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General Forum

hamshall (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 3rd January 2006, 21:11

hello to all, hope you all had a great xmas and new year, i suppose most of you might have heard of this site already, for those that have not, visit the site and see what you think of what dr steven greer is trying to bring about, if you feel strongly about this issue, please could you take time to visit this link to fill in this petition,,as i understand this will be shown at the congress in the usa if they get enough people to sign,thanks very much.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 3rd January 2006, 21:18


Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 3rd January 2006, 22:22

Where`s me tinfoil hat...

It`ll never heal if you don`t stop picking...

My Collection


xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 3rd January 2006, 22:32

DISARMAMENT - Ban space-based weapons and warfare in space. DIPLOMACY with ethical ETs now visiting Earth.

If Hollywood has taught me anything (and it`s safe to say it has), it`s to kill the little grey f***ers first chance we get.

/Was nosying round Area51 on Google Earth yesterday. No spaceships outside up on bricks... disappointing.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 3rd January 2006, 22:34


bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 3rd January 2006, 22:50

OK, so we`ve see a few UFO`s, a lot of us know they are out there.
But tell me, is the man in the street bothering about it ? no way :D

I myself have seen two, you know, the silver round sphere type, side by side, hovering overhead, no sound, just sitting there, no strings, no wires, no bl~@:y camera, then shooting away in the direction of Chelmsford at high speed.

Wonder whats so good about Chelmsford, maybe a good gig on there.

Anyway, who would believe you, no one, I don`t believe it myself and I saw them, so its time to shut up and worry more about earthly matters, like get the lottery on, pay the council tax, which pub to head to.

I bet your average intergalatic pundit does not have our worries to contend with.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 3rd January 2006, 22:57


xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 3rd January 2006, 23:24

OK, so we`ve see a few UFO`s, a lot of us know they are out there.

I saw a UFO in the autumn of 1998 - a friend rang me at 11:40pm and said to go and look outside, I asked what direction and me and my mum went to have a look wondering what the heck we were supposed to be looking for.

We saw lights in the sky that did this (vertically, they weren`t horizontally overhead):

They took about 20 seconds to do that ^ before we couldn`t see them anymore because they`d gone past the window.

The friend was all "Aliens! Aliens!" but me and mum thought it must be hot air balloons. *Anyway* so the next day I phoned up a ballooning place out of the Yellow Pages to prove my friend wrong - and was told it was a) too late and b) totally the wrong conditions to have been balloons.

They said I should give air-traffic control a ring, so I did.

Air-traffic control didn`t laugh down the phone at me like (I would have done), but instead had someone phone me back - nothing was in the area at the time I gave. The air-traffic control man said "Well that makes it a UFO" and I said "Well could it just be the RAF?" and he said "They`re meant to ask permission but they never do - so it could be, but as we don`t *know* what it was, then obviously by definition it`s unidentified."

Meanwhile friend had got the number of some UFO whackjobs from the noticeboard at the library and a man came to take a "witness statement" - he said quite a few other people at this end of town had reported the same lights. Wooo.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 3rd January 2006, 23:27


MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 3rd January 2006, 23:41

thats right, we don`t exist, there is no such thing as "aliens" you`re (sorry our) earth is unique amongst the stars.

repeat after me...........................

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden

This item was edited on Wednesday, 4th January 2006, 00:15


The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 3rd January 2006, 23:43

I`ve seen a band in Chelmsford. Dose that count? Nitzer Ebb were there name. just so you know.

All the best,

Dr 42%er

It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....


bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 4th January 2006, 00:04

At the end of the day, lights in the sky and silver spheres are meaningless. Only the witnesses believe that they have seen something unusual. Even camera or video footage cannot be trusted, as it is so easy to photoshop anything digitally.

So, you cant prove what they are, what there doing there, and its not as though the things are going to land at your feet to tell you ;)

Until we either face a mass alien attack or a saucer landing on the white house lawn welcoming us to the Galatic Federation, then we should not worry too much about it, until it happens.

Who knows, whats fiction today may eventually become reality tomorrow.


The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 4th January 2006, 00:14

But I have seen Nitzer Ebb, I think?

All the best,


It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....


jc808 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 4th January 2006, 13:01

the truth is out there...

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