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I don`t want children - surely I`m not the only one...?

Hulk Smash! (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th May 2005, 19:22

I`ve been reading the forum on life changing experiences - and a lot of them mention the "birth of my child, soandso.."

Well I don`t want to put a downer on things (really!), but am I the only one who not only doesn`t have any children, but has no wish to have any either?

I`m 31 and just have no paternal feelings whatsoever. I`m in a steady relationship (luckily she feels the same!). I don`t mind kids/babies, in fact I quite like the little tikes (I worked in a primary school for quite a while) - I just have no desire to have any of my own.

My cousin, her husband, and their 3 month old son came to stay with us for a week recently - I thought I might start getting all paternal etc, but the opposite happened! I realized just how much having a baby changes your life, time, money etc - and it`s not something I would want. I guess I`m pretty selfish - I like having a lot of free time and doing what I want, when I want - not to mention having money to spend on what I like. Having a child is such a HUGE responsibility!

I wonder if this is a genetic thing - my 33 year old sister has no children and also no desire to have any.

I don`t want to disrespect any new mothers/fathers out there - I just think you can have a perfectly happy and normal life without kids. My Aunt reckons I should settle down and have children, but I just don`t want any - is that so strange!?

RE: I don`t want children - surely I`m not the only one...?

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 11th May 2005, 19:26

God put us on this earth to procreate and reproduce.

You`re going to hell, boy. ;)

RE: I don`t want children - surely I`m not the only one...?

chewie (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th May 2005, 19:33

I think a lot of people feel the same to be honest. I`m not really of an age where children are on my mind at any time (except contraception ;) ). But I`m in my early twenties, a student and have a line of work that gives you practically no free time.

I`m sure a lot of couples have children by accident, but I`m sure in most cases that makes no difference to the love and affection they show the child.

It`s a decision two people make, and I have nothing but respect for [good] parents. But then, you have the chavs that f*ck like rabbits, but that`s a completely different, uncivilised issue. ;)

Although if it does happen to me, it would definitely be a positive experience I`m sure. But honestly, I`d prefer to just be `The Daddy` without the kids :p

My DVD Collection

RE: I don`t want children - surely I`m not the only one...?

rigger (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 11th May 2005, 19:38

Dunno what you are missin !!!

I would not swap it for the world. :D


**We are only immortal for a limited time** NP

RE: I don`t want children - surely I`m not the only one...?

badboybez (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th May 2005, 19:43

I`m with you Hulk Smash! and lucklily so i the wife. Both can`t stand kids.
They smell & cost a lot of cash!

Just wish my Council Tax had an opt out of paying for other peoples kids to be educated.

RE: I don`t want children - surely I`m not the only one...?

random username (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th May 2005, 19:57

Just wish my Council Tax had an opt out of paying for other peoples kids to be educated.

Yeah, cos in 20 years time you wont need any new doctors, solicitors, even checkout assistants that can count change come to that. Education is important for the whole of society, not just the parents.

As for kids, I made a decision to have one, and it`s a decision I would never reverse. There is nothing like it.

RE: I don`t want children - surely I`m not the only one...?

sj (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th May 2005, 20:01

Just wish my Council Tax had an opt out of paying for other peoples kids to be educated.


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: I don`t want children - surely I`m not the only one...?

Sminty (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th May 2005, 20:13

I don`t want children - surely I`m not the only one...?

The world is over populated - it's a good view to have and should be encouraged! Personally I would love to have a little me running about in a few years time. But what will be will be I guess :) - My sister is 34 and has chosen not to have a kids and her life is brilliant, holidays, drinking, partying - If she had a child her life style would be completely different. What ever makes you happy at the end of the day :) .

RE: I don`t want children - surely I`m not the only one...?

Hulk Smash! (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th May 2005, 20:21

Although if it does happen to me, it would definitely be a positive experience I`m sure. But honestly, I`d prefer to just be `The Daddy` without the kids

If "I"/we became pregnant, there`s no way I would even think of having it aborted and it would probably be a positive experience - just not one I would choose!

It just gets to me when you see all these people working all the hours God sends, living in small flats/houses, having no time and money and coming home to screaming/crying kids saying "I wouldn`t change it for the world". OK..... rather you than me! I`ve no doubt, to them, it`s the greatest thing in the world - but surely they can see the plus side and understand a lot of other people not wanting kids!?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 11th May 2005, 21:25

RE: I don`t want children - surely I`m not the only one...?

sput2001 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th May 2005, 20:45

I really wasn`t sure if I wanted kids or not, until my wife became pregnant. From the day he was born onwards, I wouldn`t have swapped parenthood for anything.

Horses for courses, though, I guess.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 11th May 2005, 21:48


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