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Living with people with hearing problems!

skirpy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 13th January 2011, 01:28


Any of you got relatives with hearing problems?.......i have and it drives me mad

My brother in law`s mother is deaf and dumb and i can communicate with her very well using sign language but my mother and father are half deaf because of old school not wearing hearing protection and working in very loud enviroments.

I own my parents home and live here just now and just can`t believe what they pick up when i speak to them!

Eariler i asked my father...."Did you put the bins out" and he said "Spicy i`m alright"....What?

I have to say everything at least 3 times and still get a confused look and usually i get told it`s me that can`t speak properly!

My mates think it is a great laugh when i tell them the things they come out with.

RE: Living with people with hearing problems!

admars (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 13th January 2011, 07:59

My neighbours either side of me have hearing problems! One is quite aware and tells me on a regualr basis to let him know if TV is too loud so he`ll turn it down. He`s nto normallya problem, but  he just tends to shout a bit when you talk to him. he`s retired but used to work ina noisy enviroenmnt hence the hearing problems.

the other side its old age, can hear their TV if ours isn`t on. I had to laugh the other day when I could hear their phone ring (I guess they bought a new one with loud ringer as I`ve never heard it before) and then heard a shout of "The phones ringing".

the postman gives parcels to them, if we`re not in, but we`ve found it`s easier to wait for them to bring to us, than for us to go them as they never seem to hear doorbell when we ring it.

My mother has amazing selective hearing. When I go to see my parents the TV seems very loud, but if I`m in the kitchen talking to my dad, when I return to living room where my mum was, she can repeat everything that was said.

RE: Living with people with hearing problems!

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 13th January 2011, 09:50

my left ear is rubbish.... it was 15% down on efficiency when i was in my late teens.
(too many gigs and working in a press shop didn`t help).

i now have constant tinitus, but it doesn`t bother me too much unless i`m in a really
quiet environment. sometimes it seems louder and you then become aware of it and
seem to then listen for it which makes it worse!!

my missus just thinks i`ve got selective hearing though ;)


RE: Living with people with hearing problems!

whoot (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 13th January 2011, 09:54

Im a bit deaf in one ear and I struggle to hear if there is a lot of babble.

My dad`s hearing is f***ed. He was working at Heathrow building one of the terminals back in the 70s or something and a pilot started up a jet nearish to him.

You have to watch telly with subtitles, which to be honest i dont mind, and talk slowly and clearly.

its more frustrating for the deafee if you ask me, so its no hardship.

RE: Living with people with hearing problems!

skirpy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 13th January 2011, 13:16

selective hearing

My father has that also, he can hear every word of a conversation when i am in the kitchen.

RE: Living with people with hearing problems!

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 13th January 2011, 16:45

Mum gets ax on a regular basis and uses it to her advantage after it`s been cleared ;)
Sister has some form of hearing disorder where she can hear certain things but not others... drives me absolutely mental as I`m pretty sure she`s lip reading or guessing a lot of the time.

I have this wierd hearing issue. My hearing is normally fine all the time, but if I go to a gig/concert or any other "loud" event, and someone tries to speak to me (you know, the hand up to create the barrier then shouting into your ear) I can`t hear a thing from them. Just vibrations and can`t make out a single word.

Last concert I went to was a few weeks back, Meat Loaf at SECC and for the first time in my life I had tinitus when I left! :-o

Jimbo : oÞ

"There`s that word again... is there a problem with the Earth`s gravitational pull in the future?"

RE: Living with people with hearing problems!

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 14th January 2011, 19:51

Both parents are selectively mutt-and-jeff.  Cloth-eared I call it.  The telly is always on louder than strictly necessary.  Conversations are inevitably a series of "eh?"  "wha?" and "a week last Tuesday." (???).

The worst part is they`ll frequently accuse me of having cloth-ears.

"I`ll have you know I can hear a pin drop."  "You wouldn`t hear the grenade it came out of."

J Mark Oates

It`s Grand To Be Daft

RE: Living with people with hearing problems!

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 15th January 2011, 17:03

One of the worst and growing hearing problems is american TAOS HUM, or in Britain it is called the BRISTOL HUM or LARGS HUM, this tends to hit a lot of people once they are middle aged, one third of hum sufferers are men and two thirds women, according to statistics. Some can hear it in one ear only and others in both. There has even been suicides due to this conditon, as they cannot stand it no longer. (look it up on the internet if you wish),

My brother-in-law who lives in Scotland suffers from this, and what is most unusual about it, is that no one else around him can hear it, so he has to go to bed with foam ear plugs in for what to us is a non-exisitant hum, a sound like a truck idling he says.

I said to him go to the doctor and get checked for TINITUS, ie, for humming in his head, but he says it is an external source coming in through the windows, and what is most weird, is that the conditon is only in the house, if he steps out there is no hum and if he goes back inside there is the hum. he gets it anywhere in the country but only indoors. Weird.

I have since read about it on the internet, and hum sufferes cannot agree if it is an acustic noise or an electro mangnetic source affecting these sensitive hearing people. They do not know the source but it is worldwide so its is either natural or manmade, who knows.

My brother-in -law has learned how to deal and cope with it over the years, with white noise, fans , radio, earphones and foam plugs, but it is hard to watch people suffer noises that to us are not there.

This item was edited on Saturday, 15th January 2011, 17:06

RE: Living with people with hearing problems!

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 15th January 2011, 20:14

Not exactly a hearing problem, but I suffer (occasionally) from a condition in light sleep or waking where I`m snapped awake by a loud sound or somebody calling and inevitably the sound has originated in my head.  I looked it up on the web and to my delight it`s called exploding head syndrome.

It usually manifests itself as my mother shouting my name.  As I`m her full-time carer and always ears-peeled for her in trouble I don`t regard it as a handicap as I`d rather be safe than sorry.

J Mark Oates

Life[apost]s Too Short To Take It Seriously

RE: Living with people with hearing problems!

marto100 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 15th January 2011, 21:37

i have got noise induced deafness and it is frustrating sometimes especially when you are in the company of strangers.a big help to us deafies would be if people faced us when talking it helps to lip read but also it is the voice wife talks to me sometimes as she is leaving the room and this is frustrating for me and her

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