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My DVD player is better than yours

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 10th October 2000, 18:01

Just for Ironduke, I thought I`d start a "My DVD player is better than yours" thread. I`ll let someone else kick us off, since I`m only going to wait till the end to tell you all why mine is better than everyone elses. :-)

RE: My DVD player is better than yours

daz (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 10th October 2000, 18:33

Hi Robert this is an intresting thread and one where i can surely agree with you i know one reason your dvd player is better than mine and thats because all mine have been pants.

RE: My DVD player is better than yours

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 10th October 2000, 18:51


that`s unfair everyone know`s you people take home the review models:P


RE: My DVD player is better than yours

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 10th October 2000, 21:49

I`ll help you out a bit here, my player is NOT any review model. ;-)

RE: My DVD player is better than yours

madmax (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 10th October 2000, 23:09

Hi i thought i might just add a couple of lines: 3yrs ago i got my first DVD player from the states (Pioneer 500) excellent player no probs, then i upgraded Pioneer 505 again excellent no probs, upgraded once again to Pioneer 606D again excellent no probs. I then decided i would get a budget player for upstairs, this is where it went bad, first a DXR3 for the PC, very poor only good on the puter unless you have it next to your telly, then a Bush (forget the model No) nothing but trouble, took it back to Argos and got a Daewoo 2200k, not bad but Picture artifacts in abundence, my mate Eddie bought a Scan, and sent that back loads of faults, just put in an order for the Yelo 800, now just about to stop it after reading the Forum. So it looks like you get what you pay for, and i`m going get another Pioneer (one of the first on the DVD scene and the best)

RE: My DVD player is better than yours

clayts (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 10th October 2000, 23:19

Never mind all that. Both Rob and Welly Boy know that mine is better than the rest.....

RE: My DVD player is better than yours

madmax (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 10th October 2000, 23:37

Just saying mine is best, hardly constitutes a ground for argument or disscusion. How do you come to the conclusion that yours is best?? do you have facts and figures to prove it. Anyone can say Mine is best .. even if they dont have one ( which by fact that you havent told us what your model is, leads us to think you may not have one).

So kind sir ..please enlighten us !!

RE: My DVD player is better than yours

clayts (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 10th October 2000, 23:43

Yeah Rob just HOW funky is your player ?

Is it a slinky silver number...
Or is it one made out of Lego...
Did you pay for it???(I think not, Mr Reviewer, sir - 10/10 for Austin Powers, certainly sir...ooh a luvly new top of the range DVD player...) It`s that blinkin` top of the range DVD-A player isn`t it...ISN`T IT?

RE: My DVD player is better than yours

madmax (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 10th October 2000, 23:56

And while on the subject Rob.. What qualifies you to say one machine is better than another ?? for all we know you may be a Bus Driver. or even a ..... Traffic Warden LOL ?? come on Rob prove youself .

RE: My DVD player is better than yours

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th October 2000, 00:11

Traffic warden or not, Max, I still reckon Rob`s got a swanky player... Perks of the job dontcha know ???!!!
(Jealous, moi ?)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 11th October 2000, 00:12

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