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Ooh! Lightning!!

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 9th September 2005, 22:31

Tonight should be interesting. We haven`t had a loud storm since Luke was born.

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RE: Ooh! Lightning!!

jc808 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 9th September 2005, 22:41


certainly hot enough, f***, its like july

RE: Ooh! Lightning!!

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Friday, 9th September 2005, 22:47

Kept thinking I saw it tonight leaving Paddington (Thanks for the rain warning Bats) & all through Berks.

It wasn`t until Exeter that it really started chucking it down.

I Luurveeeee a good Thunderstorm.

I quite like the Helpdesk people in a benevolent (as opposed to malevolent) way as they do some valuable work in preventing us being inundated by every halfwit who can work a phone.

RE: Ooh! Lightning!!

**roofie** (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 10th September 2005, 17:10

We had a brilliant storm in North Shropshire last night. It started just after midnight. I love thunder storms."" target="_blank"> TROLL CITY

RE: Ooh! Lightning!!

M. (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 10th September 2005, 18:54

We`ve had a storm here directly overhead since 6.25pm (Orpington) and it`s still going strong even better now it`s got dark outside! :D


RE: Ooh! Lightning!!

galaxy (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 10th September 2005, 19:12

Yeh! I am in Swanley and about 6.30pm and the heavens opened up, I went to shut my sons blinds in his bedroom and grabbed the metal chord and and at that precise moment a bolt of lightening hit our street and a huge spark shot of the chord and into my hand and it frightened the s?#t out of me, I have also found that my all in one HP printer has faults flashing and wont reset!!!! And it has started again now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: Ooh! Lightning!!

Blue John (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 10th September 2005, 19:36

We`ve been at Alton Towers all day. It wasn`t very warm & poured down most of the day.

Still had a fantastic time though. Haven`t been for 10 years :)



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`I have something to say. It`s better to burn out than to fade away.`

RE: Ooh! Lightning!!

Chug a Bug (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 10th September 2005, 21:39

Been baking hot again today and absolutely nothing happened apart from a few clouds scudding over and thats rare enough these days. No rain, no thunder, nothing. Absolutely diddly squat. It`s a total dust bowl here. :¦

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RE: Ooh! Lightning!!

Ivan Dobsky (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 10th September 2005, 22:27

We`ve had quite a bit of rain today, but the heat is still quite formidable.

At least I haven`t had to worry about watering my garden today, though, like I have had to every other evening recently.

RE: Ooh! Lightning!!

**roofie** (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 11th September 2005, 09:37

Heavy rain here again today."" target="_blank"> TROLL CITY

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