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Random Trivia!

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Monday, 9th August 2004, 17:24

Ive just been reading this great thread and thought that it is a pretty cool idea. Everyone share their best, useless pub trivia. Such as `Pee is good for mosquito bites` and the like.

I`ll kick things off with:

Alan Mullery was the first England player to be sent off


The first episode of "Joanie Loves Chachi" was the highest rated American program in the history of Korean television. "Chachi" is Korean for "penis."

What im listening to (if youre interested)

This item was edited on Monday, 9th August 2004, 18:28

RE: Random Trivia!

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 9th August 2004, 17:38

The Largest Employer in the world is Indian National Railways with over 385,000 employees :p

"When my people were writing philosophy, your people were still swinging from trees..."

RE: Random Trivia!

Dance Like A Monkey (Elite) posted this on Monday, 9th August 2004, 17:47

The word "bookkeeper" is the only word in the English language that has three consecutive sets of double letters (probably :D )

This item was edited on Monday, 9th August 2004, 18:48

RE: Random Trivia!

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Monday, 9th August 2004, 20:54

Just a few here and hundreds more at

Ninjas were originally from China, not Japan, as is commonly believed.

The liver isn`t an organ. It`s a gland.

Dry ice doesn`t melt. It "sublimates."

On Star Trek, Captain Kirk never said, "Beam me up, Scotty." He said, "Beam me up, Mr. Scott."

People didn`t always throw rice at weddings. In the Middle Ages, you were supposed to throw eggs at the bride and groom.

Flying fish don`t fly. They glide.

Houdini became the most famous escape artist of all time, but contrary to what is sometimes reported, he was not double-jointed.

Despite what you might think, there is no difference between green peppers, yellow peppers and red peppers-other than age. (Peppers start out green, then turn yellow, red, purple, then brown as they mature.)

Chicken Little never said, "The sky is falling." She said, "The sky has fallen."

Food that gets "freezer burn" isn`t actually burned, of course. The foods dehydrate, causing a loss of color, texture and flavor.

You might be surprised to learn that Americans visit libraries 3.5 billion times a year—three times as often as the movies.

There`s no rabbit in Welsh rabbit. (And it`s not even called Welsh rabbit. The proper name is Welsh rarebit.)

In truth, there`s no mention of Adam and Eve eating an apple in the Bible.

Rhinoceros horn, much in demand for medicinal purposes, isn`t horn at all, but the animal`s hair.

Statistically speaking, the job of pizza delivery driver is a more dangerous job than that of fire fighting.


RE: Random Trivia!

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 9th August 2004, 21:17

Hummingbirds can`t walk

`queueing` is the only word in the english language with 5 consecutive vowels

I can say the alphabet backwards in less than 5 seconds.

I ate what?

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RE: Random Trivia!

BigmanInc (Elite) posted this on Monday, 9th August 2004, 21:36

Chicken Little never said, "The sky is falling." She said, "The sky has fallen."
Who on earth is chicken little?

If you didn`t close your eyes when you sneezed they would pop out of your head.


...some kind of superstar*

RE: Random Trivia!

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 9th August 2004, 22:00

Elephants can`t jump - something to do with their knee joints.

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RE: Random Trivia!

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 10th August 2004, 16:42

Who on earth is chicken little?

good point. I thought it was chicken licken.

Disneys new cgi film is chicken licken I believe

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RE: Random Trivia!

mortal (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 10th August 2004, 17:26

Elephants can`t jump - something to do with their knee joints.

Elephants are the only animals with four forward facing knees

This item was edited on Tuesday, 10th August 2004, 18:27

RE: Random Trivia!

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 10th August 2004, 17:26

You can lead a cow upstairs, but not down.

Which unlucky twat found that out?

Ricky Gervais - Animals Live.

"Chi Chi, get the yeyo"

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This item was edited on Tuesday, 10th August 2004, 18:26

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