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Revealing the names and faces of Baby P`s killers - Why??

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 11th August 2009, 22:33

Probably going to be an unpopular point of view, but here goes...

I really can`t see the point of every tabloid and news agency jumping on the chance to show the faces of those responsible for baby P`s death.

What I`m getting at is that the ban on revealing their identities was lifted at midnight last night and the months of interviews with neighbours and relatives that the tabs had saved were unleashed on the world.

I`m just questioning what possible good will it have done? What possible advantages can be acheived by revealing the faces of these 3 bastards who will now be protected by the law until the end of their sentences, and when they get out they will be protected with their identities changed at the taxpayer`s expense, and moved to an area where their history will be hidden. So what is the point of filling up 7 pages of every paper with what awful people they are, how the mother was a slob and the boyfriend and his brother used to skin animals alive and collect nazi memorabilia?

They killed a f***ing 17-month old baby, that`s pretty much as low as it gets. I don;t need to know she didn`t get out of bed until 12 and spent most of her time on the internet (*cough*).

The only plausible explanation I can come up with for showing us what they look like is to hope that in the future, someone will recognise them and beat the crap out of them. Of course, that`s not the official line, but you can bet your arse it`s in the back of someone`s mind when they released the mugshots.

In which case, form an orderly queue. Right behind me.

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RE: Revealing the names and faces of Baby P`s killers - Why??

WD423 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 12th August 2009, 05:37

The only plausible explanation I can come up with for showing us what they look like is to hope that in the future, someone will recognise them and beat the crap out of them. Of course, that`s not the official line, but you can bet your arse it`s in the back of someone`s mind when they released the mugshots.

And that`s exactly why I think they papers printed the photos. I hope they do get the crap and more beaten out of them.

RE: Revealing the names and faces of Baby P`s killers - Why??

Fowler9 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 12th August 2009, 07:17

Hasn`t there been a lot of opposition to them receiving police protection / ID change etc etc at the cost of the tax payer when they are released??

"Clarkson you infantile pillock" - J May, Top Gear, 9/11/2008

A Tribute - to remind us all of the good doc whilst his posting capacity is reduced. . . . . . . . . .

RE: Revealing the names and faces of Baby P`s killers - Why??

badboybez (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 12th August 2009, 07:26

Hopefully they won`t make it to the end of their sentences inside...

RE: Revealing the names and faces of Baby P`s killers - Why??

kebabhead (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 12th August 2009, 07:44

All we need now is Thomson & Venables mug shots

RE: Revealing the names and faces of Baby P`s killers - Why??

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 12th August 2009, 09:10

It serves no purpose other than to incite hatred and pander to the voyeuristic, baying mob. I`ve been reading some of the comments on the BBC website, and a great many of them appear to have been written by f***ing idiots calling for the most hideous forms of torture while `not condoning` vigilantism. No, of course not. Obviously they committed a heinous crime, but that`s what we have courts for. If we all went around meting out our own special brands of justice there would be anarchy. Lynchings aren`t exactly the cornerstone of civilised society.

What are people going to do with the information? Wait for them to be released and then kill them in a revenge attack? Is one killing more just than another? In my view it just perpetuates the cycle of violence and that is more harmful to society in the long run.

RE: Revealing the names and faces of Baby P`s killers - Why??

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 12th August 2009, 11:07

I agree, but then I`ve never really understood the flaming torches mentality.

When I hear people say things like, "I`d love to be locked in a room with them for five minutes," I just think either they are an absolute idiot who has never actually thought about the whole thing beyond the words, or they are just one step removed from the businessmen in the film Hostel who pay to torture people.


"The Green Belt policy is a Labour Policy, and we intend to Build on it"
John Prescott

RE: Revealing the names and faces of Baby P`s killers - Why??

kebabhead (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 12th August 2009, 11:15

I`ve never really understood the flaming torches mentality.

If you`ve got kids things like this hit home

Until I had kids never use to bat a eyelid when hearing these stories

RE: Revealing the names and faces of Baby P`s killers - Why??

fluff_n_stuff (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 12th August 2009, 11:41

I`ve never really understood the flaming torches mentality.

Neither have I to be honest, yes, what they did is unimaginably awful, yes, they should be punished an awful lot more than they are but, what good would beating the daylights out of them actually achieve?

I suppose the argument is that then they would know how the kid felt, but they won`t see it like that, it won`t bring the baby back, and the people would then end up with extra protectoin, compensation etc, and you`d probably end up in prison forever!

RE: Revealing the names and faces of Baby P`s killers - Why??

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 12th August 2009, 12:34

If there hadn`t been other children involved then I think they would`ve been named ages ago. The baying mob were already circulating names, photos, and info online that endangered the rape trial so it doesn`t matter that they`ve been identified now.


Until I had kids never use to bat a eyelid when hearing these stories

We`re not all devoid of empathy. ~*~

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