Info and forum posts by 'Chris White'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 15th November 1999, 21:11, Last used: Monday, 15th November 1999, 21:11

Access Level: Competent

About this user: Video is soon to be dead, long live DVD

This user has posted a total of 64 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.05 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Freeloader - can it play "copied" games?

Pistol the free Freeloader is only for Animal Crossing

RE: Office XP Different Users

Office XP has to install stuff per user when one of the apps is first run for that user.

This gets blocked with limited accounts.

You need to change them to admins for the first run, this will let office set itself up for that user, then you can drop them back down to limited account.

RE: IE6 Help. Java?

XP SP1 did have the MS JVM (msjava.dl_ etc were in the original SP1 download and on the original SP1 cds)

The current SP1 CDs that MS are shipping is actually SP1a. This CD does not contain the MS JVM.

RE: IE6 not running properly after installing XP

1) Goto run and type: regsvr32 urlmon.dll
that should fix the popups, if it doesn`t then you also need to do the same for the following:
regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll
regsvr32 Shell32.dll
regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll
regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll
regsvr32 Mshtml.dll

This item was edited on Monday, 2nd June 2003, 22:21

RE: IE6 Help. Java?

The Sun JVM is slower at starting up than the Microsoft JVM.

This causes problems for some websites designed for the Microsoft JVM as they can lock up when the JVM isn`t ready in time.

Another problem with the Sun JVM is that it doesn`t always install properly the first time so sometimes you have to uninstall it and reinstall it a few times.

RE: How did i get infected?

You got it either from MSN or Kazaa.

RE: Does anybody own any Jet Li films?

Has news and review of UK releases of Jet Li films etc. ie. The Hitman

In the UK the only company that makes great quality Hong Kong releases is Medusas Hong Kong Legends label (see the above link for the reviews), they remaster (basically do full post producution on the original film) to anamorphic widescreen, remaster the audio, both english and original and they get extras inc making their own.

HKL have just got an exclusive distribution deal with Chinese Film Studio Golden Harvest/Golden Princess,
This entitles them to release majority of Golden Harvest/Golden Princess films. Including Jet Li Once Upon A Time In China Parts 1 2 3

Due to the new BBFC guidelines it is very likely that all the HKL titles will be Uncut (they just released the Big Boss, uncut for the first time in the UK) all their titles so far have been uncut (except Body Weapon but that was due to a rape scene)

RE: Widescreen DVDs.

anamorphic video is recorded to dvd vertically stretched,
a widescreen tv automatically adjusts the image by streching it horizontally to fill the screen.

non-anamoprhic video is recorded unstrectched,
a widescreen tv has to stretch the image vertically and horizontally to fill the screen (thats why it has a lower resolution than anamorphic video)

Some 4:3 tvs with anamorphic (16:9 mode) don`t squash the anamorphic image to the correct ratio.

Set the player to:

For a widescreen tv use 16:9 (Anamorphic)
For a 4:3 TV use 4:3 Letterbox (Pan&Scam is useless as most discs prevent it)
For a 4:3 TV with anamorphic mode use 16:9 (anamorphic) if the tv squashes the image to the correct ratio, then when watching anamorphic films you need to set the tv to anamorphic mode manually. Otherwise use 4:3 Letterbox and don`t use anamorphic mode if you tv squashes to the incorrect ratio.

RE: Anamorphic/Non-anamorphic

Actually 16:9 is 1.7777777777 (ie. 1.78)

Most tvs overscan and that is why 1.85:1 movies appear to fill the entire 16:9 screen.

For non-anamoprhic on a widescreen tv you need to use the mode like ZOOM, this zooms the picture without squashing it. With a 4:3 tv you just keep it in standard mode.

For anamorphic on a widescreen tv you need to use the mode like WIDE this mode squashs the image to the correct ratio. With a 4:3 TV with a anamorphic mode you need to set the player to output 16:9 Widescreen and then use the anamorphic mode of the tv. With a 4:3 tv without anamorphic mode you need to set the player to 4:3 Letterbox (4:3 Pan&scan is useless as most discs prevent it).

1.85:1 on widescreen tv will have no (or extremely small) black bars
2.351 on a widescreen tv will have black bars (they will be the same size for both anamorphic and non-anamorphic widescreen.

Plus, is it normal that non-anamorphic version show large black bars (as in widescreen) with the images slightly squashed? This happened with Robin Hood and The Thing which is in 2.35:1. Or does it have something to do with the TV?

No it`s not normal, both Robin Hood and The Thing are non-anamorphic 2.35:1, it sounds like you have you tv in anamorphic mode by mistake, try the ZOOM mode (ie. the one channel 4 terestrial sometimes uses for widescreen programs).

RE: Wharfedale DVD750s - have tried the hacks suggested on this site - not worked. Any suggestiona?

2 versions of the 750s exist (as mentioned) the online version and the store version.

it seems the online version can use the specific region setting hack

it seems the store one can`t use that hack, but has a region free hack.

but dvd times have just announced another specific region setting hack that is meant to work on the player that had only region free hack:

Press 0, 7, 5, 0
Press the number of the region of the disc you wish to play has all the previous known hacks for the 750 and 750s

From what I have read the Wharfdale region free hack rejects RCE disc, the specific region setting accepts RCE discs.


For a player to read normal CD-Rs it needs two lasers. one dvd, one cd.

The Sony range (excluding 7700) only has one laser, dvd, this is fine for playing dvd and cd but no good for playing CD-Rs. This is because dvd uses a different laser frequency, it can manage to read CDs but can`t read CD-Rs due to the dye reflectivity which means the disc can`t be seen by the player.

Their is no mod etc to fix this problem. Many players suffer from the same problems.

Type II Dye CD-Rs exist and will work on most of these players, problem is finding a supplier for the discs.

Someone over at the DVD Debate forum has said that they got Kodak Gold/Silver Ultima CD-Rs to work, but it only worked when recorded with their newer Plextor CD writter and didn`t work with their older writter.

I have a Sony 725 and a philips cd writter, I am going to try some of the kodak discs once I get the chance (so far I have tried Memorex 80m blue/green CD-Rs and Kodak Gold (non ultima) and these don`t work)

RE: RCE - Warners vs Tesco?


Tescos support multi-region and complain to warnker about region coding.

Warnker release discs with RCE which targets the players that Tescos just happens to be selling A LOT of.

RE: Just watched The Patroit - was it worth it?

The Patriot is a Columbia TriStar release.

RE: sony 725 problem. help!!!!!!!

never had that problem with my sony725 and sony tv

Are you using a high quality fully wired scart
or a budget not fully wired scart
or a medium scart which is almost fully wired but has both all the ground pins using one wire.

If you have either the medium or budget scart then you could be getting some feedback when the TV loses the signal

RE: Has anybody used DVDPlus recently? Many prices are lower than Play 247!

You many notice that the DVD Plus prices exclude Postage.

Making they more expensive than Play

ie. (taken from DVD Plus`s own example)
Three Kings @ £14.71 (DVD buy-in cost + VAT) + £0.88 (postage + packaging) = £15.59

Also many pre-orders are cheaper at DVD Street than DVD Plus when you use the 10% off link at DVD Street

RE: Adult DVDs from USA websites

This link has details on how the BBFC won`t cut 18`s as much and how they will cut lower ratings more:

This is the link for BBFC guidelines

R18 are not allowed:
Any material which is in breach of the criminal law
Material likely to encourage an interest in abusive sexual activity (eg paedophilia, incest) which may include depictions involving adults role-playing as non-adults
The portrayal of any sexual activity, whether real or simulated, which involves lack of consent
The infliction of pain or physical harm, real or (in a sexual context) simulated. Some allowance may be made for mild consensual activity
Any sexual threats or humiliation which do not form part of a clearly consenting role-playing game
The use of any form of physical restraint which prevents participants from withdrawing consent, for example, ball gags
Penetration by any object likely to cause actual harm or associated with violence
Activity which is degrading or dehumanising (examples include the portrayal of bestiality, necrophilia, defecation, urolagnia)
The following content, subject to the above, may be permitted
Aroused genitalia
Oral-genital contact including kissing, licking and sucking
Penetration by finger, penis, tongue, vibrator or dildo
Non-harmful fetish material
Group sexual activity
Ejaculation and semen
These guidelines make no distinction between heterosexual and homosexual activity.

RE: Pricing

Three Kings has an RRP of £19.99 and most of Warners £19.99 titles are ok

RE: calling Ironduke, Nelley ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

To record S-Video you need a S-VHS video recoder andS-VHS tapes, nice and expensive

RE: Pricing

If they are going to keep using the clip cases they could at least use the protective plastic covers that are available.

Warner are going very bad now, using p*** poor quality prints for their £15.99 dvds. and do poor carbon-copies of the Region 1 disc and stripping out all the extras.

RE: Adult DVDs from USA websites

If the Adult DVDs don`t break the R-18 BBFC guidelines then it should be ok.

If you want a better chance try as I believe they have a customs avoiding system

RE: El Mariachi Commentary

Glad that I could help.

So which do you prefer the Original El Mariachi or the Sequel Desperado ?

RE: El Mariachi Commentary

El Mariachi is only in it`s Original Latin American Spanish and also has a German dub. You have to use English subtitles.

The ONLY English track on El Mariachi is the commentary

Look at the back of the box and you will see this.

RE: Sony DVP S725D Operating Noise????

that wheeering sound is just the laser being moved to a different part of the disc between Titles.

Otherwise mine has no other noise.

RE: DVD`s from - VAT or not?

Play are based in Jersey, so the discs are exVAT and have to go through customs, but are always £17.99 or less they avoid tax/VAT

Don`t know how they are going to get the >£18 box sets through customs untaxed.

RE: CHEAP DVD ALERT!!!! £7.99!!

It is all stores, it seems they are getting rid of old stocks, you will notice all the dvds on offer are the ones that they have stored outside the case. So make sure you check them for scratches and any other damage.

I got The Last Broadcast, Drop Zone, Wishmaster and The Iron Giant for £7.99 each. All in perfect condition with no scratches or fingerprints (first time I ever saw a cashier handle dvds properly)
They had loads more on offer but I already had them all.

They also have some of the Farscape boxes for £7.99 (RRP £24.99)

The offer does not apply to the lastest releases. But some of the titles marked at full price scan at £7.99, so it is worth checking.

RE: Which is better? 5.1outputs or optical?

coax and optical and more or less identical, they both carry the same digital signal that does not degrade in the way that analogue transmitions do. Technically optical is the better as coax an still be affected if the RF inteference is very strong. The only reason that coax is recommended over optical by many is because it`s a tried and tested technolgy and people don`t trust the newer optical technolgy.

As for what connection to use.

If you have an external decoder they use the optical or coax (which ever you can get hold of) and use that connection method as the 5.1 anaolgue connections use the dvd players internal decoder which is made from cheaper and inferior components (that might not be as shielded) than an external decoder/amp.

RE: Region 1s in dollars ordered on UK credit card - any extra charges ? are reliable, make sure you use the worldmail option (never use Priority as it is expensive and taxed on entey to the UK)

The Worldmail option at amazon is sent to the UK via amsterdam and so avoids any customs tax or VAT (make sure the order is not over $400 as amazon will upgrade the shipping to priority)

Delivery is normally 7-10 days.

RE: Looking for a DVD

Wharfdale 750 is the old model and has some bugs,

Wharfdale 750s is the new model, it has a totally new chipset, improved performance, multi region via remote, said to play the discs that the older version couldn`t, has official DTS support.

I would wait until some reviews of the new Wharfdale 750s have been released. Just in case it has any new bugs

RE: Widescreen DVDs.

As you only have a regular tv for now put your player in 4:3 Letterbox mode (4:3 Pan & Scam is a waste of time as most discs prevent it and it degrades the picture quaility)

You only use 16:9 mode if you have a widescreen tv or a regular tv with 16:9 mode.