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This thread is now closed - thanks to everyone who posted !

close to the edge (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 24th July 2001, 00:25

Answers please.

This item was edited on Friday, 27th July 2001, 21:46

RE: Did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon? or did he walk in a movie set?

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Tuesday, 24th July 2001, 00:32

If we`re going to answer that one -

Did the SIS kill Diana ?

Did we really make contact with aliens at Roswell ?

Did the Mafia kill Kennedy ?

Sure we can clean them all up tonight ;-)

Actually, I read a website comprehensively debunking this conspiracy theory recently, but I can`t remember where I got the URL from... Still and interesting question with some unexplained abnormalities though.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 24th July 2001, 00:33

RE: Did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon? or did he walk in a movie set?

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 24th July 2001, 02:41

Sheesh! I thought everybody knew these ones.

a) _All_ the moon missions were videotaped in Houston, Texas.

b) JF and Bobby Kennedy were assassinated by the FBI to keep the above secret as going there had been JF`s idea. Unfortunately the Pentagon brass had spent all the spare cash on H-bombs so the US couldn`t afford the space race.

c) Nobody made contact with aliens at Roswell, they shot them dead.

d) Marilyn Monroe was killed by the Feds because she knew both Bobby and JFK a little too well and if she`d started making these facts known, the whole Kennedy Icon game would have been shot.

e) Diana - think French Secret Service and you`re on the right lines.

But if you really want a 100 percent baffling conundrum that can only be explained by a conspiracy theory -

Region Coding

This item was edited on Tuesday, 24th July 2001, 02:42

RE: Did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon? or did he walk in a movie set?

HappyExHitachi505Owner ;-) (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 24th July 2001, 03:43

The Apollo Hoax is a subject very close to my heart and is sure to shock anyone who delves closely into it.
Of all the conspiracy theories out there, this one is without doubt conspiracy FACT! NASA`s own films prove it!

Reasons that `undoubtedly` prove the Yanks mooned us all:

1) Moon dirt flying of the lunar rover`s rear tyres and hitting a `wall of atmosphere`, instead of following a true arc towards the ground. In space nothing but gravity will impede the motion of an object. The moon has no atmosphere so it must have been filmed on earth (Area 51?). Also the dirt would have flown up 6 times higher on the moon. They didnt even manage a pethetic ten feet.

2) The lander never, NEVER landed in the same place, twice. Strange then that identical rock formations and background scenery are duplicated on subsequent missions. Editing mistakes cannot be explained away as cause, as the lander appears in the same scenes but at different locations. Obviously once down, the lander is NEVER moved, until take off!

3) Kodak Ektachrome 100 film begins to melt at 135 degrees C meaning all film would have perished inside the Hasselblad cameras, the astronauts had mounted on their suits. Fogging due to X-rays would also have ruined the film as a thin layer of aluminium was all that protected the camera from the suns radiation! Incidentally freezing would have also made the film too brittle for use. Sun in shade -250C / In sunlight +250C.

4) The lunar rover was 8-12 feet long (folded up at 90 degress - unfolded, respectively). The Saturn 5 rocket only had space for a 5 foot storage bay. No changes were ever made to the Rocket. NASA state that plans for the Saturn 5 and lunar rovers have been destroyed unfortunately. OH YEAH! $40 billion project thats supposedly the pride of the USA and the plans were destroyed! This is why the camera never shows the rover leaving the limb.

5) The lander (also known as limb) NEVER flew successfully on the earth. The only time it was tested it crashed nearly killing Neil Armstrong (in hindsight, pity it didnt). It could vever have flown anyway and NASA wont display it in any museum as it would send engineers into fits of giggles. Luckily, it worked flawlessly on all six missions though :P

6) Flag blowing in the lunar breeze! (source Channel 5`s - "Conspiracy Theory - Did We Land On The Moon"). No sir, it wasnt the solar wind!

7) No noise from the 10,000 lb thruster rocket as it lands. The lander was pressurised and oxygenised so the sound would have been DEAFENING (140-150 dB). Voices would have been inaudible, althought you cannot even discern the point at which the engine is cut off.
No blast crater either. Plenty of undisturbed dust and rocks though :)

8) Van Allen Belts. No organic material that isnt encased in at least 6 feet of lead (or 30 metres of water) will last for long. Between 1969 and 1972 were some of the worst solar storms ever measured. One solar flare emitted more than 200 times the normal radiation and occured halfway through an Apollo mission and lasted 3 to 4 days. Aluminium was the only metal that protected the Astronauts (beg your pardon, actors).

9) Multiple spotlights were used extensively in many of the pictures supposedly taken on the moon. One of the most infamous is that of Buzz Aldrin

10) Round moon rocks. No weather or water so erosion (rounding of rocks) is impossible!

11) Crosshairs inpregnated on a thin glass plate in from of the film disappear behind dubious objects.

12) There is no moisture on the moon. Therefore how is it possible to have a clearly defined footprint in the moondust?
The `soil` could not clump together.

13) NO stars were seen or photographed! Even though the earths atmosphere blocks about 5/6 of the stars light, yet no astronauts ever saw stars in space or on the moon!

14) No exhaust fumes from the lander`s rocket even though it burnt inefficiently and dirty.

15) NASA cant give answers to any of these question without resorting to insults. NASA = Never A Straight Answer!

A 500 page report was written by a top NASA safety official Thomas Ronald Baron giving reasons why NASA could never get to the moon (0.017% chance of success, reported). After his wife and himself were initially harassed he submitted the report and testified to a committee.
One week later his car (also containing his wife and daughter) was mysteriously hit by a freight train, killing them all instantly. Mysteriously the report was lost and has never been found. Oh what darned luck!
Many people have died during the Apollo missions, many families are claiming MURDER!

I could go on and on and on and on and ... but the CIA on my my tail so I better sign off soon ;-)

I was not even three years old when my mum and dad woke me up in the middle of the night to see the Yank w*nkers.
I count it as my earliest memory and did not question it until seeing Channel 4`s "For the love of..."
After realising I`d been hoodwinked all this time I am quite happy to believe in Diana`s MURDER and other such theories.
The security camera`a in the Paris tunnel were all turmed away from the road and into the tunnels walls.
For four years these cameras operated perfectly. Just on the day of Diana`s death were they faulty.
Oh come on!!!

The sites debunking the moon conspiracy theory are growing daily, but have you noticed how so few of those put a name to their work?
NASA/CIA must be very busy! is once such attempt to debunk and has tried to steal from good name.
You will notice there is no attempt to tackle the toughest questions by debunkers. Reason is they cant!

You can download an interesting real media clip from called "Was it only a Paper Moon?"
(Running time: 1hr 28min 31sec - 18,120,998 bytes). Download with clever utility Streambox VCR.

Those who bought Apollo 13 on DVD (not me) should think about exchanging it for Capricorn One. You wont be disappointed, it contains proper actors and a far more realistic script!

After seeing the evidence from NASA`s own archives, I`m sure you will agree with my findings. Check it out for yourself and append other reasons to this thread. The more people know, the smaller the Yanks will feel! That`s got to be good for our planet.


Check this out too. AID`s is manmade! (Running Time: 1hr 36min 25sec - 19,745,407 bytes) Those damn Yanks are now trying to kill us all before we find out the truth!

One last conspiracy theory that deserves a mention.
Hitachi 505 - DVD Player or toaster? You decide!


Mon: Daily Telegraph: "Anna Ford`s affair with ex-astronaut burns out"

Anna Ford, BBC Presenter, last night confirmed that her relationship
with David Scott, the former Apollo 15 astronaut who walked on the
moon in 1971 was at an end.
She wrote in the Daily Telegraph last year that he was
"straight as a die" [;P] and eventually would like to marry.
One embarrassing mishap in her time with Scott came during a quiz
at a London restaurant hosted by Jeremy Paxman.
Scott failed the section on space, seeming lost but good humoured,
when examined on facts and figures about the stars, planets
and even NASA!

Radiation sickness, me thinks. [;P]

Mon: BBC2 23:20 "Beagle 2: Mission To Mars"

About a project to land a British £25 million surveyor on Mars.
ESA (European Space Agency) are running the show, so no need for NASA
to start coloring the sand red.

Wed: Radio 5 Live 20:30 "Electric Journeys" with Buzz Aldrin

"Moon-w***ing (sic) astronaut Buzz Aldrin joins Shelagh Fogarty
for a journey into cyberspace, picking out favourite websites,
including those devoted to Mars and the future of space travel"

Live? I doubt it! Buzz `Off` Aldrin doesnt give live interviews
these days. He might let the truth slip out!
I bet he dont like the same web sites I like.

Ask yourself why Politicians / BBC / ITV havent tackled this issue.
They must be corrupt.

NASA - Not Astronauts, Set Actors! (Copyright me - so dont nick it!)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 24th July 2001, 04:33

RE: Did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon? or did he walk in a movie set?

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 24th July 2001, 07:39

lol Now I know for A fact you are indeed CARROT CRUNCHER!!!!!!!!

Carrot was famous on numerous, message boards for this conspiracy stuff.

I think his most famous one is he believe`s the US Gov have pictures of their being Pyramids on the Moon or is it mars.

Have you apologised yet to DAN BATES fro insulting him just before you said you were leaving for good?

I think he deserves one, dont u!

Now back on subject, There is a ring of radiation around the earth that would have given the moon landing team fatal exposure, so I dont believe they did.

RE: Did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon? or did he walk in a movie set?

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 24th July 2001, 10:03

Does DVD Reviewer condone such blatant disrespect for the authorities?

Is this DVD Anarchy? Tsk tsk.

I don`t think any of these points are valid without proof. I think NASA has proof they went to the moon. You *prove* that they didn`t first. I suppose you`ll be telling us Sputnik was a lousy commie trick and the US didn`t win the Cold War next. :p If this were to be the case, an awful lot of nerds (and Communists) will be angry in 142 years time when the records are released. There will be much digging up of graves and defiling of corpses.

Are you trying to say good men died for a NASA movie? Tom Hanks will be p*ssed. :D

One fact I do know about the moon landing. There are *no* pictures of Neil Armstrong, they are all of Buz Aldrin. Aldrin was miffed that Armstrong had pulled rank to be first on the moon and didn`t take pictures of Armstrong. All those "Armstrong, first man on the moon" pics are Aldrin.

For bonus points, does anyone remember the name of the poor sod in the command module? :D

RE: Did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon? or did he walk in a movie set?

Mark Turner (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 24th July 2001, 11:57

The Command Module pilot was Michael Collins, I think.

Bet he was a bit cheesed off when they pulled straws to see who had to stay with the ride home! :)

RE: Did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon? or did he walk in a movie set?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 24th July 2001, 12:04

all that and helping to establish the Irish Free State - he was a busy man, to be sure.

RE: Did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon? or did he walk in a movie set?

HappyExHitachi505Owner ;-) (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 24th July 2001, 12:11

To Grunt Boy:

I have given you plenty of proof that NASA faked the moon pictures.
There is plenty more but I thought others might like to contribute there own.

All you only have do is to check NASA`s own pictures and have a rudimentary understanding of physics to realise it never happened.

You have to look for proof or you will never find any! Open you eyes and your mind. The world aint a nice place. When you realise this, nothing is too far-fetched.

For bonus points, does anyone remember the name of the poor sod in the command module? :D Mike Collins

As for Irondukes crazy allegation, perhaps he`s attempting to start yet another preposterous conspiracy theory ;-)

BTW Did anyone see ITN`s `News at Ten` approximately 5 years ago when NASA scientists were outraged that their bosses had hidden high resolution photos of the `face on mars`.
Apparently the face contained two perfect rows of teeth inside the mouth.
NASA sacked them all !!!

The truth is out there if you look closely.

NASA - Not Astronauts, Set Actors!

RE: Did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon? or did he walk in a movie set?

Karlos (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 24th July 2001, 12:39

Check out a web site that has lots of information on the Moon Landings, and Hoax theories at

interesting stuff................

IF all goes well, in about 2 years time, the Chinese are sending a probe to the Moon that will take high res photos of the surface, these should show the descent stage of the LEM that remains on the Moon.

That’s if someone does not intercept the probe before it gets there...........



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