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DVD Rental at your local Library

phlogiston (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 20th May 2001, 23:27

I live in Cardiff and our central library rents DVDs out for £2 per 7 days. They`ve got The Ring, Chopper, Oh Brother Where Art Thou etc. The selection isn`t enormous but it`s pretty good. Is it the same picture nationally?

RE: DVD Rental at your local Library

vampatmidnight (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 21st May 2001, 01:15

I live in Sidcup in Kent but no DVDs have graced my local Library yet. But the choice of Videos is pretty bad so I`m not hold alot of hope for the DVD selection when it comes in.

RE: DVD Rental at your local Library

skava94820 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 21st May 2001, 08:06

im in redhill, surrey we have got large selection of adults and childrens, but they do charge £2.50 for the new ones, still not bad as it for 7 days.

RE: DVD Rental at your local Library

Fielding Mellish (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 21st May 2001, 08:29

I live in the surrey area and this facility is fantastic.
They will get quite a large selection of the new released dvds, and i can order online, get the dvd sent to any local library i desire and they`ll notify me when it arrives.
I`ve been borrowing cd/videos/dvds for ages now.
Only downside is they cant hire them out for a few months after release which means you need a little more patience but its well worth it for those titles you`re less conviced about.

RE: DVD Rental at your local Library

diydestruction (Competent) posted this on Monday, 21st May 2001, 08:56

yeah, im in st albans and our main library also has dvds for rent, its quite a big selection too. if only i still worked there... then i could of got them out for free... grrrr :)

RE: DVD Rental at your local Library

James Clews (Competent) posted this on Monday, 21st May 2001, 20:50

I`ve been heralding the astounding device of the library for their cheap rental of DVD`s for months. £1.80 for a week here in Northampton and they have some decent titles...Braveheart, X Men, Gladiator, Dogma, Galaxy Quest to name a few.

Go check it out.

RE: DVD Rental at your local Library

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 21st May 2001, 21:44

Hey diydestruction - in true `The Bill` stylee - you`re on my manor. Big hand to the St Albans posse - where I was born and bred. Is the library still in that gruesome arcade, and more to the point : are there any shops still open in The Maltings, or wot ?

Anyway, here in Nottingham we have a slight problem : our library has no ground floor ! This has always been the place to rent stuff (and never, no nay never no more, tape it, no honestly missus). However, with no ground floor it was all I could do to return a book today, without even daring to mention DVDs. I think a smack in the mouth from the chief librarian was a-comin` in any case when I mentioned the eternal words "chicken sh*t outfit" and "p*ss up in a brewery".

Never mind, the work should be done in a few weeks and hopefully then, and only then, will I be able to report on Nottingham City Council`s approach to `gettin` jiggy wid it` - DVDs that is...

RE: DVD Rental at your local Library

diydestruction (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd May 2001, 11:02

actually the top of the maltings (where the arcade was) is now tkmax, selling clothes, household accessories and the like.... never been in there mind, cause its a really crap...

most of the shops are still there, tho with watford so close, why bother going to town at all?

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