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Claim Claim Claim

kennedy316 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 10th July 2009, 14:20

Me and the other half are on the verge of splitsville (sucks and im totally devastated but not much i can do about it, believe me ive tried). Anyhow i understand that those who govern such things will always giv favour to the mother when it comes to living with the kids (3 and a half and 8 months) but does anyone have any info on what benefits you can claim and so on if any?

The reason i ask is that at the moment we live in privately rented accomodation but obviously that would have to change and im not convinced my salary would stretch to covering all bills and council tax and so on on a place on my own (at the moment we split the bills).

Guess id should CAB it but its all going on at the moment and im just seeing where i stand on things.

It matters not what happens in life, ive met the Mighty Bruce and my life is complete.

RE: Claim Claim Claim

Paull (Elite) posted this on Friday, 10th July 2009, 14:30

I can`t help in your situation, but you have my sympathy in what you are going through.

RE: Claim Claim Claim

kebabhead (Elite) posted this on Friday, 10th July 2009, 14:37

on what benefits you can claim and so on if any

For you or your ex?

The only benefit I can see you`ll get on your own is 25% reduction in council tax

Do you claim child tax credit/working tax credit?

If so who gets the money

RE: Claim Claim Claim

kennedy316 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 10th July 2009, 14:41

All that stuff goes to the other half which is fine, guess i best start looking for a relative to crash with huh :/

It matters not what happens in life, ive met the Mighty Bruce and my life is complete.

RE: Claim Claim Claim

kebabhead (Elite) posted this on Friday, 10th July 2009, 14:48

All that stuff goes to the other half which is fine, guess i best start looking for a relative to crash with huh

Yep that will be the cheaper option for you at the moment

Remember that if you do split when she informs the Inland Revenue that you no longer live together she will receive an increase in Child Tax credit

Try and keep things as amicable as possible

RE: Claim Claim Claim

kennedy316 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 10th July 2009, 15:18

Well youll all think im a bit of an idiot anyway. Weve had problems and she has PND, the main cause is that she wants to be closer to her family in Brum. Weve lived in Brum before (pre kids) and i hated it.
Anyhow, we have discussed working through things but moving to Brum together, but i cant get over my dislike for the place and i also dont think that its the right place to bring up kids. Im from the countryside (gloucestershire) and thst where weve lived for past 4 years or so its all are kids have known. The 3 year old has nursery friends who she`ll be going to school with and i dont want her to lose all that. I realise shes young enough to just adjust so i should go to Brum and keep the family together (what i really want) but am struggling to get over my issues.

It matters not what happens in life, ive met the Mighty Bruce and my life is complete.

RE: Claim Claim Claim

retrogeezer (Elite) posted this on Friday, 10th July 2009, 16:10

Get over them...does it really matter where you live if you are with your kids? I couldn`t bear to be away from my daughter.

why take life so seriously..its not like you are going to make it out alive

RE: Claim Claim Claim

Paull (Elite) posted this on Friday, 10th July 2009, 16:51

Where in Gloucestershire are you from?

RE: Claim Claim Claim

visfix (Competent) posted this on Friday, 10th July 2009, 22:06

You have my sympathies, mate, it`s a s***ter, and no mistake. Been there n dun that, and all that s***e.

Anywho, if your problem is just with the place, I`d grin and bear it for a while, as I am doing in my current place of abode, and see how things work out. If you are really struggling, then talk to her about it; I`m sure if she sees that you`re trying, but struggling, she will compromise.

Good luck, dude. :)

RE: Claim Claim Claim

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 11th July 2009, 00:42

Do you have to move to Brum proper? Isn`t there somewhere on the outskirts sufficiently unbrummy for you, but close enough to her folks?

J Mark Oates

I`m In A Silly Mood. Why Aren`t You?

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