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As it looks like four more years of Bush...

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd November 2004, 11:40

And no that isn`t a porno release.

...perhaps we should run a sweapstake on various things from next country to invade, or first backward step in women`s rights, to next tax cut for the rich, or increase in green house gas emissions.

Still, from a comedy perspective, Dead Ringers will still have an easy target. :)


"There has to be a balance between telling the truth and reassurance"
Home Secretary David Blunkett

RE: As it looks like four more years of Bush...

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd November 2004, 11:49

I bet Osama is laughing his arse off.


RE: As it looks like four more years of Bush...

Andy Larkin (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd November 2004, 12:28

I think that Bush may have his sights set on invading Mexico next. Never forgiven them for the Alamo.


RE: As it looks like four more years of Bush...

Stuart McLean (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd November 2004, 13:24

This is very bad news... it gives the religious right a mandate to pursue their hateful ambitions, and the US as a whole (which it`s turning out to be) into a unilateral aggressor. V. Depressed.... :(

RE: As it looks like four more years of Bush...

Paull (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd November 2004, 13:25

bush. Buffoon Uttering Stupid Hatred

RE: As it looks like four more years of Bush...

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd November 2004, 13:38

Don`t forget that the land of the free has also voted to ban gay marriage in 11 states.

The Bush taliban marches ever onwards.........

To be honest, if this election didnt effect every person on the planet, it would be funny and i would say `If you are stupid enough to vote him in, you will reap what you sew`. However, it does and I think the Yanks should be ashamed of themselves for electing an illiterate, war mongering chimp not once but twice (well maybe 1 1/2 times......)

Thats what you get for not hailing to the chimp!

What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: As it looks like four more years of Bush...

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd November 2004, 13:40

Basically, the American people have told Bush that every single f***-up he did over the last 4 years was `ok`.

I`m fully expecting him to start picking on North Korea next.

He won`t, but as this vote is turning out to be quite close, I hope Dubya takes note of how many US citizens DIDN`T vote for him, and thusly, don`t want him to be their president.

Woman`s rights? How about abolishing abortions? Removing a woman`s human right to decide what happens with her own body? Oh, he`s already done that.

I ate what?

My Collection

RE: As it looks like four more years of Bush...

Flyer (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd November 2004, 14:02

He`ll probably take as much notice of the elctorate as Blair did / does when the UK voted him in for his second term therefore endorsing / backing all of his actions & policies.

RE: As it looks like four more years of Bush...

BigmanInc (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd November 2004, 14:06

I think that he is acting disgracefully, having claimed he has won when the votes aren`t even counted yet. His `aide` said that kerry should do the honourable thing and concede because bush has won the popular vote anyway.. right, so was that what Bush did last year when Al Gore won the popular vote?

The figures show that he has won nothing yet, and i sincerely hope and pray that kerry does not concede .

PS For the record i reckon Iran would be next.

PPS If Bush does win, i may put a fiver on the guy being assasinated before his term is up - i reckon he has got people that would consider it...

...some kind of superstar*

RE: As it looks like four more years of Bush...

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd November 2004, 14:09

Bush would never tango with North Korea for two reasons:

1) They have nothing of value

2) They are capable of fighting back. And in a very very dirty way.

If he started on korea they would inevitably use one of the WMDs they have (and are actually proud of) and that would be it for Bush. Career suicide. No-one will ever have the balls to deal with korea. The only thing that will dethrone old Kim is the reaper.

What im listening to (if youre interested)


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