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How many of the Magnificent Seven survived?

rockysafc (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 21st July 2001, 23:08

A competition in the local paper asked the above question, would appreciate the correct answer , I`m not sure if it was 3 or 4.

Many thanks.

RE: How many of the Magnificent Seven survived?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Sunday, 22nd July 2001, 17:50

All of them if I recall, although I really think six of the dwarves where all going to die when they saw how gooey Snow White went over Dopey. But luckily for them they didn`t manage to choke on their own vomit. :)

RE: How many of the Magnificent Seven survived?

Spiny Norman (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 22nd July 2001, 18:20

Can`t remember, exactly but I`ll have a guess:-
I think three survived - Yul Brynner(Chris), Horst Buchholz(Chico), and Steve McQueen(Vin)

Deaders were
Charles Bronson(Bernardo O`Reilly)
Robert Vaughn(Lee)
Brad Dexter (Harry)
James Coburn (Britt)



RE: How many of the Magnificent Seven survived?

tychobear (Competent) posted this on Monday, 23rd July 2001, 08:36

Three survived. Yul Brynner and Steve McQueen rode off into the sunset (OK, it was midday) while the Kid stayed behind to settle down with the pretty senorita.

RE: How many of the Magnificent Seven survived?

close to the edge (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 24th July 2001, 00:39

I won`t be buying this now. I know who was killed and who survived!
Should have labelled this thread "SPOILER"

RE: How many of the Magnificent Seven survived?

Spiny Norman (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 24th July 2001, 22:36

Tell me CTTE, do your shoes have `L` and `R` painted on them?

If so, then you`re right!





Don`t read any further if you don`t want more details

I warned you!

Some of the BAD GUYs die too!!
(oops, let the cat out of the bag there and spoiled the shock ending)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 24th July 2001, 22:39

RE: How many of the Magnificent Seven survived?

close to the edge (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 24th July 2001, 23:54

I thought that this film had something to do with Tony Curtis and the brilliant Terry Thomas.

RE: How many of the Magnificent Seven survived?

Spiny Norman (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 26th July 2001, 00:07


That was `Monte Carlo or bust!` tho` T.Thomas was in `Those Maginificent Men in their Flying Machines`. (So was Goldfinger, BTW!)
TT Much underrated comedy actor IMO.

(`Yew epsolute sh-ahh`):-)


This item was edited on Thursday, 26th July 2001, 00:08

RE: How many of the Magnificent Seven survived?

rockysafc (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 26th July 2001, 00:58

Thanks for the replies. Sorry to CTTE for spoiling the ending. All in vain though as I didn`t win the comp.
Oh well whatever, nevermind.

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