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Anyone tried reclaiming bank charges

roar349 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 7th December 2006, 17:18

Was over at MSE earlier and noticed the reclaiming bank charges forum. Anyone actually done this?

I reckon I`ve been charged about 2-3k over the past 6 years in charges (mainly because the bank charges me and I go over my overdraft becuse of this). I tried talking to my bank about avoiding these charges a couple of months back by increasing my overdraft for a couple of months, but was kindly told to F-Off. So I`m looking to reclaim some of these charges, just wondering if anyone else had tried.

RE: Anyone tried reclaiming bank charges

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 7th December 2006, 18:06

Hell yes!

Its upto £1090 so far with another £720 to go :D

We should all nail them to the post! And remember your credit cards too!!!!


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- Christopher Reeve (1953-2004)

RE: Anyone tried reclaiming bank charges

julianf (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 7th December 2006, 18:48

Sent the initial letter, was offered the highest 6 month period of charges from the last 6 years back (if that makes sense - came) as a good will gesture. Turned it down. Waiting next reply.


RE: Anyone tried reclaiming bank charges

Blue John (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 7th December 2006, 19:32

Have issued small claims proceedings against bank. They have acknowledged the claim and have until 18th Dec to decide what they`re going to do.



Our Collection (including the ones that belong to the kids!)

Blue John Soul, Blues & Funk Band

RE: Anyone tried reclaiming bank charges

Ailegs (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 7th December 2006, 20:23

Would this include a charge such as the monthly fee of £7 for using a lloydstsb current account or is only for when the penalise you for overdrawing? (£30 ish)

Is that the time? Damn you Xbox 360!!!!

RE: Anyone tried reclaiming bank charges

hamshall (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 7th December 2006, 20:33

hi all,
me and wife did this to halifax twice, once with joint account and again with my credit card, but beware when doing this with your credit card as if you have an outstanding balance they will refund the money to your credit card account, with both claims we had roughly 4,500 returned to us, any more questions feel free to ask


This item was edited on Thursday, 7th December 2006, 20:34

RE: Anyone tried reclaiming bank charges

hamshall (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 7th December 2006, 20:38

just another think to mention some people have started claiming 25% interest when it goes to court proceedings on credit cards, and remember if it goes that far that you can add 8% interest on top, and one more think no case will ever be heard in court as the banks cannot justify the charges to the court

This item was edited on Thursday, 7th December 2006, 20:39

RE: Anyone tried reclaiming bank charges

Ivan Dobsky (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 7th December 2006, 23:30

I`m just waiting for my finances to settle down - I have only just been paid for the work I`ve been doing since the start of September thanks to someone deciding to make me suffer at the HR Dept (long story and not for here, unfortunately) - before I get things together to put a claim in to my bank. I think I`m looking at close to a grand if it all goes OK.

RE: Anyone tried reclaiming bank charges

hamshall (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 7th December 2006, 23:42

good on you, i`d wish you luck but you wont need it, you`ll get your money

RE: Anyone tried reclaiming bank charges

Blue John (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2006, 00:21

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