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Forum ban

arthurlee (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 4th April 2004, 15:25

What is the point in banning someone on here for a week? Even if you ban someone completely they can quite easily set up another account!

RE: Forum ban

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 4th April 2004, 16:49

When we ban someone for a week, we make it quite clear that if they try to circumvent such a ban by logging in as a different user we will report them to the abuse section of their ISP - that`s what IP addresses on individual`s PCs are for :)


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: Forum ban

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 4th April 2004, 16:52

Who are we talking about exactly?

RE: Forum ban

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 4th April 2004, 17:03

The chap was commenting that should the mods ban someone, they could theoretically just set up another account and continue posting, then Clayts pointed out that even though their name may change, their IP stays the same, so they`re easily identified..

I ate what?

My Collection

RE: Forum ban

mistralcustom (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 4th April 2004, 17:45

Apart from the fact that it is easy to use a rolling encription on your IP address if you want to

RE: Forum ban

SittingPretty (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 4th April 2004, 18:47

their IP stays the same, so they`re easily identified..
Thought that was just on broadband. :/
My IP changes every time I sign off then on again.
Last one ended 181 or so, this one ends 168... it`s only the beginning 3 numbers that stay the same. :/

RE: Forum ban

Chris on Fire (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 4th April 2004, 18:54

Who are we talking about exactly?

It looks to me that Jay Windley guy or whatever his name is.


(pulp) n.
1. A soft shapeless mass of matter.
2. A book containing lurid subject matter, and being characteristically printed on rough, unfinished paper.

American Heritage Dictionary
New College Edition


RE: Forum ban

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 4th April 2004, 19:05

It looks to me that Jay Windley guy or whatever his name is.

tho he never actually came back ;)


general nobody @ chat@ retsgoeht[at]moc.liamtoh

RE: Forum ban

TinnionA (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 4th April 2004, 19:16

I post from several different computers... my dial-up at home(changes every time I redial), the university computers(I usually change computers so the IP address isn`t always the same) and other people`s broadband connections(IP addys usually change once a week or so on cable broadband).

It is not possible to police by IP address - its very rare someone will have the same IP address more than a week.

What`s to stop someone signing up with a yahoo account just to get on the forum... although anyone who wants to get on that badly probably deserves a chance.

Still, its totally theoretical as anyone who`s being that much of a bastard to get themselves banned probably wouldn`t care anyway. And in my case I don`t intend getting banned so the fact I post from several different places doesn`t matter.

RE: Forum ban

RWB (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 4th April 2004, 21:08

TinnionA has hit it on the head - it`s almost impossible.

And also Clayts, what are an ISP really going to do about someone causing trouble on one website? It`s not as if they will pull the plug on that person`s account, not unless hundreds of sites complain. Chances are the complaint will never actually get read by someone who could even attempt to do something about it...

My DVD Collection

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