Page 1 of DFS sofas - any opinions?

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DFS sofas - any opinions?

katiekins (Competent) posted this on Monday, 21st June 2004, 12:05

This isn`t really a retailer review topic, as there is someone at work selling a leather DFS sofa that is only a year old (they`re moving to the States), and wondered if anybody had any thoughts on the quality of their sofas?

Thanks guys.

(because it makes me sound nice and cute)

RE: DFS sofas - any opinions?

BigmanInc (Elite) posted this on Monday, 21st June 2004, 12:27

We got a sofa from them a few years ago, and it was okay. Their customer service is terrible though - but i guess that isn`t really an issue for you!

It depends on the price they want for the sofa. Remember that it is a normal everyday run-of-the mill sofa, so don`t pay over the odds for it!


...some kind of superstar*

RE: DFS sofas - any opinions?

Biagio (Elite) posted this on Monday, 21st June 2004, 13:08

Very few opinions I`ve heard aren`t that good. However, they must shift a lot of stuff. So as above really, check it out and spend minimum.


RE: DFS sofas - any opinions?

kebabhead (Elite) posted this on Monday, 21st June 2004, 13:09

Have to agree with Uncharged Water comments. I have had a couple of sofa`s from them (mainly due to them being cheaper than other sofa makers)

One word of caution, think carefully about the Insurance Protection they try to push on you. The sales patter is that if you spill anything on the sofa and are unable to clean it off they will come out and clean it for you.

The truth is that they will only clean the area of the spill and not the whole sofa and they will initially send you out chemicals for you to clean it yourself. You are not covered if you damage the sofa through cleaning it yourself. You are also not covered for build up of muck from day to day usage.

I paid £150 for this policy and feel it is practically worthless. With this money I could have had the whole sofa cleaned at least twice possible three times

RE: DFS sofas - any opinions?

spartacus (Elite) posted this on Monday, 21st June 2004, 15:09

Just a word of caution - with their never ending sales ( sorry - sales ends this w/e to be replaced by another) and ) 0% interest over 99 yrs - their selling crap. Better off to buy a second hand sofa that`s been properly made - theirs are staple gunned/ glued together with very inferior materials. Ask the question - if they`re able to reduce a sofa from say £800 to £350 everytime with 4yrs 0% interest and the average mark up in this retail area is nigh on 100% + they`re making the sofa for sub £100, take the manufacturer`s margin and quite possibly £70 including labour.
If you want a cheapie sofa fine, but you get what you pay for.


RE: DFS sofas - any opinions?

Superted (Elite) posted this on Monday, 21st June 2004, 15:10

WE bought our first Sofas (2 & a 3 seater) from DFS going on 6 years ago now, looked good for first 6 months then started sagging in middle, colour fading. Their customer service said it was normal when we finally got and answer from them.

After 5 years of probably below average wear they looked absolutely awfull, so bad we covered them with throws and had to put planks of wood under the cushions. Would never buy from them again.

Bought 2 leather sofas, again a 2 and 3 seater from Argos last summer for £500 or £600 cant remember now, it is the buy the 3 seater and get the 2 seater free deal.

Wasn`t expecting much from them, but anything would be better than the last 2 we had. Have to say they are realy good, look much nicer in person than they do in the catalogue, very good build quality, leather realy soft, very comfortable and 12 months on they look as good as they day we bought them.

A friend did the same deal with the cloth sofas £300 or £400 for the 2. And his are realy nice also. Best thing with Argos is they are generally very good if you have a problem and usualy happy to give a refund/replacement if you are not happy.

All the best


RE: DFS sofas - any opinions?

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 21st June 2004, 16:38

Don`t talk to be about f***ing DFS. They lie, and If anyone from DFS takes umbridge at that statement, I`ve got the proof.

A few years ago we went to an easter sale, complete with screw-top bubbly thrown in. We chose a nice looking sofa and signed up for a `buy now - pay next year` deal. we got the additional cloth treatment, and before I signed on the line, I asked the girl who filled out the form. "Now, I`m not going to be billed for this for at least a year, am I?" "No, you won`t be charged until next easter" said she.. so I signed. Before we left the shop I asked again, and again i was told I wouldn`t start paying for another year.

We got the sofa, and a few days later a letter confirming the finance deal, which told me I would start paying one month later.

I called them, and told them I`d been assured twice that I wouldn`t be paying for another year, but the person on the phone said that I`d signed the form, which in a little box contained `1 M A" apparently, this means `one month after`. The girl who whote this on the form was the same girl who`d assured me twice that I`d be paying a year later.

In retrospect, i should have told them to shove the sofa up their collective arses (they probably wouldn`t have taken it back anyway - due to the cloth protection)

As for the sofa itself, it`s sort of ok. the arms are faded, and we actually had to insert more stuffing into the cushions to stop us falling off the front. Given the choice, I`d run a mile rather than going back to the lying bastards

I ate what?

My Collection

RE: DFS sofas - any opinions?

BigmanInc (Elite) posted this on Monday, 21st June 2004, 16:43

Okay people, we all have gripes with DFS, but the question was actualy about the quality of their furniture, as this is being bought second hand.... :D


...some kind of superstar*

RE: DFS sofas - any opinions?

Blue John (Elite) posted this on Monday, 21st June 2004, 17:00

but the question was actualy about the quality of their furniture

In a word, crap.

Bought two expensive 2 seaters years ago that last about a year before they started to fall apart. This was before we had the kids!!

DFS = Dreadful F***ing Settees IMHO!!

Of course, others may see things differently, but the general consensus so far would appear that I am in the majority ;)



Our Collection (including the ones that belong to the kids!)

`I have something to say. It`s better to burn out than to fade away.`

RE: DFS sofas - any opinions?

Aslan (Elite) posted this on Monday, 21st June 2004, 17:34

Offer them 50 quid for it and then part exchange it for a decent one. If Linda whats`ername advertises for them it`s got to be crap. Then again if you only want to sit on it say once a year maybe at christmas it may be a bargain.
D(on`t) F(rigging) S(it) on it!! ;)

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