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Royal Mail Absolutely Stink

IronMonkey (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 16th September 2004, 09:29

How bad has the postal service got round your area. I don`t get my mail until after 1:00pm nowadays.

The sooner royal mail goes bankrupt the better. Why can`t we have a takeover bid by a company who know what they are doing.

Poor management has really bought it downhill. >:(

title of thread edited by moderator - Royal Mail deliver mail, not Post Offices (where my dad used to work) :D

This item was edited on Friday, 17th September 2004, 16:10

RE: Post Office Absolutely Stink

mickymcd2 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 16th September 2004, 09:44

use to get my mail at 7.00am-7.30am which was great before i went to work if something come in the post that needed to be sorted i could do it now post is anywhere between 11am to 2.00pm which is shocking are these posties getting a lie in or what? also post is lately half in half out of letterbox which p***es me right off >:( im out at work all day ive allready had dvds lost in post now i know why

RE: Post Office Absolutely Stink

Andy Larkin (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 16th September 2004, 09:58

Yes mine seems to be getting later. I must say that some of these postal courier firms are even worse. I had a card thru the door to re-arrange delivery of some concert tix. They couldnt do Saturday, could only deliver to my house on certain days with no particular time designated, I couldnt pick them up anywhere so had to settle for delivery to my work which is fine - they turned at 8am to find only a cleaner in the office - thankfully she persuaded them to leave the letter with her even though they argued and insisted on a signature from me.

At least with the PO you can pick up letters from a sorting office etc.


RE: Post Office Absolutely Stink

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 16th September 2004, 09:59

My post is fine. There was a spell a couple of months ago when it would arrive around 2pm, but everything seems to arrive.

RE: Post Office Absolutely Stink

Nina (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 16th September 2004, 10:09

I'm lucky if I get my post at all most days. The latest delivery was at 7pm, earliest has been 2pm.

We don't have regular posties around here, they change everyday, but the one who I do know he is an absolute gem and will give me mail if he sees me at the bus stop or lets me know if I have a package waiting for me at the depot and he can drop it round later when I have finished work. :)

The service is so bad around here that a few months ago on my way home from work I found two RM bags full of post just dumped in the middle of a street. I called RM and they said to leave them there until the postman does his rounds in the morning! :o Needless to say I took the bags home with me and there were obvious things like DVDs/credit cards in there that anyone could have stolen. When the postie knocked on my door the next day he wouldn't even take the bags back to the depot with him! So I took it upon myself to deliver the mail because I know what it's like waiting for something important in the mail, especially if it's a DVD you got at a bargain price.

I get mail stolen all the time, credit cards, bank statements DVDs etc. It does get very frustrating having to e-mail companies back and forth letting them know a DVD hasn't arrived and is presumed missing in the post or the credit card I have been waiting for has been dispatched over 2 weeks ago and I have to wait longer for them to cancel that card and re-issue another one. >:( I dread the day when a company refuses my business because they think I am a thief and trying to scam more films out of them by saying the items never arrived. :(

There should definitely be some competition for Royal Mail, maybe that would force them to pull their fingers out of their ears and realise that customer service actually does mean something when the annual profits take a nosedive.

RE: Post Office Absolutely Stink

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 16th September 2004, 10:24

I live in a small village, and i used to get my post around 8am. until Norman, the postie, got caught down the harbour in his van with a half bottle when he should`ve been on his rounds!

Now the post is delivered by different posties anywhere between 11am and 2pm. What does that tell you?

RE: Post Office Absolutely Stink

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 16th September 2004, 11:03

I ususally get it between 12 and 1 now which is a bit annoying if I`m working 2-10 because if I get a new DVD I dont have time to watch it before going to work. Doesnt matter when I`m 6-2 though

RE: Post Office Absolutely Stink

WRabbit (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 16th September 2004, 11:08

Ours used to arrive between 8:15 and 9:15 most days. Sometimes you would catch it before you went to work, sometimes you wouldn`t.

Now it arrives between 11.30 and 3. Pretty poor.

I thought scrapping the second delivery was meant to improve things.

Having said that even before they scrapped it, I can`t ever remember getting anything in a second delivery. Maybe it was unofficially scrapped in our area.

We also go 2 or 3 days at a time with no mail. Then we`ll get a huge pile of mail all at once. Could just be a coincidence.

Don`t get me wrong. Posties have a thankless task and I wouldn`t want their job when it`s pitch black, 4am and snowing. However the management off the company seems to suck and that completely demoralises the workers.

We live in Something Road, and there`s also a Something Place and a Something Court. A guy was getting their mail redirected to his parents and Ournumber Something Place. Guess who kept getting it delivered to them? The address was correct but someone in the sorting office kept stuffing it in the wrong slot and then the postie didn`t notice when he was delivering it. Took 3 phonecalls from me, and another 3 from the guy`s mum to get it sorted.

RE: Post Office Absolutely Stink

Mix Man (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 16th September 2004, 11:09

So I took it upon myself to deliver the mail

You don`t have a halo above your head and a pair of wings, do you? ;)

RE: Post Office Absolutely Stink

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 16th September 2004, 11:27

Holy crap, Nina, somebody should have lost their job for that! There might have been grounds for a charge of delaying the Queen`s mail which carries a jail sentence. I can`t believe they didn`t send a van out to recover the bags.

Mind you, what do you expect from a company that employs an ex-footballer as its CEO? What does he know about delivering mail? Most footballers seem incapable of getting a ball through the mouth of the net and that`s a lot bigger than your average letterbox!

J Mark Oates

Reincarnation: I don`t mind it on tinned fruit, but I can`t stand it in tea or coffee.

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