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I hate football...

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th March 2004, 22:20

i have been a man utd season ticket for almost 20 years and have been playing since i was six and ive now come to a point where i just dont care anymore. football has been destroyed and frankly i im sick of it!
the icing on the cake was tonight. if there was everany injustice in sport this was it. porto are a discrace and should all be lined up and shot!!! ok maybe harsh but ive never been this upset over losing a football match. i dont mind losing fairly... then the referee should never (along with his counterpart two weeks ago) officiate a game again. surely in any other job youd be fired for such ineptitude?!
its not just professional football that p****s me off. at an ameteur level its terrible too. whether im coaching my under 17s side or playing myself the amount of abuse and stick you get from other players is sometime truly remarkable. maybe its a society thing but im just sick to the back teeth of it all

RE: I hate football...

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th March 2004, 22:43

Er..I have nevr understood football, Rugby, or any other sport. Welcome to the very tiny club.

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RE: I hate football...

sparkster (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th March 2004, 23:11

The referee did make a few mistakes but Man United did play poor (to be fair so did Porto!). You can`t just blame the referee, the players must take responsibility.

Man United arn`t as good as they used to be. They`re missing Ferdinand and Beckham, the players in the treble winning squad are getting old.

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RE: I hate football...

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 9th March 2004, 23:43

You do have reason to complain, but if United were good enough to win they wouldn`t have been holding onto a 1-0 lead all the game; they should have wrapped the game up before the 89th minute freekick. It could be worse, you could support Spurs like me. ;)

RE: I hate football...

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 9th March 2004, 23:48

I understand football, even the offside rule, yet I still find footie the most pointlessly enamoured sport on the planet.

It`s on a par with religion for instigating the most pointless arguements ever created. It`s got to the stage where a man can commit assault on another man without a word being spoken, the only motive being the football strip the victim was wearing at the time.

Yes, it`s a good sport, and jolly good fun to watch and participate in, but it`s no reason to thrust a pint glass in the neck of someone who supports a team you don`t.

I ate what?

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RE: I hate football...

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th March 2004, 23:51

We demolished Wimbledon 5-0, man utd lost, spurs lost. What a fantastic night :) :p
Great stuff. Matt Etherington is quality. Without a doubt the best english left winger at the moment. Are you watching Eriksson?????? He is still quite young and is consistent. A bargain from spurs. Great player. We have some good midfield and attacking players. Now all we need is some sort of defence. Any defence apart from our current one.

:p:p:p D-I-C-A-N-I-O :p:p:p

RE: I hate football...

Deadthings (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 10th March 2004, 00:21


I LOVE football. I HATE the Mancs. I`m glad you`re out. The Mancs always winge when they don`t get that dodgy OT penalty they never deserve. Y`see in the Prem, a Manc only needs to fall over to get a penalty at OT, but in Europe they`re still classed as nobodys, and don`t get ref`s being biased for them, so they go out nine times out of ten early and then their fans winge. Winge, winge, winge. Moan, moan, moan.

You got what you deserve, and this season, because of Fergie, you`ll win bugger all. :)

Ahhhh. woohahahaha!!!!

Gloat, gloat...


Mancs are out, mancs are out...


RE: I hate football...

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 10th March 2004, 00:27

double post

delete please domerators

This item was edited on Wednesday, 10th March 2004, 00:27

RE: I hate football...

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 10th March 2004, 00:27

Losing interest in football?

You`re not a glory hunter are you? ;)

Nah, we all get that way sometimes. You`ll get over it.

RE: I hate football...

Jason Bagnall (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 10th March 2004, 01:39

bigfan, those apples look so delicious right now. I`m serious. We want apples. We not got any though :(

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