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Watched ALL of Lost Series 1? Not Series 2. Discuss. SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!

sj (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th September 2005, 09:36

Well, I`ve watched series 1 now but not started watching series 2.
If you haven`t finished series 1 yet, there are BIG spoilers here. Don`t read on.. Don`t want a thread full of `spoiler` tabs. There`s your warning ;)
I really started to enjoy the series about 1/2 way through and there were so many things happening that I thought were strange but they would be answered as the series end grew nearer.. But they weren`t. I suppose that was because I assumed that at the end, there would be a natural conclusion. But there wasn`t. I knew there was a second series but didn`t know it would still be on the island or even with the same cast. Part of my enjoyment of watching the last few episodes was thinking just how good they were going to have to be to resolve some of the things that had happened in previous episodes..
So, some questions....
who was the man who took the pregnant girl that Charlie shot?
what is the series really about then? - so, it`s not just some people who crashed on a `normal` desert island then? - something `strange` about it?
when the raft went out to sea, they hadn`t gone `that` far to see the other, quite small, boat. Surely they`re not that far from civilisation? Why did they want the boy?
why was there a polar bear in it?
what`s ripping up trees?
what is this `smoke monster`?
what are these numbers all about?
How come Locke can walk now? Or can he? Dream?
Does series 2 basically carry on where 1 left off?
Oh, and Hurley is the best character. End of the last episode - "Dude, you`ve got some of Artze on you..." - LOL

So, anyone want to discuss the first series?


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This item was edited on Sunday, 25th September 2005, 10:37

RE: Watched ALL of Lost Series 1? Not Series 2. Discuss. SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th September 2005, 09:59

Being an electrical engineer to trade, what I want to know is, that the French womans cave had elecricity, which seems to be fed from a large cable back through the jungle, out across the sandy beach and straight into the ocean.

So whats that all about, cause theres no way a sunken ships generator is going to work underwater, never mind seveteen years of operation :/

RE: Watched ALL of Lost Series 1? Not Series 2. Discuss. SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!

Robert Terwilliger (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th September 2005, 10:08

I`ll try and answer some of your questions (well my opinions anyhow) and try not to put any spoilers from what I now know from starting to watch season 2.....

who was the man who took the pregnant girl that Charlie shot?
Ethan Rom ...not one of the plane passengers (as his name didnt appear on the planes passenger list) lots of stories on the net about who/what he is. His name is an anagram of `other man` so hes possibly an inhabitant of the island - ie one of the `Others` .lots of stories about him moving while Charlie was digging his it just the wind? an actor who isnt very good at acting dead? not sure yet...but we might not have seen the last of Ethan Rom (even if it is only a flashback)

what is the series really about then? - so, it`s not just some people who crashed on a `normal` desert island then? - something `strange` about it?
The island is far from `normal` ....whats strange about it is still a mystery (to me anyhow lol) although I can see (or hope) some questions being answered with the events in the first few episodes of season 2

when the raft went out to sea, they hadn`t gone `that` far to see the other, quite small, boat. Surely they`re not that far from civilisation? Why did they want the boy?
The boat they encountered I assume came from the island it was the `Others` who knew about the raft and intercepted it. Why did they want Walt? who knows...but I suspect he has some kind of supernatural powers (watch his flashback sequences and his stepfather being scared/unsure about him) could the Others want him because of this?

why was there a polar bear in it?
The Bears always appeared after Walt read about them in his comic ...maybe Walk `thinks bad things into happening`...we are yet to see Walts flashback of the crash itself...maybe he was reading a book about a plane crash??

what`s ripping up trees?
I`ll get back to you on that one lol

what is this `smoke monster`?
That one

what are these numbers all about?
The numbers seem to crop up all over the place ..theres obviously some kind of connection there but Im yet to make it

How come Locke can walk now? Or can he? Dream?
Locke says (If I recall its during the argument with the bushwalk guy) that hes lived with his condition for 4 years so Im guessing his condidion isnt physical but some kind of mental one (such as a bad trauma causing temporary blindness or hair loss) and the shock of the crash reversed whatever his condition is although not fully as we see at various points in the series

Does series 2 basically carry on where 1 left off?
Yes....episode one of season 2 carries on exactly where season 1 ended with a brief `previously on lost` recap (just as we get at the start of a few episodes through season 1)

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RE: Watched ALL of Lost Series 1? Not Series 2. Discuss. SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!

sj (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th September 2005, 10:30

Nice one, cheers. :)
Any more opinions anyone?

Yes, I thought Walt`s story would be interesting.. Liked the way you saw Hurley settle down to read the comic right at the end of the last episode.


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RE: Watched ALL of Lost Series 1? Not Series 2. Discuss. SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!

kazanddan (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 25th September 2005, 11:05

· Locke had been in a wheelchair four years before the crash.
· Psychiatric patient Lenny the repeater was playing the game Connect Four when
Hurley went to see him
· Michael`s raft holds four people

· Claire was eight months pregnant when the plane went down.
· Sawyer was 8 years old when his father killed himself and Sawyer`s mother.
· Lost`s first-season DVD features more than eight hours of bonus features.

· Michael tells Sawyer the raft is 15 miles offshore when the radar detects a moving
· Sun was supposed to leave the airport at 11:15.
· Boone says he spent 15 hours on a plane trying to reach his stepsister.
· Jack insists he needs to land in Los Angeles in 16 hours.
· Kate, Jack and Charlie found the pilot 16 hours after the crash.
· The French woman has been stranded 16 years
· The reward for turning in Kate was $23,000.
· Jack was in Seat 23B and Rose was in 23D
· Hurley boarded the plane at Gate 23.
· A computer screen says the arrival time in Los Angeles will be 10:42.
· Ana-Lucia, who flirted with Jack at the Sydney Airport, was seated in 42F.

RE: Watched ALL of Lost Series 1? Not Series 2. Discuss. SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!

sj (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th September 2005, 11:12

Ana-Lucia, who flirted with Jack at the Sydney Airport, was seated in 42F.
Was the only reason she was in the story to get the number 42 in again? Assume she died..??..


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: Watched ALL of Lost Series 1? Not Series 2. Discuss. SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!

kazanddan (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 25th September 2005, 11:26


as this is about season 2 i will put it as a spoiler

Ana-Lucia is in season 2, so doesn`t die in the first

RE: Watched ALL of Lost Series 1? Not Series 2. Discuss. SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!

Robert Terwilliger (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th September 2005, 11:46

Was the only reason she was in the story to get the number 42 in again? Assume she died..??..

Another grey area....the main body of the plane was on the beach...the cockpit was in the jungle ..but the tail hasnt yet been found. Its been mentioned that it fell into the sea, but we have seen that the `Others` have a boat or boats (if that was them kidnapping Walt) whos to say they didnt capture survivors from the crashed tail end? When Boone is in the crashed `drug` plane he gets the radio working and says he is a survivor of the Oceanic flight 815 and gets a reply along the lines of `no we are the survivors of flight 815` could this be from the surviviors of the tail end somewhere else on the island...possibly captured by the `Others` ? ...Dont forget the woman whose husband went to the loo (in the tail section) before the crash who is convinced her husband is alive.

Regarding Ana-Lucia...

Michelle Rodriguez who played Ana-Lucia in that episode is a cast member in season 2 (according to IMDb) weather she is a regular cast member or only appearing in more flashbacks remains to be seem but all the signs point to other survivors somewhere else on the island......

"If I had time....and a hammer, I`d track down every bootleg copy and smash it........"
- George Lucas

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This item was edited on Sunday, 25th September 2005, 12:51

RE: Watched ALL of Lost Series 1? Not Series 2. Discuss. SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 25th September 2005, 11:51

what is the series really about then?
Good question - personally I think it`s about people, human interaction, secrets and their consequences; I find it similar to Twin Peaks (even though I`ve only seen season one of both) inasmuch as the hook is secondary to the main content. In Twin Peaks, the hook is `Who killed Laura Palmer?` but the focus is really on the town and the people in it, the secrets they have and the relationships that they try to keep hidden. Lost is more complicated as there are plot points and devices that will probably never be fully understood. Excellent stuff. :D

As for Ana-Lucia Cortez (Michelle Rodriguez), who Jack met in the bar, my guess is that she was in the tail of the plane and survived (with Rose`s husband) with others who will probably be introduced throughout season 2.

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RE: Watched ALL of Lost Series 1? Not Series 2. Discuss. SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!

Robert Terwilliger (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th September 2005, 12:08

personally I think it`s about people, human interaction, secrets and their consequences; I find it similar to Twin Peaks (even though I`ve only seen season one of both) inasmuch as the hook is secondary to the main content. In Twin Peaks, the hook is `Who killed Laura Palmer?` but the focus is really on the town and the people in it, the secrets they have and the relationships that they try to keep hidden. Lost is more complicated as there are plot points and devices that will probably never be fully understood. Excellent stuff.

Exactly....I was trying to explain it to someone at work who has taped all the episodes so far but not got around to watching it (dunno why) I said if your expecting a show about folks surviving a plane crash you might be disappointed if you like shows like Twin Peaks, the Outer Limits, Twighlight Zone, X Files etc you will love it ...its not about the plane crash as such its about the people... and each week their backstories seem to get further interwoven ..the numbers, Hurley owning the company Locke works for, Sawyer meeting Jacks Dad, etc etc

"If I had time....and a hammer, I`d track down every bootleg copy and smash it........"
- George Lucas

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