?

galthop (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 27th February 2002, 15:46

There was a story on about this yesterday. The morpheus servers are broken. Hopefully they will be fixed by the time Iget home tonight.

RE: Has anyone been having problems connecting to Morpheus?

sonylover (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 27th February 2002, 16:38

Just been on to check this out, experienced no problems what so ever :))

RE: Has anyone been having problems connecting to Morpheus?

xHCx (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 27th February 2002, 19:04

I had the same problem with Grokster (which i believe shares the same users as those mentioned above) and had to download v.1.5 but from the download place they said it was v.1.3.3 but i was assured that it was v.1.5. i see no difference that has enhanced the program in any way apart from adding some spyware.

RE: Has anyone been having problems connecting to Morpheus?

Wedge G (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 27th February 2002, 19:29

Morpheus have realised that there is a problem and are tring to fix it. Here is there response:

We understand that some of you are having difficulties connecting to your Morpheus User Network. As you know from recent newsletters, Morpheus has been preparing to substantially upgrade the Morpheus software. Unexpectedly, one of our software providers made a significant upgrade to their technology that is currently incompatible with Morpheus.

We share our Morpheus users` frustration with this action and are committed to getting you back up on the network as soon as possible. As a result, we are accelerating the release of our new Morpheus software and within days expect Morpheus users to enjoy the Morpheus Preview Edition. The Morpheus Preview Edition will provide enhanced capabilities, a new, easy-to-use interface and most importantly, will provide access to more search results. In addition, we want to assure our users that, unlike other peer-to-peer networks, we remain committed to a free software product without spy ware.

We appreciate our users` loyalty to the Morpheus product and are committed to providing you with the best peer-to-peer network in the world. We appreciate your patience during this short transition. Please check back for exact availability to download the new Morpheus Preview Edition....

RE: Has anyone been having problems connecting to Morpheus?

Mintguy (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 27th February 2002, 19:57

I use Kazaa. I know that the same users are on both Kazaa and Morpheus, but is the softwafe itself any different or better? With Kazaa I can download one file from several people at once. Can Morpheus do this?

RE: Has anyone been having problems connecting to Morpheus?

MicoMan (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 27th February 2002, 20:31

I had the same problem today. Yes, You can get the same file from several people at once with Morpheus

Does Kazaa limit the Mp3`s to 128bps max?

RE: Has anyone been having problems connecting to Morpheus?

Fozzy_Bear (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 27th February 2002, 23:38

i thought it was just my pc.

anyone else had the computer freez when the completely exit morpheous cos that has happened to me quiet a lot recently.

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