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How can I stop tele sales ringing me???

6(SIC)6 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 16th October 2004, 17:28

I am sick of getting phone calls from banks, life insurance, window salesman etc, and someone has told me that there is a number you can ring to get your deails removed from any list so that none of these companies can ring you.

Has anyone else heard about this and if so do they know the number??

RE: How can I stop tele sales ringing me???

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 16th October 2004, 17:30

You would be looking for here I think.

All the best,

The 42%er.

It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....

RE: How can I stop tele sales ringing me???

BigmanInc (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 16th October 2004, 17:31

We signed up with the TPS about 18 months ago, and still get the calls, especially the automatic machine telling you about the holidays - they really peas me off >:(


...some kind of superstar*

RE: How can I stop tele sales ringing me???

WRabbit (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 16th October 2004, 18:10

We get hardly any at all and we`re registered with the TPS.

However the main thing is being ex-directory. We`re not listed in the phonebook (although you could get our number from 192 - not sure how it works now it`s all 118 etc) which is what I`m sure most of them use.

RE: How can I stop tele sales ringing me???

6(SIC)6 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 16th October 2004, 18:12

especially the automatic machine telling you about the holidays

I forgot about that one I dont think there is enough days in the year to take all of the holidays I have won.

RE: How can I stop tele sales ringing me???

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 16th October 2004, 18:34

We signed up with the TPS about 18 months ago, and still get the calls, especially the automatic machine telling you about the holidays - they really peas me off

You need to report these companies, and at the same time advise the caller that you will be taking that action....


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: How can I stop tele sales ringing me???

kang (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 16th October 2004, 18:54

I resent having to sign up for a service which is only needed because dimwitted MPs think (if that isn`t too strong a word) that permitting complete strangers to pester you at all hours with unsolicited calls is permitting `free speech`. Try exercising your right to `free speech` by calling them at home and seeing how long it is before the local constabulary take an active interest in you.

However, enough of the political stuff. In my opinion, it`s far better to fight fire with fire. Try the following:

`Thank you for calling our advisory service. Our charges are £5 for the first minute and £2.50 for each minute or part-minute thereafter. Remaining on this line for more than ten seconds will be construed as acceptance of this contract. Note that failure to comply with any or all of these terms will result in your call being traced and the costs of doing this will be added to your bill. Please may I start by asking your name, address from which you are ringing, and billing address for our invoice.`

I have never once had anyone stay on the line and over time the number of unsolicited calls we`ve received has plummeted to zero.

Others to try if you have the nerve or relevant linguistic skills:

(1) when they ask a question say `no` and when they ask why, say `because you`ve been very very naughty` and put the phone down.
(2) if they try the standard opening gambit of asking `how are you?` reply `terrible - my dog just died` (or whatever) and start howling.
(3) reply in a foreign language if you`re fluent enough in one, or better still, speak english in a heavy foreign accent and deliberately misunderstand what they`re saying.

I`ve used all of these with success, but admittedly some of them have only been done after ingesting alcohol, so caution is advised.

This item was edited on Saturday, 16th October 2004, 21:19

RE: How can I stop tele sales ringing me???

HD462 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 16th October 2004, 18:54

Sign up for the TPS (it takes a while for your details to filter through before the calls stop). Also subscribe to anonymous caller rejection with your phone provider. It costs about £1 a month and blocks calls from people who withhold their number (like call centre switchboards often do).

You can turn it on and off if needed by dialing a number from your phone (if you`re expecting a call from a company you think may withhold their number for example). We very rarely get any cold callers now.

Anonymous Caller Rejection

Mark. :)

RE: How can I stop tele sales ringing me???

kang (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 16th October 2004, 20:24

Mark - does this mean that anyone with anonymous caller gets barred? We have anonymous calling on our line, for the simple reason that we were fed up of getting our calls traced by companies when we enquired about their products. A week or so after making an enquiry we were getting calls asking if we`d decided on a choice of conservatory (or whatever) yet. My wife hit on the great response - `well, we had just decided on yours but since you apparently routinely trace calls and infringe privacy, we`ll take our business elsewhere`. Rather than put up with this sort of thing, we went anonymous.

Does that mean that under this system I could phone a friend who has subscribed to this scheme and get my calls blocked?

RE: How can I stop tele sales ringing me???

dvdhouse (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 16th October 2004, 20:41

tell them to f*&k off when they call simple :)

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